Friday, March 7, 2014

If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face

like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.

Roald Dahl

**from my calender today.  Happy Friday!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Throwback Thursday.. Do you remember...

So, I was checking my email and one caught my eye

reading "Retrieve your Photos from MySpace."

This had me looking further, only to discover that it took me to MySpace, in which I had to retrieve my password since I haven't accessed the thought to be gone, site since 2011. 
After a few hoops of jumping, I logged on, only to discover my old profile with ALL my old photos, which brought me back down Memory Lane, since most of them were of days either BEFORE kids or right after the first one.

So this brought on a HUGE project- I had to retrieve them, I had to SAVE them to my PC, because my head was telling me that I have the originals backed up a million +1 times, my heart was telling me that if I didn't save them I would surly lose them forever!

Now, for my Throwback Thursday, I found this picture of the day my first kiddo was born. It was February, cold, but no snow was on the ground. I got up, as usual, got ready for work. I was bending down for a Pepsi out of the case next to the fridge (I know, lecture me later!) and...gush... I was like, hmm... OK. I don't remember thinking anything at this point. I wasn't scared or shocked or anything, I just made my way to the bathroom to pad up and decided that since it probably was going to be a while until this kid came out (horror stories of 30 hour births) - I should eat the warm pop tart that I had in the toaster. So, I did!

I finished a few minutes later and called my work peeps to let them know (or their voice-mails) that I was going to be headed to the hospital to have me a baby. Then, I made my way up stairs to wake up Hubby. 

He JUMPED up! He rushed me out the door, with Hospital bag in tow and off we went. He even had the nerve to reprimand me about eating, while I should have been waking him up. (We love this story today!)

Next came the check in, make sure your in labor stuff. They wheeled me in a wheel chair- which I thought was ridiculous because I was in NO physical pain, what-so-ever.  But, I was wheeled away, Hubby trying to keep up, to Maternity. Then came the monitors and all the fun stuff. 

Around 10:00 am, I still wasn't not have contractions so they started the Petocin. Shortly after, Epidural came and the only pain that I had was a sharp, shooting pain in my back that literally made me scream and caused panic in me because I thought that I was never going to walk again. (weird sensation and feelings!)
Me and 5 YO- 2009

But at 1:58 PM we welcomed a beautiful, 7lb 1 ounce baby girl into this world.  She was beautiful! She was a really good baby from the start, very quiet and content, like she knew right where she was. 
Hubby and 5 yo- 2009

I can not believe that day, which is still so FRESH in my mind, was 5 years ago.  It seems so unreal! 
Hubby- so proud- feeding 5 yo- 2009

What is your Memory of your First Baby and the Labor experience? 

Until next week.. (sorry, gotta run, Gray's is on!)


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