Monday, March 24, 2014

Marriage Monday--"How do you have a Perfect Marriage?"

I was asked the craziest question:

"How do you have the Perfect Marriage?"

 As if there were such a thing as a "Perfect Marriage", I can't help but laugh as the question was presented to me. I wasn't sure how to even take it, so that I would not offend, of course. My goal is not to hurt this poor, diluted girl's feelings, after all.  

I mean I was once in her shoes, sitting on the outside, "playing house", waiting for that moment when I would get the ring, the commitment, the life. It always looked so happy from my shoes on the "other side", didn't it?

Now, I do not mean to say that my Marriage is not a Happy one, or a great one, but we are far from perfect

I mean, the Perfect does mean:
                           * Accurate
                           * Exact
                           * Without any Flaws
                           * Conforming to the ideal type

I think that Hubby and I can agree that we are none of the above.  We are silly, wacky, weird, funny, grumpy, uneven, unbalanced (at times) and just overall crazy! We say crazy things, we do crazy things and we live a crazy life. (Plus, I am dyslexic, true story)

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We are far from "Perfect" and that is OK.  I think that from the word perfect, comes the reality that although we are not perfect, we make our marriage work, for us. I have to say that because what works for us might not work for everyone. It is our own recipe and it has created a happy marriage between us both. There is a difference between the two words. Perfect is not Happy and Happy does not necessarily mean Perfect. 

I love that old saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I think that this can be applied to a variety of things in life, marriage included. My Hubby is my best friend. We look at our marriage as a partnership. There is not one person who makes all the decisions or calls the shots, instead we discuss, even the most mundane things.  For instance, last night I was taking my rattan basket that I used as a hamper back up to the bathroom from the laundry room and noticed that it was looking really bad and started to unravel. I found one that I have been "looking" at from Meijer for weeks now and it would match perfect but I didn't want to bring it home and surprise Hubby, so I have been holding off. Well, I brought it up and he laughed and said, "Get it, already!"  But I feel better, justifying why I spent what I will be spending and confirmation that it was indeed time for us to bring home a new hamper basket. 

Sounds silly, but it is these decisions that we make together that keep us communicating and joined as a team!

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The Facts 

(references I found online from others)

25 Secrets To A Lasting Marriage 

By Julie D. Andrews for

These real-life couples have been in the marriage trenches and they're still laughing, smiling and having a ball. Here, their secrets to making love last for the long haul.
  1. "We're best friends. You really have to like each other to last. When the sex becomes less important, you better enjoy doing things together (while still doing things apart). We drive for days to car shows sometimes. So we better like each other."
  2. Ralph has been married to Teresa for 17 years. 
  3. "A key to success was my willingness to give up the home decor I had brought into our relationship. This included my neon-light beer signs, a Jethro Tull poster, a bedroom set collected from at least four non-matching sources, a bamboo sofa, a brick-and-wood bookcase and a roll-top desk from my youth." Steve has been married to Barbara for 24 years (Irvine, CA).
  4. "We made a pact to never fight about money. Financial problems lead to divorce. We didn't want our relationship to deteriorate over something as inconsequential as money. We've been through financial ups and downs, including bouts of unemployment and significant credit-card debt. But we never cast blame and remain calm during financial discussions." Lisa and Brian will be celebrating 12 years in June.
  5. "Never discuss sensitive subjects when hungry or tired. And eat marshmallows to improve communication. What's the one thing you can't possibly do with a mouthful of marshmallows? Talk. Communication is more about listening than talking. I tell my wife, if something I say can be interpreted two ways and one of those ways makes you sad or angry, I meant the other one." Steven has been married to Sheryl for 20 years (Longwood, FL).
  6. "I once read in an old book on marriage, 'Always treat your husband as an honored guest in your home.' In other words, be on your best behavior. This has rubbed off on me and he reciprocates. It works! My own saying about marriage is, 'A good marriage is made up of a thousand small kindnesses.'" Trudy has been married to Paul for 35 years (Yuma, AZ).
  7. "We purposely sit next to each other on the couch each night. My father told me to be sure to do this when I got married. It makes it impossible not to physically touch each other!" Stephanie has been married for 18 years.
  8. "Always find things to laugh about. Laugh together. Times are tough. Tragedy happens in all families. Things will go wrong. But if you find ways to laugh about it, you'll form a special bond and can overcome anything!" Dawn has been married to Tony for 32 years (San Francisco, CA).
  9. "Couples should have separate bathrooms. It's not a luxury to have one place in the house that you don't share. Forty-five years of hearing your partner gurgle his way through the theme song to Bill Dance's fishing show is guaranteed to start you off in a bad mood. There's nothing romantic about watching your hubby dearest attack the hairs in his ears or yank out an offending nose hair. His scream is guaranteed to send chills down your spine and put off your hunger for that yummy meal he's cleaning up for." Connie has been married to Fred for 44 years (Bellevue, NE).
  10. "Remember: Women want to be loved and cherished. Men want to feel respected....even more than they want to feel loved. This may sound odd but it's true. Don't emasculate your man. Don't take your woman for granted. Life gets messy, boring and stressful. Your marriage will have seasons when it's stronger or when it feels anemic. Whatever you did in the early days that made you laugh together, make time to do those same things after 10, 20 or 30 years. Read to each other from a favorite funny book. Watch a favorite funny movie." Judy has been married to Jeff for 22 years.
  11. "Keep a date night. Since we married, we've maintained one night a month to go out as a couple. When our children were infants (under six months) we'd take them along, we didn't just sit in the house. It doesn't have to be just you two. Go with other adults or couples. This allows you to have adult conversation and keeps you from hashing over household problems. Unless you have a baby under six months, no children allowed. Don't discuss problems or major issues. The activity doesn't have to be expensive. Have a club room in your apartment building? Host a pot-luck for some friends. You won't have to worry about cleaning for company!" Paula has been married to Dan for 26 years (Athens, AL).
  12. "Each person should seek to do good for the other person, instead of fighting over 'what about me.' Then the experience is one where each person is giving and serving the other. A win-win solution." Dave has been married to Rose for 32 years (Roseville, CA).
  13. "Facing adversity together has keept us together. Concern for our children has also been a strong force. Once you have grandchildren, the family bond is greatly reinforced." Chuck has been married to Marilyn for 41 years (Richmond, VA).
  14. "Our main clue for newlyweds is to plan forward and to look back only to the good times. Everybody has their rough spots, but if everything is focused on past hard times, your marriage can become like an albatross. Remember and revel in your successes. Ignore the times when you failed. Don't look at problems to place blame, only to find solutions. Love is like a boomerang, throw it at your spouse and you'll find it coming right back at you." Don has been married to Estelle for 50 years in July (Sacramento, CA).
  15. "In the toughest times, couples need to remember why they got together in the first place. Put your relationship first. Be open and flexible to change. Adapt. These tidbits sound ordinary but we've seen so many relationships break up because one or both partners refused to do these 'common sense' things." Maria has been married to Mark for 24 years (Raleigh, NC).
  16. "Divorce is not an option –- not to be thought about, said aloud, considered as an answer to a problem. Almost all problems are short-term. Divorce is a long-term answer. And if money becomes an issue, get counseling immediately. It’s not the green stuff, it’s the values that generate issues and cause arguments." Charlene has been married to Rick for 18 years (Georgetown, IN).
  17. "We are both left-handed. That was one of my criteria in getting married. Our three children are unfortunately handicapped—right handed." David has been married to Dee Dee for 25 years (Memphis, TN).
  18. "Be passionate, supportive and accepting of what the other person is doing in their personal life. We knew it was important to still be individuals. We each had things we wanted to get done personally. We wanted our work goals not just supported but understood and facilitated. It hasn't always been easy. My husband put up with my two rounds of higher education and five startup companies. Today, I put him on a plane for a tour of duty in Iraq. I might not personally believe in sending troops overseas but I believe in him and know this is important to him." Julie has been married to Mark for 15 years (West Linn, Oregon).
  19. "Forget your old 'best' friends. You have a new best friend now. Make sure to have 'your time.'" Rick has been married to Jenn for 14 years (Arlington, MA).
  20. "What is most important for a long-term marriage is knowing yourself before you marry." Nancy has been married to Don for 16 years (Temecula, CA).
  21. "Dump friends, family and situations that have a negative effect on your life and marriage and expect your spouse to do the same. Keep your sex life interesting. Listen to each other's fantasies. Do not be afraid to dress and act sensual in the bedroom. And plan exciting vacations together." Beverly has been married to Pablo for 33 years (Lampasas, TX).
  22. "Mind your manners. Too often we show more respect to strangers than to those we love. Parents often expect manners from their kids but don't use them with each other. 'Please hand me that plate' is kinder, gentler than, 'Hand me that.' Would you, could you, please, sorry -- these are magic words. They're not just for dating." LaRita has been married to Kurt for 27 years (Indian Shores, FL).
  23. "We are about as different as a couple can get. But rather than be irritated by our differences, we revel in them. We find each other's foibles endlessly amusing, much like watching exotic animals in a zoo. Not a day goes by without my laughing so hard I cry at my husband's making fun of something I'm doing. We tease each other a lot. It's never mean-spirited. And we're both psychiatrists to boot!" Doreen has been married to Tim for 20 years (Boulder, CO).
  24. "We took a lot of trips without our children and both feel this has made all the difference in the world. We had friends who judged us for leaving our kids so often. They are now divorced." Becky has been married to Jay for 26 years (Twin Cities, MN).
  25. "Share a common dream. When couples have that, every bump in the road is on the way to somewhere that matters. Without the dream, every bump in the road is a mountain to climb over. Finding your dharma, or what your unique service is to the planet, creating a larger context of meaning in life, puts the little stuff in perspective and makes it easy to process." Lanny has been married to Christine for 23 years (Albuquerque, NM).
  26. "If you're in it for life, you're both going to do a lot of growing up and maturing over the years—you have to stay intimately in touch with each other's growth over all this time or you end up not knowing the person you're married to as he/she changes over the years." Ann has been married to Dean for 25 years (Slidell, LA).





Everyone can agree that Perfect is for the fairy tales. Happy is the key, especially if you are seeking a successful marriage. My Marriage is no different and although I corrected my new friend on the image of us being "Perfect", I did stress that we have had time...time to learn, time to teach and time to figure it out, and although we have had all this time, we are still far from figuring it all out, but we are handling this marriage as a team and figuring it all out together.

Happy Marriages to all!



Friday, March 21, 2014

Off the Radar..Companies here! (be back on Monday)

Ding, Dong. Company is coming. 

Now it is a race to make sure the house is cleaned up, the toys are neat, the toilet is white! Why do we feel like it's a time to get the floor so clean you could eat off of them when we are expecting company?

 I am having my moment, my Brother is in town from California, and I feel like I am staying up way to late, trying to make sure that all my I's are dotted and T's are crossed, as far as my housework goes. Why? I mean, I don't even have a kitchen floor...yet... so why does it matter if there are play-doh chunks under the art table in the said kitchen on the rock floor? Why does it matter that I have dust all over with half up drywall in every direction on floor #1? And don't get me started on the old, terrible, in need of a serious re-do, wood floors that are dull, grayish and covered in muddy paw prints? 

Well, I don't.  Not this time around. Which for me, is crazy! I suffer from O.C.D. - oh yea, I know what you are thinking, her poor Hubby! Hey, he has stories, I am sure of that, but guess what, so do I!

This girl right here was one that ran her vacuum every day! I don't mean that I just swept here and there, oh no, I had a pattern, a way that I had to vacuum the carpets, then I had to do the steps from top to bottom, and then there was the cool attachment just for my micro-fiber couch! And yes, I am that girl that had to have the carpet lines in carpet and couch...

What the heck has changed me? What is so different? Some think it is my house, it is an old farm house, after all. But, no, this started happening before our move. This started happening when I started having children. I had baby #1 and I was still pretty anal. I had to mop the floors daily, on top of vacuum because baby was crawling and what not and I could not deal with the fact that she might pick up a germ here and there and heaven forbid it be from my dirty floors.  No, I was still O.C.D. ridden with her, maybe even more so! 
Baby #2 started my transition. I wouldn't even say right away. I still was sucking every ounce of free time I could muster to run my sweeper. I don't think it was until  we found Gray's that I started to slack off. I began realizing that there were more important things than having a spic and span house to live in.  I had a full time job, full time kids, a full time Hubby and two houses that I was trying to manage. I just got lazy! I guess there is no other way to say it than that, right!

Then we moved.  We are muddy, we are dirt ridden and I don't care! There is nothing I can do about it.  If I were to obsess about the paw prints on the floor I would probably go crazy because we have a dirt and stone drive and it is inevitable!

So, I am told that my Little Brother is coming home from California. He hasn't been back since right after I had baby #2 and she will be 3 in April, so needless to say, its been a while. I know he wants to come over, see the new house, which is fine and dandy, but I cleaned on Thursday, my cleaning day- yes I said day, not days. I devote 1 solid day, 2-3 hours of that day, to running sweepers, dusting, mopping and cleaning bathrooms. No more time/days than that! (ok, unless I have shards of bone from the dog in the rugs, I will be defeated for that junk!)

Is this bad? 

Hubby doesn't think so! He is actually really liking the new me. I am less stressed, less moody and enjoying time and life a little more because I am not worrying about what everyone else will think of my house or the way we live. 

But, it is really great to see my Bro and my girls are fighting for his undivided attention. They are good girls. 

He is here until April 1st and I hope to get some time in with him. We have had our share of ups and downs in our relationship since he left and every time he comes back we have a great time catching up.

No wedges and no more cleaning, sorry Tony!

Happy Weekend All!

(*Pic from Airport tonight- when Brother's plane came into hanger.)



FABULOUS FRIDAY- with a little BACHLEOR Fun...

Today is Friday, the best day EVER! (in my opinion) and I happen to be having
a FABULOUS Friday, although it is moving a little slow for my taste,
but hey it is FRIDAY! (Did I mention it was Friday?)

Something is definitely going on with me lately. I don't know if the fact that yesterday was the first day of Spring or the air is starting to warm up, but I am getting some serious Spring Fever! I work up today and felt
refreshed! (This is ironic to me, because, I went to bed WAY to late last night and work up before 5 a.m.)  So, this refreshed feeling made me pull my hair in a Pony Tail (which I have my hair cut in January, just so I couldn't rock my P.T. anymore) and got dressed, looking in the mirror feeling Good.  I haven't felt so good lately, so this is having a huge impact on my Fabulous Friday feelings!

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What is making your day a Fabulous Friday? 

I can't pin point exactly why I am feeling so good, but I am glad to be getting over my tired, run down funk!  Then, I decided to check some Emails and found out that I did great on my project for Copy writing, WHOO HOO!

 My Next move of the day is to check out what's going on in the Bachelor world, naturally we should discuss Juan Pablo and Nikki, right (Bachelor update):

Juan Pablo & Nikki at a Wedding?

Bachelor's Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell Attend Weekend Wedding: PHOTO

Ok, so it wasn't their wedding, but they were at a wedding, together, sitting next to one another, kissing,  holding hands and all that mess.  Considering that Juan Pablo could not profess his love for Nikki on the Bachelor show, I would honestly hope that the alter was not where I would find these two kids.  But, they did attend a wedding together, canoodling with one another. Reports are saying that they kiss that they had during the ceremony looked staged, as Juan's eyes were open and he was gazing in another direction. Are we surprised people? 

But, he did post up a video of a song he made for Nikki, "Adventures in Loving You" and if you haven't seen the video on YouTube, you should definitely check it out because it is super cute and kind of makes my
heart mushy!

I really like Nikki, which I really didn't at first, but seeing her at the Finale, it was sad. She acted like a Puppet  and Juan was her puppet master. I hope/pray that he is not really that self absorbed in real
life. I hope that he is respectful of her and that they are having fun with one another, outside of the bedroom.
On a side note, Nikki really reminds me of my Brother's best friend, Teia. She is a very pretty, sweet, genuine girl! Maybe that is why I like Nikki.


Truth be told, I am a Facebook Follower of Juan Pablo and I have to say that to me, it seems fake. I hate saying that because I am a helpless romantic at heart and wish nothing but the best for those two. I would
love for it all to work, for him to idolize her and worship the ground she walks on..but I just don't feel it. But I do love the SONG! (panty dropper for sure!)

{Google image OK- Juan Pablo!}

In other X-Bachelor contestant news:

The Bachelor's Renee Oteri is Married!

Renee Oteri from Juan Pablo's Season of the Bachelor, Is Married!

Reports came out last month and Renee (I really liked her, she was very genuine) was engaged to Bracy Maynard. Renee and Bracy have known one another since they were 12.  Well, that was so LAST MONTH! They tied the knot- she is married, stating that she married her best friend of 22 years.  Reports said that she wore a long white lace gown (so Renee) and had pink blooms in her hand. It is said that they eloped.

A BIG Congratulations to them both. She deserves nothing but the best and lots of happiness.

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So, I guess that concludes my Fabulous Friday Bachelor news. My day is still going strong. I have a few more things to handle, then it is time for some rest and relaxation, with my kiddo's. We got our copy of Frozen on Wednesday and have watched it every day since. It is a big deal in our house. (I mean they are Anna and Isle after all!)

I am hoping that everyone out there has just as much of a fabulous day as me! (the sun is shining!)

Have a great weekend!

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Signing Off until Monday, 3/24/14 :)


Thursday, March 20, 2014

It's #TBT- Throwback Thursday.. What old 1980's TV Shows do you Remember?

Let's have some fun, are you ready? 

I love throwback Thursdays. It is like a walk down Memory Lane every week! This week I want to go back to the 80's. Yes, I know, some of you were not even born! But, I was. This is my year! And if that doesn't put an age with my face, I don't know what will... (I am still 21 at heart! And I know that no one believes that!)

What are some of your Favorite Shows back from the 1980's?

How about Alf?  I can remember everything about this show, right down to how the house was staged. It was one of those shows that, as a child, we never missed.  If you don't know who Alf is, Shame on You!!


ALF is an alien who follows a ham radio signal to Earth and crash-lands into the garage of the Tanners. The Tanners are a suburban middle-class family in the San Fernando Valley area of California. The family consists of social worker Willie (Max Wright), his wife Kate (Anne Schedeen), their teenage daughter Lynn (Andrea Elson), younger son Brian (Benji Gregory), and their cat Lucky.

Unsure what to do, the Tanners take ALF into their home and hide him from the Alien Task Force (a part of the U.S. military that specializes in aliens) and their nosy neighbors Trevor and Raquel Ochmonek (John LaMotta and Liz Sheridan), until he can repair his spacecraft. He generally hides in the kitchen. It is eventually revealed that ALF's home planet Melmac exploded because of a catastrophe involving a nuclear war. The alien was an orbit guard on his planet. In the Season One episode "Pennsylvania 6-5000", ALF tries to convince the President of the United States to stop the nuclear program, as ALF fears that Earth might suffer a fate similar to Melmac's, though miscalculating his words causes the President and National Security to call the FBI to arrest Willie. ALF was off the planet when it was destroyed because he was part of the Melmac Orbit Guard. ALF (a.k.a. Gordon Shumway) is homeless, but he is not the last survivor of his species. He becomes a permanent member of the family, although his culture shock, survivor guilt, general boredom, despair, and loneliness frequently cause difficulty for the Tanners. Despite the problems and inconveniences his presence brings into their lives, they grow to love him, though some episodes make it clear they are also afraid of how their lives would be turned upside down if word that he has been living with them gets out.

While most of the science fiction of ALF was played for comedic value, there were a few references to actual topics in space exploration; for example, ALF uses a radio signal as a beacon in the pilot episode. In the episode "Weird Science", ALF told Brian, who was building a model of the solar system for his science project, that there were two planets beyond Pluto called "Dave" and "Alvin" (as in David Seville and Alvin from the Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise), which gets Brian in trouble at school. However, after ALF makes a call to an astronomical organization and states that "Dave" is known by the organization, Willie comes to believe that "Dave" could have been the planetoid Chiron, or "Object Kowal", after its discoverer. ALF then shows Willie exactly where "Dave" is on an intergalactic map of the universe.

Each episode dealt with ALF learning about Earth and making new friends both within and outside of the Tanner family, including Willie's brother Neal (Jim J. Bullock), Kate's widowed mother Dorothy (Anne Meara) with whom ALF has a love-hate relationship, her boyfriend (and later husband) Whizzer (Paul Dooley), the Ochmoneks' nephew Jake (Josh Blake), a psychologist named Larry (Bill Daily), and a blind woman named Jody (Andrea Covell) who never figures out that ALF is not human (although she is aware through touch that he is short and hairy).

Changes occur within the Tanner household over the course of the series, including the birth of a new child, Eric (the reason for adding a baby in the series being that Anne Schedeen was pregnant at the time); ALF's move from his initial quarters in the laundry room to the attic, which he and Willie converted into an "apartment", and the death of Lucky the cat in Season Four's "Live and Let Die"; in this instance, ALF finds that despite his occasional attempts to catch Lucky with the intention of making the cat a meal, as cats are the equivalent of cattle on Melmac, he has come to love and respect the family pet too much to do anything untoward with Lucky's remains. When ALF acquires a new cat with the intent of eating it, he actually grows fond of it and allows it to be adopted by the family, although he admits to the Tanners he has become the worst kind of Melmackian, a "cat lover".

Growing Pains and Kirk Cameron... and Leonardo DiCaprio when he joined the cast. I loved, loved, loved this show and seriously, I cryed when it ended. I remember being an early teenager and watching re-runs all over again. Those were the days!

BACKGROUND on Growing Pains: (from

Growing Pains is an American television sitcom about an affluent family, residing in Huntington, Long Island, New York,[1] with a working mother and a stay-at-home psychiatrist father raising three children together, which aired on ABC from September 24, 1985, to April 25, 1992.

The show's premise is based on the fictional Seaver family, who reside at 15 Robin Hood Lane in Huntington, Long Island, New York,[2] Dr. Jason Seaver (Alan Thicke), a psychiatrist, works from home because his wife, Maggie (Joanna Kerns), has gone back to work as a reporter. Jason has to take care of the kids: troublemaker Mike (Kirk Cameron), honors student Carol (Tracey Gold), and rambunctious Ben (Jeremy Miller). A fourth child, Chrissy Seaver, was born in 1988. She was played in her infant stage by twins Kristen and Kelsey Dohring (who alternated in the role). Beginning in the fall of 1990, Chrissy's age was advanced to six years old, whereupon Ashley Johnson took over the role.

  • Alan Thicke as Dr. Jason Roland Seaver
  • Joanna Kerns as Margaret Katherine "Maggie" Seaver (she used her maiden name "Malone" when she got a TV reporter job, but was known as Maggie Seaver at home and her previous newspaper job)
  • Kirk Cameron as Michael Aaron "Mike" Seaver
  • Tracey Gold as Carol Anne Seaver (1985–1992) (Gold replaced Elizabeth Ward after the pilot.)
  • Jeremy Miller as Benjamin Hubert Horatio Humphrey "Ben" Seaver
  • Ashley Johnson as Christine Ellen "Chrissy" Seaver (1990–1992)
  • Leonardo DiCaprio as Luke Brower (1991–1992)[3]

The Wonder Years.. I loved this show too. Winnie Cooper was my idol.  I think that this was the pre-quell to my late 90's -early 2000 favorite show. (That 70's Show).

BACKGROUND on The Wonder Years: (from

The series depicts the social and family life of a boy in a typical American suburb from 1968 to 1973, covering his ages of 12 through 17. Each fictional year in the series takes place exactly twenty years before airing (1988 to 1993).

The show's plot centers on Kevin Arnold, son of Jack and Norma Arnold. Kevin's dad holds a management job at NORCOM, a defense contractor, while his mother is a homemaker. Kevin also has an older brother, Wayne, and an older sister, Karen. Two of Kevin's age peers and neighbors are prominently featured throughout the series: his best friend, Paul Pfeiffer, and his crush-turned-girlfriend Gwendolyn "Winnie" Cooper. Story lines are told through Kevin's reflections as an adult in his mid-30s, voiced by narrator Daniel Stern.

In the pilot episode, Winnie's older brother Brian, whom Kevin admires, is killed in action in Vietnam in 1968. Kevin meets Winnie in a nearby wooded area called Harpers Woods, and they end up sharing their first kiss. This unsaid relationship between Winnie and Kevin remains dormant for a long while, with Winnie starting to date a popular 8th grader named Kirk McCray, and Kevin briefly going steady with Becky Slater (played by Crystal McKellar—Danica's sister). After Kevin breaks up with Becky due to his feelings for Winnie, Becky becomes a recurring nuisance for Kevin. Winnie eventually dumps Kirk as well, and Kevin and Winnie share a second kiss at the start of the 1969 summer vacation. Around Valentine's Day 1970, Winnie temporarily dates Paul, who has broken up with his girlfriend Carla. Winnie and Kevin start dating each other soon after.

Just before the summer break, Winnie and her family move to a house four miles away. Although Winnie attends a new school, Lincoln Junior High, she and Kevin decide to remain together and maintain a successful long distance relationship. A beautiful new student named Madeline Adams joins Kevin's school and quickly catches Kevin's eye, but it is Winnie who breaks up with Kevin after meeting Roger, a typical jock-type at her new school. Neither relationship lasts long, but Winnie and Kevin don't reunite until she is injured in a car accident. After graduating from Junior High, Kevin and Winnie both go to McKinley High and Paul attends a prep school. Paul would later transfer to McKinley High and join Kevin and Winnie.
Earlier seasons of the show tended to focus on plots involving events within the Arnold household and Kevin's academic struggles, whereas later seasons focused much more on plots involving dating and Kevin's friends.

Kevin has several brief flings during the summer of 1971 and the 1971/72 academic year. After Kevin's grandfather gets his driver's license revoked, he sells his car to Kevin for a dollar. Paul transfers to McKinley High after his first semester at prep school when his father runs into financial troubles. Winnie and Kevin are reunited when they go on a double date to a school dance and find themselves more attracted to each other than their respective partners. Facing peer pressure in the episode "White Lies", Kevin implies to his friends that he has had sex with Winnie, but the spreading rumor causes Kevin and Winnie to break up for a few episodes. In late 1972, Kevin's older brother Wayne starts working at NORCOM, and dates his co-worker Bonnie, a divorcée with a son, but the relationship does not last. Kevin's dad quits NORCOM, and buys a furniture manufacturing business.

THE FINAL EPISODE (yes, this is how important this one was to me!)

In the finale double episode, Winnie decides to take a job for the summer of 1973 as a lifeguard at a resort. Kevin, anxious to experience a taste of adult life, plans a cross-country trip with his friends. Kevin's dad, Jack, vehemently objects to Kevin's plan and ultimately Kevin abandons his planned trip. Kevin returns to his job at his father's furniture factory and telephones Winnie, who by all accounts is distant and seems to be enjoying her time away from Kevin. Eventually, Kevin and his father fight and Kevin announces that he is leaving, reasoning that he needs to "find himself." Kevin hops in his car and heads to the resort where Winnie is working, hopeful that she can secure him a job and they can spend the rest of the summer together.[11][12]
Much to Kevin's chagrin, Winnie does not appear too pleased with Kevin's arrival and maintains her distance. Kevin is finally able to secure a job at the resort's restaurant and resides in the bus boys' dorm. Feeling confused and frustrated over Winnie's behavior, Kevin searches out other activities to occupy his time. Kevin decides to play poker with the resort's in-house band members. Kevin wins big (by bluffing while only holding a pair of 2s) and goes searching for Winnie, anxious to share the tale of his good fortune. When Kevin finds her, Winnie is engaged in a passionate kiss with a male lifeguard.

The next day, Kevin confronts Winnie about her actions, and they fight. The fallout with Winnie leads Kevin to play another round of poker with the band. This time Kevin ends up losing everything, including his car. Desperate, Kevin confronts Winnie and her new beau at the restaurant and ends up punching him in the face. Kevin then leaves the resort on foot.

On a desolate stretch of highway, Kevin decides to begin hitchhiking. He finally gets picked up by an elderly couple and much to his surprise he finds Winnie in the backseat. Winnie was fired over the fight Kevin instigated at the resort. Kevin and Winnie begin to argue and the elderly couple gets fed up and kicks them out of the car. A flash rain storm begins and Kevin and Winnie search for shelter. They find a barn and discuss how much things are changing and the prospects for the future. At first Winnie tells Kevin that she doesn't see them ending up together but quickly recants, telling Kevin "I don't want it to end." Kevin moves over to Winnie's side as she extends her blanket to Kevin and they share a passionate kiss. The adult Kevin narrates that night they made a promise to always be together and "it was a promise full of passion."

They soon find their way back to their hometown and arrive hand-in-hand to a Fourth of July parade. During this parade, the adult Kevin (Daniel Stern) describes the fate of the show's main characters: Kevin makes up with his father, graduates from high school in 1974 and leaves for college and later becomes a writer. Paul studies law at Harvard. Karen, Kevin's sister, gives birth to a son in September 1973. Kevin's mother becomes a businesswoman and corporate board chairwoman. Kevin's father dies in 1975, and Wayne takes over his father's furniture business. Winnie studies art history in Paris while Kevin stays in the United States. Winnie and Kevin end up writing to each other once a week for the next eight years. When Winnie returns to the United States in 1982, Kevin meets her at the airport with his wife and eight-month-old son.

The final sounds, voice-over narration, and dialogue of the episode and series is that of Kevin (voice of Daniel Stern), with children heard in the background:
Growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you're in diapers, the next day you're gone. But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul. I remember a place, a town, a house, like a lot of houses. A yard like a lot of other yards. On a street like a lot of other streets. And the thing is, after all these years, I still look back... with wonder.
A little boy (Stern's real life son) can be heard asking his dad to come out and play catch during a break in the final narration. Kevin's narrative responds, "I'll be right there" as the episode closes.
<<<<so sad..tear!>>>>

Saturday Morning Saved by the Bell.  I feel sad because my Girls will never know about Saved by the Bell. I loved waking up, having my bowl of ceral and sitting down in my pajamas, eating and watching my Saturday Morning TV shows!

BACKGROUND on Saved by the Bell: (from

Saved by the Bell is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from 1989 to 1993. The series was a retool of the Disney Channel series Good Morning, Miss Bliss. The show follows the exploits of a group of friends and their principal, and although the series primarily showcases light-hearted comedic situations, it occasionally touches on serious social issues, such as drug use, driving under the influence, homelessness, divorce, death, and environmental issues. This made Saved by the Bell a precursor to later shows (such as Beverly Hills, 90210, Dawson's Creek, and The O.C.) that introduce young audiences to critical moral dilemmas.

Saved by the Bell stars Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Dustin Diamond, Lark Voorhies, Dennis Haskins, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Elizabeth Berkley, and Mario Lopez.[1]

Saved by the Bell was named one of the "20 Best School Shows of All Time" by AOL TV.[2] The show's popularity spawned two spin-off series to follow: Saved by the Bell: The College Years (1993–94), a prime time series that follows several of the original characters to college, and Saved by the Bell: The New Class (1993–2000), a Saturday morning series that follows a new group of students at Bayside High School.[3] The series also spawned two TV movies and a short-lived comic book series.[citation needed] Saved by the Bell also aired in Australia on Channel Seven, and from 1990 until 2004 on Nickelodeon. Reruns have aired in local syndication and on MTV2 and E!

Moonlighting.. I know this one is weird for a young girl to watch, but my Mom would watch it all the time and I think this is where I got my obsession for Crime TV.  I went on to love CSI!

BACKGROUND on Moonlighting: (from

The series revolved around cases investigated by the Blue Moon Detective Agency and its two partners, Madelyn "Maddie" Hayes (Shepherd) and David Addison Jr. (Willis). The show, with a mix of mystery, sharp dialogue, and sexual tension between its two leads, introduced Bruce Willis to the world and brought Cybill Shepherd back into the spotlight after a nearly decade-long absence. The characters were introduced in a two-hour pilot episode that preceded the series proper.

The show's storyline begins with the reversal of fortune of Maddie Hayes, a former model who finds herself bankrupt after her accountant embezzles all of her liquid assets. She is left saddled with several failing businesses formerly maintained as tax write-offs, one of which is the City of Angels Detective Agency, helmed by the carefree David Addison. Between the pilot and the first one-hour episode, David persuades Maddie to keep the business and run it as a partnership. The agency is renamed Blue Moon Investigations because Maddie was most famous for being the spokesmodel for the (fictitious) Blue Moon Shampoo Company. In many episodes she was recognized as "the Blue Moon shampoo girl," if not by name.

In his audio commentary for the season-three DVD, creator Glenn Gordon Caron says that the inspiration for the series was a production of The Taming of the Shrew he saw in Central Park starring Meryl Streep and Raúl Juliá. The show would parody this Shakespeare play in the season-three episode Atomic Shakespeare.[7]

Of course the Bundy's! Crazy my Mom let us watch this, but a classic in my opinion!

BACKGROUND on Married... with Children: (from

The show follows the lives of Al Bundy, a once glorious high school football player turned hard-luck women's shoe salesman; his obnoxious wife, Peggy; their attractive, promiscuous, and dim daughter, Kelly; and their girl-crazy, wisecracking son, Bud (who will become the only Bundy to attend college). Their neighbors are the upwardly-mobile Steve Rhoades and his wife Marcy, who later gets remarried to Jefferson D'Arcy, a white-collar criminal who becomes her "trophy husband" and Al's sidekick. Most storylines involve Al's schemes being foiled by his own cartoonish dim wit and bad luck. His rivalry with and loathing for Marcy play a significant role in most episodes.

Of course there are a ton more that I am not even digging into!  I have come to the conclusion, we watched A LOT of TV back in the 80's. It is funny because we would watch the same things that our Parent's watched. Yes, Cheers, Facts of Life, and so many more!

 ooh, what about My two Dads?  Crazy to think that in today's day and age that is a reality! And the Dad's were not even "together"!

BACKGROUND on My Two Dads: (from

The show begins when Marcy Bradford (Emma Samms), the mother of twelve-year-old Nicole Bradford (Keanan), dies. The two men who had competed for the woman's affections before Nicole was born — Michael Taylor (Reiser), a successful financial advisor; and struggling artist Joey Harris (Evigan), former friends who hated one another because of their mutual interest in Marcy — are awarded joint custody of Nicole.

The mix-ups of two single men raising a teenage daughter provided the story each week. Judge Margaret W. Wilbur (Florence Stanley), a family court judge who awarded custody of Nicole to Michael and Joey, would frequently visit the new family and served as Nicole's mentor. This was because she had bought the building in which Joey lived and was now the live-in landlord. Michael had originally had his own condo uptown, but had been evicted from it, due to Joey's painting of the walls, and as such, moved into Joey's artist's loft.

Nicole's actual paternity was never revealed on the show. In the episode "Pop, the Question", Michael and Joey — after a falling out — had a DNA test run to determine which of them was Nicole's biological father. The test was conducted against Nicole's wishes, who destroyed the results before opening them since she was happier not knowing who the father was. Michael and Joey later resolve their differences and reconcile. Judge Wilbur looked at the results, but threw them away without revealing them to the audience.

The series came to an end (in the episode called "See You in September?") when Joey reconnected with a former girlfriend named Sarah and eventually moved to San Francisco to live with her and her daughter, Grace. He keeps in contact with Nicole, Michael and Judge Wilbur, all of whom remained in New York. Nicole made reference to her coming out to San Francisco and visiting him, then she ended her letter to Joey by saying that no matter what or where he was or who he was with, he would always be one of her two dads.


The series regularly featured Giovanni Ribisi and Chad Allen as two boys (Cory Kupkus and Zach Nichols, respectively) who competed for Nicole's affections just as her two dads had done for her mother's. Florence Stanley appeared as Judge Margaret Wilbur, who was responsible for assigning Nicole's custody, and who regularly looked over the family; she was also their landlady, being the resident owner of the apartment building where the family lived. Amy Hathaway played Nicole's worldly best friend, Shelby Haskell. The cast was rounded by former football player Dick Butkus, who managed the cafe in the building's first floor. The cafe (Klawicki's) was the second spot in the show where the plot usually revolved; the first being the family's apartment. In the third season, when Dick Butkus left the series, the diner was then run by cook Julian (Don Yesso), but there was no explanation as to what happened to Ed Klawicki. Ownership of the diner was explained to have been taken over by Judge Wilbur at this point, and it was renamed The Judge's Court Cafe.

I have great memories of my childhood and teenage years. I loved all the shows that I watched. They obviously left an impact in my life as I walk down Memory Lane.

What were some of your favorite shows or some that you remember so vividly. I can recall bits and pieces of the Wonder Years, like I lived them!!!

Happy ThrowBack Thursday everyone!
#TBT   #Lifeatgraygables


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wacky Wednesday... Random get you thinking!

It's Wacky Wednesday! Are you ready to get your mind thinking? 

I love Wednesdays, especially when it is almost 40 degrees out at five a.m. Its HUMP Day and we are ready to get over this one and move onto Friday. (Sad that I always am counting down to Friday!)
I love to have fun on Wednesdays with my Wacky Wednesday - Random day! This week I am introducing things that are Wacky that you probably never even thought about!
My first one is a question that my Kiddo's ask often!

1) Why doesn't McDonald's serve Hot Dogs? - have you ever really thought about that? My Kids LOVE hot dogs, we have really cut back in the past few months (Thank you God!) but they also love Rudy's Hot Dog- and since we now live so far away from Rudy's, the question still remains, "Why can't we get Hot Dogs at McDonalds, Mom?" in which I reply, I don't know, because they are not Rudy's! LOL

<<<Oh yea, I have you thinking, don't I? I am just getting started!  I have a whole list- ready, set go!>>>

2. When your are at a movie theater which arm rest is yours?- this is probably why I try to always sit in-between someone or on the isle. 
3. Why do doctors leave the room when you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.- I guess they want to give you privacy but the reality of the situation is that in the end they see it all anyways...
4. If you dug a hole through the center of the earth,and jumped in, would you stay at the center because of gravity?- Hmm. I am pondering it!
5. If a person dies and then springs back to life, do they get their money back for the coffin?- There are SO many of these freaky stories coming out lately and I want to know!
6. Do they bury people with their braces on?- such distrubing questions!
7. How far east can you go before you're heading west?
9. How does a Real Estate company sell its office without causing confusion?
10. Do dentists go to other dentists or do they just do it themselves? 
11. Why is it that everyone driving faster than you is considered an idiot and everyone driving slower than you is a moron?-  I am guilty of this!

12. Why does grape flavor smell the way it is when actual grapes don't taste or smell anything like it-  If they were artifically flavored they would be even Yummier!
13. What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup?-  Yes, I have noticed this- it is better ingredients?
14. Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?- I keep mine just in case- and have some from years and years ago! (and now I want Chinese Food..)

15. Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?- Right! If they were both square, sandwich making would be SO much easier!
16. If ghosts can walk through walls and glide down stairs, why don't they fall through the floor?
17. Why is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?- Try explaining Vanilla Ice Cream to your kiddo who wants to know why we have chocolate syrup and strawberry syrup but NO Vanilla syrup! (she thinks that ice cream is flavored by adding syrup! LOL)

Google Image

18. Why aren't drapes double sided so it looks nice on the inside and outside of your home?- Yes, this is how my Mind Works, don't judge me!
19. If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches? -  did the plan that?
20. Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.-Unless you could the little chocolate marbles they deposit everything... I want to tell my Kids that the Easter DUCK is coming to leave a basket.  I don't think it will go over well.
Google Image

21. Do you yawn in your sleep?
22. Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?
23. Do stuttering people stutter when they're thinking to themselves?
24. If you put a chameleon in a room full of mirrors, what color would it turn?
25. Why do we press the start button to turn off the computer?

Are your minds reeling right how? I have tons of crazy questions, thanks to having kids! Their little minds come up with the funniest stuff ever!
we love the Minions!
Happy Hump Day everyone!


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