Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday night with the KIDS... "Would you rather?"

Friday, January 29th, 2016

We made it to another FRIDAY...yea!  My oldest (Ms. Six) was cheering this morning when she awoke (in which she informed me that she did not sleep a wink last night) and boy was she ready to get this day over with! 

The school day came and went...everyone met back at home after four (4) and dinner was on the table by five (5). 

This prompted table talk, in which we started with a game of "Would you rather" first grade style!

Thank goodness for the internet...because this Mama pulled up some impromptu questions, (seriously, thank goodness!) and we were full of chit chat through our entire meal! (no TV needed!)

See the questions here:


I would like to give a SHOUT OUT to 
because that is where I found this handy...dandy sheet, which was awesome with my four (4) and six (6) year olds! 

It engaged great conversation, giggles, thoughts and belly laughs all around our table! 
I encourage you to give this a try with your kiddos and share your comments on the conversations they start!

Mom:         Would you rather take a bath in ice cubes (brrr) or tomato soup?

Ms. Six:      Hands down tomato soup and I would want a straw so I could eat too! (um, gross!)

Ms. Four:    I want ice cubes because I think it would be hot outside and that would cool me off. ( is only 33 degrees out...but she must mean during the summer?)


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Today I laughed...because I forgot to yesterday....

Have you ever just had one of those days where it seems like everything that can go wrong...does?

Yeah, well I am NO different!  

I had a late Saturday, with my which I said, I will have PLENTY of time tomorrow to bake an Eclair Cake for my Dad's birthday.


Of course.

Then, I wake up only to find that the jello pudding I placed on the counter in anticipation for my bake-off is in fact NOT Vanilla...but Cheesecake?


Why do I have cheesecake jello pudding anywhoo? 

This lead to an impromptu trip to the grocery store a mile jog down the road.

Sure, no biggie....except when you factor in the two kids who are rowdy, rambunctious and not into the whole "lets run to the grocery store real quick" bribe that this Mama had going for her.

Sure, right...sounds like a fantastic Sunday, Funday with Mom at the Grocery Store....

OK, no biggie. We get shoes on...scarfs...hats...coats..mittens and load into our semi-warm car for our jog up the road. The wind was blowing gusts that seriously made me shiver, wishing I could just stay inside, bundled up under my black and white leopard electric blanket (of course, turned up HIGH!).

Our trip included a few other items on top of our pudding...including two extra boxes of cake mix...OJ...and bread!

  • Sure, it was quick.
  • Sure, it was boring.

Sure, MY kids act up the entire time we are on our adventure...even smashing the BREAD because they were ringing up the items in the cart, which required Ms. Six to lean over the side...mind you, we were literally in the store twenty minutes TOPS!



Check out went smooth. The walk to the car, although COLD, went smooth. (Thankfully Ms. Four still enjoys riding in the front of the cart so it requires just a juggle of one loose child!)

  • We loaded. 
  • We drove home (I may or may not have had a stern talk with these girls who required extra micromanaging inside of the store!) parked and unloaded (still in the cold!). 

Sure, that should be the END of the excitement for one day, right.


Cake Bake Off begins shortly after our trip. 

2 boxes of white cake mix.

Well, I knew that it was all going to go arye shortly after the rise because the rise lifted my cake a good inch over the lip of my pan. #houstonwehaveaproblem

  • I will bake. 
  • I will smoosh.  
  • I will poke and fill with my vanilla pudding mix. 
  • I will refrigerate. 
  • I will have plenty of room to top with chocolate frosting. 


Me and my brilliant plans include  moving this giant cake to a larger pan #hindsight - in which the cake decided to split in two right in the damn middle.



Cake 1, Kel 0. 

It was a LOSS! (wish my cake had insurance)

By now, we have one (1) hour until we need (NEED) to leave for the PARTY. (I swear I did not wait to the last minute)

Panic was rising but I decided to take a deep breath, start new. (hence those extra cake boxes I picked up!) 

Twenty quick minutes later (and only 1 cake box) the cake was done. (and not huge!)

  • I poked, filled, refrigerated.  It was t-minus ten minutes, so it was Chocolate Frosting time.
  •  I frosted. 
  • I piped a terrible HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD on top- it looked sad

Ms. Six's remark summed it up, "I bet it tastes better than it looks Mom." #eek

So, despite the looks of the cake, it was awesome tasting...and I brought a trifle (Dump Cake) along from my broken monster cake that was equally delicious!

Yesterday I was sad. 

 I had failed. 


Today, I am laughing.

  • I survived. 
  • We all survived. 

Sure my cake got some laughs.

Sure there were some comments made about the looks of the whole mess.

But it was an adventure! 
(Ain't it always!)



What you need for the BOSTON CREAM POKE CAKE:

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Make your DREAM a Reality in 30 Days or Less!

  • Are you finding yourself dreaming more than doing? 
  • Are you trying to focus on that brick and mortar job that you make your way to everyday, wishing...praying...hoping for a change?
  • Do you often find yourself day dreaming about what it would be like to be your own boss?
  • How about pay off old college debt or credit cards?

Well, I have a great eBook that will help you find your dreams, stay on the path and make them your life!

This eBook features printable worksheets, a guide and just what you need to build your brand and turn that dream into reality!

Why wait?  

Make it happen!

#ibelieveinyou #dreamsdocometrue #thisisyourlife #workathome #beyourownboss #yougotthis #wahmlife

Friday, January 22, 2016

It's Winter....said the Chickens!

Winter finally started knocking on our Ohio town...and we managed to procrastinate on the whole winter chicken PREP

Winter care for chickens can be confusing to beginners and established chicken keepers alike. There are many different schools of thought on heat vs. no heat in the coop. We are on the fence but leaning toward the no heat camp, even though temperatures can drop to below zero here (sometimes!).

If you would like to know how we plan on keeping our flock warm, this winter, without heat... well read on my friend! 

Let's talk about chicken coops and heat. 

Do you need to heat your chicken coop? 

Well there is a short answer and a long answer.
  • The short answer is NO.   
  • The long answer has to do with the fact that chickens can and will live very comfortably in temps that drop below zero- and this includes without supplemental heat sources.

Chickens are not people. I know that you are thinking...DUH Kel, but sometimes this can lead to oversight.  People, you and me, we can NOT survive in a non-heated building outside in subzero weather...but your chickens can. 

Chickens will show no sign of distress in cold weather and will survive just fine in the cold, up to -10 degrees Fahrenheit (and truth be told that some chickens can do just find when temps drop lower than that).

Plus, your chickens have a cozy coop where they can stay when it gets to cold outdoors for them. 

Some interesting information, if you think that using a heat lamp is the answer to your guilt...well first and foremost (and the number 1 reason why NOT to use a Heat Lamp) is that they cause coop fires, many reported cases, in which your entire flock will parish, not to mention the spread to neighboring houses and/or outbuildings. (Yes, I am a firefighters daughter!)

It is difficult to secure a heat lamp in order for it to not fall down. Then factor in a flying chicken knocking down the lamp or debris flying into the lamp, all of which are fire hazards.

Another important note to make is that if you use a Heat Lamp and let's say the bulb goes out or you have a power will lose your flock due to the sudden temperature change.

Chickens who are used to a warm coop in the winter need time to accommodate a sudden temperature drop.  

The worst part is that you will remain completely unaware of any issue because the onset will not show until it is already to late to save your chicken(s).

If you feel strongly that your coop needs to be heated, please avoid a heat lamp and look at a flat panel heater, installed by a professional to ensure safety for your Chickens. (But heat is not necessary!)

So, HOW do Chickens survive winter?

Valid question. Part of this process is understanding your birds, knowing what works and what doesn't and helping your flock flourish!

I spoke about not having to use a heater or heat source to remain comfortable during the cold winter months, but it is fair to wonder the physics and makeup of a chicken as to why it is not needed.

Chickens Fluff. 

I know you have seen them do this probably a hundred times. We call this being a "Top Dawg Chicken" in our family. (Mind you, we are two adults and two kids under the age of 7!)

When the chickens fluff up their feathers they create an air pocket between their feathers and their skin. This is where warm air radiates from the chicken's body and keeps them comfortable even on the coldest of nights.

Chickens also cluster together, usually on a roost, to cuddle in order to keep one another warm. Sleeping on the roost keeps the chickens off of the cold floor.

If you are still not a believer, a suggestion came to me that if you venture to your coop one cold night and put your hand under the chickens wing, or between their feathers, next to the will feel your chickens warmth and have that peace of mind (or Ah Ha moment!).

Next, let's talk drafts! 

The subject of drafts is a pretty serious one.

Drafts can cause your toasty, warm chicken to become frigid and cold...very quick!  If air is blowing on your chickens, this disrupts the warm pocket of air that your chickens have created when fluffing their feathers and will cause them to catch a chill.

You want to eliminate drafts within your coop...but you do NOT want to seal off all air completely due to ventilation.

Confusing, right!

Eliminate drafts by closing the chickens entrance to the coop at night and on very cold days.  You will also want to insulate any windows you have in your coop using caulk and/or a barrier block. This material can be cardboard, wood or plastic.

A good way to differentiate between a draft and ventilation is to know that a draft is a wind or breeze that is blowing on your chickens.

A small, light draft is enough to disrupt feathers and cause a chill. When you leave a door open in the coop, it is like you put a fan on your flock for the night.

Ventilation is all about air circulation throughout the coop. 

We want to prevent drafts but we still need to make sure that air is circulating in and out of our coop so that our chickens can remain in good health.

So, HOW do you VENTILATE your COOP? 

We need to make sure our coop is well insulated and closed enough to keep out drafts but allow air to still be able to come in and leave the coop.

This is mandatory in order for dust,  CO2, moisture and ammonia to escape and bring in fresh air for the birds to breath. The best way that we have found to block a draft, but allow for proper ventilation is to cut some small windows where the walls meet the ceiling.

The windows only need to be about 1-2 inches tall but however wide that you want.  They can be cut between the studs and secured  with hardware cloth.  This is important because small animals can squeeze through small spaces and the chicken wire and/or screening will not be able to keep these predators out.

The overhang from the roof outside the windows will prevent winds from blowing in, but the open windows will allow polluted air to get out and fresh air to get in.

Frostbite and chickens, what you need to know. 

We hear about frostbite and immediately panic. Natural human reaction, and one that I won't discourage you from having.

Frostbite is caused when cold combines with moisture.

If your coop is just cold then frostbite will not form.  But, moisture builds within the coop from chickens breathing, pooping or just water spills, if you allow water in your coop.  Moisture is inevitable.  But, if your coop is airtight, this moisture has no place to escape to and combine this moisture with a sudden onset of you have a perfect environment for FROSTBITE.

Chickens who have large combs are most likely to get frostbite than all others. 

To prevent frostbite in large comb birds, you can apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly on the comb to protect this from the cold. 

And because you all know that I am an avid reader and book promoter, I wanted to share some great reading that has helped me in my chicken research and is sure to help you on your own journey!

(click on the book to be directed to the link!)


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