Sunday, April 12, 2015

Challenge Accepted- Day #4

I think that it is without question that I have accepted this writing challenge.  

How about you? 

Have you started to take the word of the day and apply it to thoughts in your own mind?

Well, if you haven't, why not start today?  

It is simple, really.  They say, to be a writer, a good one at least, you should write everyday. 

I am obsessive with my blog. I do write everyday, probably whether people want to hear it or not, but this is Life at Gray Gables to me. I write. I make notes, I write words, I draw silly pictures when I am bored or nimble. 

I encourage you to give this a try. To take this one word, this word of the day, and challenge yourself to write something around it. Anything that comes to mind. It doesn't even have to be reoccurring. You can write something one day and something different the next. 

So...Challenge Accepted? 

Our WORD of the DAY is: 

The footsteps came down the stairs, until faces, lots of faces appeared before my eyes. It was a shock to my system. Faces that I thought I would only see in my dreams, again. 

Standing before me, my Grandma appears, my Great Aunt and Uncle, my Uncle, my Brother and his partner, who had made their way from Columbus.  They all looked tired, older, ragged and beaten down. They were out of breath and did not offer words, but horrid looks of what they had been through. 

My Mom leaped into action, getting them each something warm to drink. My Dad started blowing up the extra air mattresses we had picked up, just in case. I grabbed the extra blankets I had stowed at the entrance to our descend further down. We got everyone settled, without a word. It was as if I was not even there. It was as if they had not really been there. They were nothing short of zombies. I had questions floating through my mind, questions that I wanted so badly to ask, knowing that I couldn't until they had time to rest, to process. I know that whatever was going on outside of these walls was beyond my knowledge. It might not have even been for me to know. My family was inside of these walls, safe. 

It was not long before we managed to get the newcomers settled. Johnie was distant. I already knew what was going through his mind, without him having to say a word. There was one person missing from here. One person who I was sure would be coming at any minute. I knew that I could not tell him. He wouldn't believe me even if I had. As if these thoughts were summoning Johnie's Dad, he leaped up as we all heard him yelling from the dark. It was minutes before, he too, joined our family reunion.  My Mom worked at getting him something to warm him up and settle his hunger. My Dad had the last bed ready for rest. Before I could even count to ten, the guests were settled within our safe walls. Safe for tonight, but who knows how much longer, or whom these walls were safe from. 


The girls played quietly as the sun was rising. The family who had just been brought in were still resting soundly as my Mom was urged to join.  Johnie and my Dad had gone above to see. None of us knew what to expect. Everyone who had just joined us were less than willing to talk about what was going on, and I was eager to find out. 

I kept myself busy by writing in my journal. I wanted to make sure that I was documenting as much as I could. I am writing why?  Why am I documenting?  I have no idea what to expect, what is happening or what will happen. I write my thoughts. I want to know. Trying the weather/news radio is an option. I am finding it hard to manage without my phone. It was dead, even with the charger plugged in to give it life. That was an eerry feeling, if I had ever felt one before.

A short time after my unsuccessful trial with the radio, our guests started to stir, rise and take to finding something to eat and some ease to the emptiness that was showing on their hallow faces. 

"Aunt Shy, will you talk?" I asked quietly. I was unsure if she would be willing, as she usually was to talk about anything, or if this was to fresh. If it was to horrid. 

"Let me get something in my system." was her rather curt rely. She was in a fowl mood, that was for sure. 

I backed away. Went to my girls. Went to their side, where my Kayla was playing her DS game system, which I will note, still worked, minus WI-Fi connections. This was not affecting her, or else she was hiding it well. That much I could be thankful for. 

Johnie and my Dad were still upstairs, staked out, I could imagine. I was not hearing any movement, nor had I heard the door open, which was a relief, since I had been listening for just that to happen. I wanted to go up. I wanted to see with my own eyes, past the triple pane window that was all I had. 

My Mom was talking to my brother. They were laughing and it was such a breathtaking sound to hear. I knew they were not talking about the trip here. I knew they were just talking about the breeze and it was a relief.  

"Kasey, you OK." Gary, Johnie's Dad said, as he was getting up.  If anyone was going to be real with me, it would be him. 

"Yea. I was just thinking about, maybe going upstairs."  I said, matter-of-factually. 

"I don't know why? I don't even like Johnie being up there right now." 

"Will you tell me? What is going on, what happened?" It seemed like such a simple question. A question that I should be asking, right?

"It ain't right. It ain't right."  was all he kept saying, over and over again. I knew that something bad was going on. 

I grabbed him an apple and tried to change the subject, the best that I could. I had not even realized that today was my youngest birthday. Kara didn't even seem to notice. Four is a big deal though and it was then that my heart saddened. What did this mean?  

I left Gary and went back to my journal. I knew that all the good that I could do for myself and everyone, was to write.  I should get an award for I wrote all damned day. I just could not stop. I wrote every question that came into my heard. I wrote every comment that was said by anyone within ear shot. I drew pictures of flowers and the clouds, things that I was not sure if I would ever see again. 

Fear was over taking my soul.  I wanted to tell my Kara girl that today she was four, that it was a celebration, only no one here was in any way, shape or form to celebrate. It was a beautiful moment in time that our baby was born and we had to be in a world that was full of the unknown. We were trapped within these walls. We were all we had. 


Tomorrow brings more hope...or so we hope for a better tomorrow.  


Saturday, April 11, 2015

It's a Challenge...A Writing Challenge... Day #3

Outside Fun @ Gray Gables- don't mind the shoes..we got minnows for the pond today and had to walk out in the MUD!

Making sun catchers!
Painting pottery!
Eek.  I's late. I should have been more prepared than to sit down and try to continue on with my challenge at dinner time. I am multi-tasking like no-one's business today.  I do apologize for my tardiness.  I really had every intention of completing this earlier in the day...but I am in Ohio...right... I know you are saying, what the heck does that mean...Well it is 60 degrees outside today and the sun is shining... laymen's terms...Its really nice out, we have spring fever, and spent our day in the outdoor world- technology was left off and inside.  SHOCKER!

My Girls Four-Wheeling!

So, without further ado...

Our word of the day- for day #3 is: 

I tossed and turned. Wishing, hoping and praying this was all just a bad dream. Something that we had planned for, for far to long, something that we could see potentially happening one day, but not really expecting it to. 

I woke up to the still air, the dark, damp smell surrounding me. The girls were still attached to me here and there, but, to my surprise, sound asleep. All I could hope was that they were sleeping restfully, as I surely was not. My Mom was awake. She was pacing in the stone and brick room below the dining room on the back of the house.  She had worry and panic written all over her pale face.  She looked older, the only light illuminating her was from a single bulb that hung from the ceiling and the trickle of sunlight that was able to shine through the one tiny window. My Dad was still asleep on the blow up mattress.  Johnie was sleeping on the third mattress. He looked to be getting rest, which is something I was not sure he would be capable of. 

I tried to entwine myself from the tangle of girls that I had surrounding me.  I carefully moved Kayla's left arm that was laying a crossed my chest and gently picked up Kara's head, which was heavily set against my right shoulder. They did not seem to mind the movement from the shift in weight on the air mattress as I arose. 

I went to my Mom. I did not say a thing, just simply went to her and hugged her like this was our last day on earth. The irony remains that it may just be.  She did not say a word, just wept, silently into my shirt. I had not broken yet. I knew what we had built. I knew what we still had, further down. I knew that Johnie and I had calculated a plan. Maybe what was going on outside these walls was not what we had thought, but we were prepared to disappear and have the illusion appear that we had gone off of the radar with the rest of the apocalyptic world. Maybe that was the hope that I was holding onto.  

I looked through the one remaining window that we had, where the outside was visible. The glass was covered with glass block and then covered with clear, thick plastic. It was a sure thing barrier against anything that was trying to get..or out for that matter.  It was a necessity that it was covered in this manner.  From what could be seen of the outside yard, the world looked as if it were empty. There was no movement anywhere. No beings were roaming around. The wind was even still, which caused a chill to carry through my bones as it was never still out there. The sky was a reddish, pink color, nothing like I had ever seen before in my waking life.  The sun was big, round and orange. So bright that it was more than blinding as it descended below the land in a most absolute amazing sunset. It was one that I will never forget, it will never leave my mind as long as I am able to keep it. I  watched the dark skies fall with my Mom at my side. I held her hand tight, as if to say that I did not know it, but I felt that it was going to be OK. We were going to be OK. Again, there is no truth to that, but it is what I honestly feel at this moment. 

Everything was to quiet. One window held the light and the dark.  When the dark set in, the single light bulb was all that was left. I feel that in this nightfall, I have never truly known the meaning of being scared of the dark. I don't think I have ever had this kind of darkness take a hold of my body. My Mom and I lite a few candles that I had kept above ground, and stayed with the rest of our family, together. We were all we had now. That was apparent after looking out of that window. The world was dead and we were all that we now had. 

We sat in the dark, without words, for hours, or so it seemed. My cell phone had gone black a few hours prior, when I had been trying to rest. Johnie had said that he thought it had something to do with the towers, but we still had the electricity burning with the single light. 

We tried to eat, as everyone awoke around the same hour. We still had the power for the makeshift microwave and burner. My girls were eager and adamant that they wanted mac n' cheese, with a please. Johnie and I knew it was our duty to make this an adventure for them, to shoo away the scary stuff and make this like a secret spy mission or a camping adventure. We had to put a spin on this to make them fear not. I think that this is when I started to break. What was the world now?  What was happening? I had to push these thought away, out of my mind to keep myself calm. I had to write them in my journal. I had to hang onto them in some form but push them from my unknown head. I had to keep my whit's. That is all I have left. 

We talked, the whole of us. We were in a conversation about some things that had happened a few days ago, when we were celebrating Easter Sunday. Some family things that had happened. We were all treading to carefully not to mention that those who were were speaking of were not with us. They might not even be one of earth at the present. It was an ill thought, but one that we were all sidestepping. 

Johnie jumped up first. My Dad followed. I was still chatting with my Mom, as the girls were on a piece of carpet playing with some Minnie characters. We stopped. Froze is a better term. 

"Did you hear that?" Johnie said to my Dad.

"Yea, let's go." 

They left. Headed upstairs. Mom and I listened to see what they had heard, that we obviously had not. My heart was jumping out of my chest. I was not sure what to expect, what they heard or where they were going. 

The next move they made was opening the front door. 

"What are they doing?" I demanded to myself. I was grabbing for my 9 mm, unsure of what to expect. Then, we heard voices. People. Voices that we knew. Voices that we loved. I had not noticed that I started to cry just by the sound of them. 

Then....footsteps were coming. The basement door opened and more footsteps. More footsteps than just Johnie and my Dad were coming down the stairs. My gun was aimed, safety off, ready to fire...if I had to....


Sorry if this is a bit choppy, the words were just flowing through my fingers. I want to keep this raw, or as raw as I can. This is a challenge, I want to just let it happen, as to not get writers block. 

Let me know how you are doing on the challenge with the words. 

Or let me know if I am doing OK, or if the topic is lame or boring too!  I am still learning and since I have never published anything, besides on my own...constructive criticism is encouraged!

If you have any ideas on how I can do this better or ideas on some words- please share!!


Friday, April 10, 2015

Are you ready to WRITE? ~Day -2-

It's Day #2

Are you ready?

This challenge is for those who love to write and may be a little stuck.  We are given a Word-of-the-day to help center our writing. 
Give it a try!  I promise you, inspiration will flow through your fingers before you realize it!

Day #2 Word of the Day:



I knew that I had to sleep at some point.  I tried to keep my girls busy.  It had been hours.  We had a make shift dinner. Johnie ran to the upstairs fridge, safely, to grab some hot dogs from the deli drawer.  My reasoning is, yes, we have a fully stocked fridge in the basement, as our backup.  We also have two underground. But, if we can reach the kitchen, depleate our regular stock, first. 

It had been a long day. Kayla and Kara had their best faces forward, which made me proud. The sky was growing dark, clouds thick and black rolling in from the west. The storms started shortly after midnight, well after I had managed to get the girls to shut their restless, bloodshot eyes. We had an air matress set up for them in the corner, safe from any windows, doors, or anything that could possibly be breached by anything from the outside world that was now a threat. 

"Kas, you holding up OK?" my husband spoke to me for the first time since the ordeal had begun. He sat next to me, held my hand.  Worry showed in his clear blue eyes. 

"Yea. I am trying to keep this as normal as possible for our babies." I said.

"You're doing a great job, baby. I am so proud of you." he said, not taking his eyes off of my own.  He remained silent, rubbing his finger along my hand that was still being held by his own. "I'm scared." 

I knew he was. I was too. This was more than I could have imaged. We had talked about something happening, requiring our family to hide out.  Just not this. The outside world was damaged.  The people outside of those walls were infected, possessed or no longer human. Their eyes held a blank stare. Their minds unclear and not of their own thoughts. It left me sitting in the silence thinking...wondering what the hell happened. How were these people like this and where were they coming from?  Why were they trying to get in? What were they seeking from indoors?  

"Tomorrow we will try to go outside, make it to the barn." Johnie's tone was still.  He was trying to hold his emotions back. 

I looked over to where my Mom and Dad were. They were sleeping soundly acrossed the basement on another blow up matress. We were doing shifts. Listening for anything that made it's way into the hosue so that we could head further down. 

"Johnie, sleep, please." I pleaded with him. 
"No. I am not tired yet. You need to rest. These girls need you." 

Life was already changing as we knew it. There was a distance that I could feel. It was not obvious, but it was there. It was like a papercut, not very deep but just on the surface and painful. I was feeling so alone. This was happening to all of us and I was feeling alone in a world that was no longer the one I had known. I wondered if he was feeling that same way?  I kissed him goodnight and crawled into the warmth and comfort of the covers next to my two sweet girls. I made sure that I was holding them both, as I knew that I could not, would not ever let go. 


I realize that this is stil Day 1, entering into Day 2 in a new world, but could you imagine being left to fend for yourself in a world that when you went to bed last night was normal, when you woke up that very morning, the world was normal and in a blink of an eye it could be so different.

Keep Writing!  You got this!

I would love to read your words- leave a comment!


Thursday, April 9, 2015

It's that TIME AGAIN!


Who is ready for a new Challenge?  

This is for those who LOVE to write, 

so get your creative juices running and let's get to it!

Day 1

Our word of the day is: 


It was happening so fast.  They knew. No one can say that they were not half prepared. But, could anyone be so prepared for something that they really did not know was going to happen, or how or when? 

The planning phase began two years ago. Kasey and Johnie knew this could happen, had been preparing for it to happen.  The thought that it could was real but when it did, it was so unreal that they both could not help but think that they were dreaming. 


It was a rainy Monday morning, the beginning of April.  Kasey and Johnie's oldest daughter, Kayla, was off of school for the week due to the Spring Break Holiday. Kasey was on vacation and kept Kara home as well. It was just another day.  The girls got up early, got ready and went downstairs to play.  Johnie worked seconds, so he was sleeping in the master bedroom. Everything was normal. 

Noon came and went. Lunch was served and cleaned up. The girls went back to playing on the first floor. It wasn't until half past one that Kayla came into the living room, adjacent to the play room, screaming. 

"Mom. Mom.  There are people. Mom, I'm scared." she said, while physically shaking. 

Kasey jumped up at the sound of her six year old daughters distress, looking outside the home with one too many windows. 

It was happening.

Kasey grabbed the girls, checked the doors and ran upstairs to wake Johnie.  He was standing at the window in the calming blue master bedroom, horror splashed a crossed his to pale face.  His blue eyes were affixed on the picture outside. 

"Get them downstairs.  To the basement Kas.  This is it." 

It was time.  They had prepared. They had prepared themselves for this, the girls were prepared for this, but in this moment, Kasey felt very unprepared. 



I feel numb. I am moving my legs as fast as I can. I hear people, see them outside my brightly lite house, my home is being invaded by people, or those that once were.  I hug my children as we make our way to the basement. We had been prepared. We bought this old house, this old, well built, farm house, provided upgrades, thicker glass in the windows, a double locking entryway, a solid frame to keep them out.  We were going to stay safe. 

Johnie was coming behind me. He had an AR in his hand.  The dog was following, scared as the rest of us.  I opened the basement door, piled my girls in and had the dog pushing past us into a new part of the home that prior to this he wanted no part of.

We were going to stay above for as long as we could. As long as the old house would hold us.  I was scared. It was to my core, I felt it.  My phone rang loudly, startling me more than I already was. 


It was my Mom. She was scared and outside. Their car was under the portico and the people were all around. I saw Johnie, told him they were outside and he was gone. 

We heard the shots ring out. We heard footsteps in the entryway above us. The girls were crying. I was crying. Before I had a chance to think, with my girls huddled safe in my lap, the dog a part of us I heard my Mom's voice. I saw my Dad's feet and felt my husbands presence.  They were safe. We were safe. 

"I have no words. I don't know what to say.  This is epic." was all Johnie would say. Disbelief spayed a crossed his face. The girls were now attached to him. Holding on to tight. 

"Do we go under?" he asked. 

"Let's stay above. Let's stay here but be ready to descend." my Dad offered. He was calm. All the years of him being a Firefighter had made him stone like. He could handle this, where most could not. We could not. We had to, but how was our question. 

What had gone wrong. I wrote as my first sentence in a notepad that I had kept in the bundle of above ground supplies. I had a few, now occupied by the innocent pictures drawn by my three and six year old babies. I could not stop there. I had to thank the heavens that my girls were with me. I had to thank the heavens that somehow my parents were on their way to our home. That was a miracle in its own, since they were not known to visit without a purpose.

"The doors are all locked. The windows are locked. The glass is thick. I think our house is secure." Johnie stated rather matter of factly. 

It was all we had.  A lock. A lock to keep us safe from whatever was happening in the world outside of our old walls. 


Of course the world is ending. Everyone who knows my mind knows that I would go there. This is a story that I much admit, has played out in my head for quite some time. It feels great to put it down somewhere. 

Tune back in tomorrow for the next edition!

What will our next word be?


Monday, March 23, 2015

Are you ready to Shop Smarter?

  • Are you concerned about your Health?
  • Are you interested in helping your Environment?
  • Want a pathway to Financial Freedom?
  • Are you worried about your Quality of Life?

If you want to partner with a Company that truly cares about you, your family, your goals and your financial dreams, I can help!

I have found something that literally fell into my lap at a time when I was down and out. I recently had gone from a full time salaried position with a remote company to the harsh reality of getting bumped to part time, twenty hours a week.  Imagine the shock that I felt, the impact that has left on my family of four. 
I started cutting costs, finding memberships to big box stores to help buy in bulk on products we use a lot to have on hand as our money situation started to dwindle.  That is when I found a Company that is unique and different by design. It has products that have improved my home, helped my children, lessen the financial burden on my spouse and allowed me to show people a product that I love and find the products that they love, all while making a profit to help our life.

Wouldn't you love to have peace of mind in your home?  How about starting with home cleaning products that are so safe that there are no safety caps?  Plus, these great products come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and are offered for the same cost that your local stores offer cheaper, none safe products that contain Bleach, Ammonia or Harsh Chemicals?

Food for Thought:

If every household in North America were to switch to these products instead of grocery store brands, in 10 years we would save almost 7 billion pounds of plastic. 

If this plastic were turned into laundry baskets they would circle the earth an astonishing 71 times!

This is just the beginning of these amazing products.  There are bath and body products, makeup and skin care products, pharmacy products as well as an amazing vitamin and wellness line.  The best part, the products are all natural, 100% guaranteed and shipped right to your front door! 

If you want to watch the presentation or just know what I am talking about and how to change your life, email me! I would love to show you how my personal life has changed and how you can change yours!

These are products that I use!  You all know that I had an especially rough winter this year with my girls.  We were sick the entire month of January and well into February.  We battled Pneumonia, Colds, Flu, Allergic Reactions and Sinus Infections within this short time frame, which is completely out of character for my family.  Since changing my cleaning products, and my laundry detergents I have seen a great improvement in both of my little ladies.  We have not been sick, the allergies, even seasonal allergies in my six year old, have been eliminated and Eczema in my youngest and myself have virtually cleared away before my eyes.  I believe.  I have seen first hand the results of these products and stand by them.  Let me show you the way!


to find out more!

Friday, March 13, 2015

8 Things your Tax Preparer WANTS you to know...

It's tax season and hopefully everyone is getting there paperwork in order and setting up your tax duties of filing. 

We work with a CPA, and this year I was enlightened to learn some new things from my Tax Professional, and get is stuff THEY WANT US TO KNOW!!

Here are 
8 things 
WE need to know:

The IRS allows extensions of up to six months, but they're meant for people who don't have all the information they need to file, not for those who don't have the money.  There are penalties and interest that will be collected for missing the payment deadline, even with an extension, that people do not even know.  To cover these extra costs, estimate your bill and make a payment. If you pay to much, you will get the difference back. Play it safe and get the money in the mail!

2) You're Probably Leaving out SOME Deductions.
It's not only the big ticket items that deserve your attention- smaller ones can add up too!  Have you donated to a charity? Do you have travel related to volunteering?  How about job-search expenses?  Maintain a record of everything- from printing your resumes at the copy shop to air travel for a job interview.  If your total miscellaneous expenses are more than 2% of your gross income, your search may be deductible- and this means even if you didn't get the job!  Other deductions to consider:  Membership fees for a weight-loss program if a doctor advised you to go; legal fees paid to secure alimony; moving expenses to relocate for a new job; classroom supplies (up to $250) if you are a teacher.

3) Small Business Deductions just got EASIER?
Until tax year 2013, you could not deduct your home-office space without cutting your expenses like your mortgage interest, property taxes, utilities and depreciation into account.  Now the IRS allows you to take simplified deductions of $5 per square foot for dedicated work-space for up to 300 square feet.  Let's say you netted more than $400 last year in babysitting, bookkeeping gigs or keeping an Etsy shop- you'll have to pay self-employment taxes on your earnings. 

4) There are some Great new Tax Apps.
Download Shoeboxed onto your Smartphone - snap a photo of your receipts (or you can mail them in) and the app captures and organizes your records electronically. Come April, you can easily export sorted receipts to popular tax programs. Once you filed, the IRS2GO app lets you check the status of your refund.

5) You may be able to Amend your Return.
This is the second year that same-sex married couples anywhere in the U.S. can reap the federal tax benefits of marriage.  Also, these couples can amend previous federal returns for 2011, 2012 and 2013.  This will most likely benefit couples with big income disparities- if one spouse is a stay-at-home parent or was unemployed during the recession. Note: Amending does NOT make you more likely to be audited and could score you a belated refund!

6) Double Check for Typos is KEY.
One of the most common mistakes is using the wrong Social Security number for dependents.  If you have kids, make sure those SSN's are correct, double check them because these are valuable deductions!  An error could delay or jeopardize the Child Tax Credit ($1,000 per child), the Child Dependent Care Credit (to to $2,100)  and the Earned Income Tax Credit (up to $6,143 with three or more qualifying children).  Take a minute to confirm these numbers BEFORE you file!

7) An IRS Installment Plan is smarter than Charging what you OWE.
For a onetime enrollment fee of $120 (or $52 if you set up for direct deposit), you can break your tax bill into payments spread out over 72 months, with a relatively modest interest rate of 3% annually.  Though paying with a credit card might be easier- and can earn you miles or points- the interest rates on most are much higher than that of the IRS. 

8) The Odds of BEING AUDITED are SLIM.
The truth is, 1 in 104 people are audited, based on 2013 statistics.  If you don't own a farm, rental real estate, or a small business, than your odds are 1 in 250. If you do have the bad luck of being audited, keep in mind that only 3 in 10 audits require a face-to-face meeting. Most audits are resolved by mail. 

I hope that this helps everyone during this tax season!  

Wishing many full returns to all! 


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Happy 30th Birthday--to my Little Brother... (personal) March 12, 2015

So, it's your 'Party and you'll cry if you want to'...and that's OK.  Cause, 'they say it's your birthday' so it's time to 'twist and shout'. 

Thirty! Look how far you have come! I am proud to be your Big Sister and proud of everything in your life that you have learned and accomplished.  

Your future is bright, just don't lose sight.  Things happen that will get you down, make your day and just be dull or boring

You're on the right track. You have been able to travel, to live, to be free and to find happiness and love

Don't lose sight of the little things that make life enjoyable.  Those things that often get overlooked are the ones that mean the most

We are so happy to have you "home" for this BIG Birthday!  I know that your heart will always be elsewhere, but it is still important to always know where this home is. 

I want to wish you a GIGANTIC, BIG Happy THIRTIETH Birthday!  I hope that this year brings you peace, happiness, and most of all lots of LOVE.  

I love you little brother!!!

Love, your sister,


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How To Make Your Blog Go Viral

Blogging, Lessons on working, Stay at Home Moms by: Kel Amstutz Last year, I posted a blog post that went viral . (much to MY surp...