Thursday, June 12, 2014

Get an hour’s results in just 25 minutes a day


Have you checked out Shaun T’s new 25-minute workouts? FOCUS T25® is the program. And from the
reviews and the results I’m seeing so far, it’s catching on fast.

The idea is that each workout is 25 minutes of pure intensity, 100% focus. No REST! That’s the thing.
Non-stop moves. Everything you need, nothing you don’t . . .

So even when you’re busy, you’ll always have time to get your workout in. That’s what I like about it.

The other great part about T25 is there’s always a modifier on screen. So you can go really hard or pull back as much as you want. It may be the most efficient, effective program I’ve seen.

Also, through me, I can get you a FREE workout DVD Core Speed.

Just stop by my website at and follow the FOCUS T25 banner.

Or contact me directly at, and I’ll walk you through it, and answer any questions you might have.

Making a difference, one pound at a time!


FOCUS T25® is about to help your business make every minute count! There are so many busy people out
there who want to work out in less time—but still get great results. Below is a sample email template you can
edit to your liking and use to spread the word of how FOCUS T25 can get you in the best shape of your life
working out just 25 minutes a day.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day #11- Keep PUSHING!

DAY #11

Day #11 - Keep Pushing, no matter how rainy, or gloomy the day is! (or cold!)
Our Challenge today is:
46 sit ups
56 crunches
37s plank
22 pushups
40 Jumping Jacks
36 High Knees
17 Squats
15 Lunges (per leg)

It is getting more challenging as each day progresses, but just keep at it. Keep your FOCUS on why you are doing this, what is driving you and push yourself to KEEP GOING!

I am on Day #2 of Focus T25 and it always amazes me how HARD day #1 is and how Day #2 seems manageable. (It is still intense, but I killed it!) T25 is also unique because Shaun T is pushing you while asking you the same questions I asked above. We are all challenged in one way or another in our life, why not be challenged by trying to change your life?

Keep pushing yourself and keep making healthy decisions in your food choices. The end results will be the proof of all our hard work!

Thanks everyone who is participating with me 


(see the tidbit about Shakeology and why it is a part of my healthy food choices)

Are you trying to get a Swimsuit B O D Y for the Summer?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, "UGH, Swimsuit season...."

The dreaded time of year where beaches, pools, swimming parks are filled with tons of Swimsuit ready people, not worrying about their body image, instead they are having F U N...

Well, that is where I come in!  I am here to be your new Coach. A mentor if we may, to help you achieve your dreams of getting into shape to find a healthier you and as a special B O N U S, you will get a free better body to put into that Swimsuit to join all those people who are living their lives and having F U N!

The programs I stand by WORK. That is the bottom line. You do the work and it will do the work on helping you achieve your goals. 

I won't lie, it is going to take a lot of determination, will power, want and work to get us to the finish line - but I am more than confident that YOU can do it!

Me completing T25 CARDIO!

Here is a little background into who I am.. Surprisingly enough, I am someone just like you.  I have two wonderful babies, 3 and 5, and honestly just got stuck in my role of Mom, Employee, Maid, Wife. I worked full time in a stuffy office, stuck to my chair for my shift.  I tried to pack *healthy lunches and snacks but I was so busy that I barely touched my lunch daily. Then I would go pick up my kids and be exhausted. I feel into a pattern and would literally come home each day and sit on the couch to fall asleep. The problem is, this was not a recharge- this was an Energy Zapper. Instead of waking refreshed, I would wake up groggy, moody and ready for BED.  

Something changed in my universe. I stepped on that awful thing we call a Bathroom Scale. EEK!  I did NOT like the number that was greeting me and I knew it was time to break free of my Office Chair and my Energy deficiency and find a way to be healthy, feel great and get more Energy!!

This is where Shakeology comes in and play a key role in my journey. I am hands down addicted to my Shakes. Not only do I feel better, have more energy but it is also kicking my crazy chocolate cravings in the butt!  It is an amazing formula and I can honestly say that I crave my Shakeology Shakes!

There are tons of flavors to choose from and the recipes are endless!  I am obsessed with Vanilla.  I find it easier to mix with just about anything and I am hooked on my PB cup recipe.  My Shakes taste just like a Reese Peanut Butter cup without all the calories. 

So, this is just the first step in my decisions to join Beachbody as your coach.  The other part that had me hooked were the programs!

I challenge you to stay up late just 1 night -or- get up early just 1 morning and find a commercial for Beachbody.  You would be so surprised to see how many you would find.  And if you watch the infomercial, you would know why I made the decision that I did.  The programs are REAL the workouts are REAL and the trainers are..Guess what... REAL.

What am I talking about?  I know you are wondering, right!  Have you ever heard of P90X?  And insane workout that might have almost killed at least 1 person you know!  It was a beast of a program and really worked in getting people of all shapes and sizes, fit.  The proof was in your friend.  The challenge was in their story and it was a huge seller.  Did you know that P90X is now on a 3rd DVD series?  That is how awesomely insane the workouts are!

This is just 1 example of MANY. I am currently Challenging myself with the Focus T25 DVD set.  Shaun T is kicking my butt and I fell better than I ever have in my life.  Determination is the name of my game. 

I also have the 21 day fix, that I am reading up on right now. The program looks like a keeper, even coming with portion control containers and really focusing on what you eat with a workout targeted to results. 

And my last little gem, that I am still waiting on, is the 10 minute Trainer set with Tony Horton (of P90X) and I am so excited about this program. Yes, I did watch the Infomercial on this workout program and that has me just a little more hyped up! (not going to lie)

This Workout Program targets all muscle groups for a full body workout in JUST 10 minutes! My copy should be here any day and I can not wait to get it started!

As you can see, I am very excited about Beachbody, it's products, the results and what it is doing for not only ME, but my family is benefiting also.  I have more energy, I am more active and I am sending off these wonderful endorphins that my Mood has increased as well! 

I encourage you to check out my website and see what all the hype is all about for yourself!  

I am a part of the product with my business and I am so energetic about it and excited for others to join my group, my circle and my life.  

Part of my programs offers a Fit group on Facebook, property named: Fit club with Kel, in which I help you through the entire process. You are never alone through this Journey.  When you order Shakeology or a Challenge Pack, you also get great benefits, like online support (from yours truly) on top of the Facebook groups.  If you are making the commitment to change your life, I am making the commitment to be on your sideline, cheering you on every step of the way.

Which brings up another channel.  Have YOU ever thought about COACHING?  I am looking for Motivating people who are ready to earn an extra income, inspire others and commit to the program themselves. It is 100% your business, to make as you will, but you will still receive my help, my support and my extra push along your Coaching Journey.

Please look into being a COACH as my website: I WANT TO BE A BEACHBODY COACH.  Click on the COACH link on the page and there is where you will find everything you need to sign up to be a Coach and reap the exciting benefits and rewards that come with being a part of Beachbody.

If you want more information, or just have questions, feel free to email me anytime.  If you are ready to start your Beachbody new life, visit my website to get started with Shakeology and/or a Challenge Pack today!

Let's do this!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Shakeology recipe

Day #10-- Are you a part of the CHALLENGE?

It's Day #10 everyone!

I have been getting some feedback about the challenge. All is good. I just keep on keeping on. Last night I did the challenge AND brought T25 back to my DVD player. Made it happen and boy does it hurt today- but no pain, no gain! Love T25! It is an awesome workout and keeps you moving - and besides, who doesn't have 25 minutes for a great workout? Shaun T keeps pushing you through it too! (BONUS!)

Excited to get my 10 minute trainer in the mail today..can't wait to get started with that and the awesome whole body workout that it provides.

If you are curious about these programs, visit my website for more info:

Ok- so today our challenge workout is:
42 sit ups
47 crunches
35s plank
21 pushups
36 Jumping Jacks
34 High Knees
15 Squats
13 Lunges (per leg)

It is definitely getting more intense! 42 sits up and 47 crunches. Just remember, you can do this! I am right here doing it too! (my elliptical holds my feet for me- glad it is still in use.. LOL!)

Feedback would be great also! I have been feeling like I am on my own here (even though I know I am not by some conversations).

We are into week #2 and doing great. Keep it up!
All this for only $205 with Shakeology -  Visit my website:

Insanity is on SALE right now for ONLY $119.85 (Shakeology is not included)
Get the 10 Minute Trainer for $79.90 (Shakeology is not included)  AND get started with me (My Program should be here TODAY!!)

Thanks Everyone- Keep on Gettin' FIT!


Monday, June 9, 2014

It's early but I am UP and MOVING! Excited for Day #9

It's Day #9 of our Fitness Challenge!!

Our Challenge for Today is:
40 sit ups
38 crunches
33s plank
20 pushups
32 Jumping Jacks
32 High Knees
12 Squats
12 Lunges (per leg)
Any feedback on intensity? How are we liking the adding cardio to the program?
I pushed my workout to 9:30 pm last night and felt great! I just keep on pushing. Week #2- I got this!
My Meal Plan is the same- had Oatmeal with 1/2 a banana for Breakfast, snuck in an 80 cal Greek Yogurt for snack, my Shakeology will come into play for Lunch (which is coming up) and then adding some all natural rice pudding that I slow cooked yesterday for my 150 cal snack. Dinner tonight will be ground/brown turkey taco salad with tomatoes and a nice, tall glass of H20. Then workout with my peanuts for snack before bed.
I am still working my way towards my goals. Hopefully everyone else is too!

I am a HUGE fan of Shakeology and would like to inform everyone what Shakeology is all about:
More than 70 different ingredients were chosen for Shakeology from around the world for their potency and their ability to deliver the nutrients your body needs. Here are the key nutrient groups that these ingredients deliver:*
• A variety of Protein and Essential Amino Acids to help build long, lean
muscles and reduce food cravings.
• A wide variety of Antioxidants to help counteract free radical damage
that can lead to degenerative diseases.
• Phytonutrients to help alkalize the body and promote detoxification to
restore health and vitality.
• Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Digestive Enzymes which aid in improving
digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption.
• Vitamins and Minerals your body needs to function at its best.
Bottom line: This is about giving your body the best nutrition possible and a daily commitment to improve your overall health.
What can it do for you?
Shakeology is an effective way to help you lose weight, increase your energy and be the healthiest you can possibly be. In an independent 90-day study, participants who replaced at least one meal per day experienced some amazing health benefits.
Shakeology can help you:
• Lose weight
• Reduce cravings
• Increase energy and stamina
• Promote healthy digestion and regularity
Proven results
As part of the recommended Shakeology program of replacing a meal with one shake per day, along with regular exercise and a balanced diet, participants experienced even more remarkable health improvements.
The study also showed that participants were able to:
• Reduce total cholesterol by 30% on average
• Reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by 38% on average
• Reduce cardiovascular risk ratio by 24% on average
• Reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals on average by 45%,
which can help decrease the risk for developing degenerative conditions
like heart disease, dementia, and arthritis
(In a 90-day study, participants replaced one meal per day with Shakeology, ate a balanced diet and exercised moderately three times per week. Total cholesterol was reduced on average by 30% and LDL cholesterol reduced on average by 38%.)
Why do people need Shakeology?
It’s hard to eat the recommended daily servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day, especially with today’s busy lifestyles. Convenience foods, like packaged or fast food, are so processed that important nutrients have been destroyed. Shakeology helps provide what you’ve been missing, delivering a wide variety of nutrients from whole food sources to meet your body’s needs. Plus, each highly nutritious, low-calorie serving helps to keep you full and satisfied between meals.
Reaching specific customers is easy when you target their particular needs and concerns. Here are suggestions for how Shakeology can help them achieve their goals.
Beachbody Customers: Lose weight by replacing one meal per day with a shake. Helps sustain energy needed to exercise, which helps lower total and LDL (“bad“) cholesterol.
Baby boomers: Helps reduce oxidative damage from free radicals that causes rapid aging in the body and leads to degenerative conditions like
heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia, and arthritis. Helps you have more energy to enjoy life.
Busy parents: A quick and convenient way to get complete nutrition. Supplies more energy to help keep up with kids and a hectic lifestyle.
Busy professionals and college students: Easier to make (and tastier) than a salad. A quick and convenient way to get complete nutrition on a full schedule. Excellent as a healthy snack when eating full meals is not possible.
Health-minded people: Save money by replacing many nutritional supplements with just one shake a day.
People who don’t like fruits and vegetables: An easy and tasty way to drink the nutrients equal to those in a bowl full of fruits and vegetables.
Shakeology simplifies nutrition and makes good “cents.”
Shakeology costs approximately $4 per serving ($120 per month) for
high-quality antioxidants, 23 vitamins and minerals, super green
phytonutrients, whey protein and essential amino acids, prebiotics and
digestive enzymes, good carbs, and low fats. Or you can purchase each
supplement separately, at a cost of about $250 per month.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day #8- Get Fit!!

Today starts a boosted up fitness program. Don't forget to update your calendar. Remember, it is 1 rep, we are building amount each week. Stick with it, make it happen!

Here is our challenge:
36 sit ups
29 crunches
30s plank
19 pushups
30 Jumping Jacks
30 High Knees
10 Squats
10 Lunges (per leg)

Make time and we got this! Continue to work on your meals. Start your day with a small 1 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal with 1 piece of whole wheat toast and a glass of non-concentrated orange juice. Follow up with a morning snack of 100 calories or less. Maybe a salad with some grilled chicken for lunch (Remember 3 tbsp of fat-free dressing- ONLY and hold the bacon bits and croutons.) Work some water into this meal. Then fit in another early afternoon snack of 150 calories or less. For your 3rd meal, if you are using Shakeology in your plan, perfect time to get your Shake on! If not, try a bowl of soup (no potatoes, no cream) with 1 piece of fruit or 1 serving of veggies. Try a 3rd snack of 100 calories or less. (this is my peanut break) and for a later meal try some chicken, fish or turkey (approx. 3 ounces or the size of a deck and a half of playing cards) with 2 servings of veggies and a beverage.
Please don't forget to hydrate yourself. This is a lot of food just portioned. I am terrible at getting 3 meals a day let alone 4 meals and 3 snacks- so this is my hurdle as well. We are all working together and I hope everyone is feeling as great as I am!!
Day #8- BRING IT!

"When you finish a great workout, you feel great about yourself!"


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