Sunday, July 11, 2021

Willpower... It's Time to Make it Work For You!

Uncover a special tried-and-true way to ensure that you're making forward progress on your projects and goals... and in the shortest amount of time possible. 

Make Your Willpower Work For You!

By: Kel Amstutz

We have been chatting about chunking, about timers, about blocking out distractions to get stuff done. It's great and all... but, I need to be truthful here. I have saved the absolute best for last!

Today, I am going to show you how to make forward progress quickly- and the secret... well, it actually lies within...


OK.... let me explain. Every morning you wake up and have a certain amount of willpower. I'll be honest... today I woke up with very little. But, in doing some research something stood out to me. Chris Bailey, who is at A Year of Productivity, says that your maximum willpower moment is first thing in the morning. 

To get the most out of your "peak willpower" state, you need to begin your day with your toughest task. And... unfortunately, getting out of bed is not what we mean here!

To elaborate further, this might be a task that is pretty challenging, and that is okay. Because study after study has shown that when you first wake up, your brain is it's sharpest, regardless of your caffeine intake. 

It might even be a task that you are just plain avoiding, but this boost of willpower first thing will help you push through the task and onto the next level.  These good-for-you-but-dreaded tasks are sometimes referred to as "frogs." 

I came across a book that I highly recommend reading, as I felt it has played a huge role in my own productivity. It's called Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, by Brian Tracy, who is a productivity expert in his own right.

But, with this being said, I should mention something else that you really need to know about these tasks and your brain...

Psychologists talk a lot about "positive feedback loops" and personal behavior. Basically, when you do something that makes you feel happy, more confident in yourself, it creates a positive sensation that you would like to experience again... and again.... So, you will work harder, longer hours, or just in a more focused way, all because you have that "positive rush." 

I mean, think about it, starting each day with a positive rush- that kind of feeling that says, "Yes, I'm a person who works on my goals and finishes things!" 

It would dramatically increase your productivity for the rest of the day. Plus, at the end of the week, you would look at how much you have tackled and it would show five of your biggest challenges or priorities and that would leave you feeling all kinds of good!

So, with one small shift- doing the toughest thing first things in the morning, when you are most capable of doing it- you can improve your output level, your mental state, and your likelihood of staying productive.

Give it a try! Rise and shine. Set a timer for 25 minutes- pick a "frog" from your to-do list. Work without stopping until that timer dings.

And... don't forget to share your results in the comments. 

  • What did you pick to work on, and how did it feel to make that forward progress on that task?  


I'm looking forward to hearing your answers. After all, it really is amazing how little things- just some small changes in task organization or work order- can make a huge impact on your productivity and long-term success.


Happy Writing!


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