Friday, December 6, 2013

Its ALL about An American Girl.. named Ruthie?

Oh, the time has come for our family to be introduced to Ruthie, an American Girl Doll and Kit's BFF.  Hubby is not thrilled, but Mom is Super Excited!  Ms 4 YO picked Ruthie in her catalog and it was a HUGE decision for me to try to incorporate this gift in our Christmas.  The plus is that we started a tradition with our kids in which they get a few gifts from Mom and Dad.  Well, 4 YO is getting AG and 2 YO is getting a Barbie Jeep Power Wheels car (only because 4 YO has a power wheel 4 wheeler and a power wheel dune car thing and 2 YO cant reach the pedals on either). 

I fully intended to get the doll- but, due to it being Cyber Monday, I ended up getting the doll, some clothes, a braid headband and a bed for this dang blasted doll.

So, I went through this process of debating whether to get the girl at Christmas or for 4 YO's bday, which is in February.  My idea was to take her to AG for her 5th birthday.  The store in Ohio is about a hour and a half away and they have an Afternoon Tea that she would die at a chance to attend!

After some talks with the elders of the family, it was a go.  One of my cousins recommended I call soon because they book up FAST!  So, today was the day.  I sat at my desk in my blue cube, taking notes from the website to make my BIG call!

The line rang and a voice comes over, super nice, walking me through the process.  I was interested in learning more about the Birthday Package vs. the Tea.  Well, the Tea was right for my 4 yo- BUT, of course, it is only available for 4!!  Well, there is 4 YO, 2 YO, Me, Mom and Grandma- um, that's 5 YO!

So, I booked it for her BIG day- but has some talking to do with the elders.

We were interested in the Birthday Party but that would mean the Men would have to come.  I talked it over with Hubby and was not so nicely greeted with a HELL NO, I am not going to a doll store to have an expensive party for a girl and her doll.  Way to take on for the team Daddy-o.

Oh, well.  We are going to try to find another way! I think that this is going to be the best, most memorable 5th Birthday that I can give her.

I just can't wait to get the dang doll!  She should be here any day.  Ruthie is super cute with her long brown hair and gray eyes, much like my Ms. 4 YO.

I am SO Excited!

American Girl Ruthie - American Girl

Christmas pictures on display 2013

These are just the ones I put on my desk. More to come later!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The great DEBATE- Pepsi -or- Coke?

Pepsi vs. Coke

I can't help but laugh at this, because this is SO me!  I HAVE to have Pepsi.  Coke just is NOT Pepsi- hands down.  I grew up drinking Pepsi- I don't really know if my Parents made the conscience decision based on taste or branding- but it was always the BLUE can in my house growing up.

Hubby grew up on Coke.  To this day, my FIL will ONLY drink COKE!  This is crazy because during the 12 years that Hubby and I have been together, he drinks PEPSI.  YES - the proof is in the pudding- people!

To me, its TASTE.  I think the Coke tastes Flat.  I like my bubbles!!  I am what I like to call a "Hard Core" Pepsi -aholic.  I don't drink alcohol.  Actually, true story here... I turned 21 - and I came, I saw, I tried, I picked an ice cold Pepsi to a Cranberry Vodka- and yes, this is me being absolutely SERIOUS!

I drank Pepsi all through my 1st Pregnancy- OMG- call the Pop Preggo Police on my butt!  She came out perfectly healthy people.  I actually cut back when I found out I was pregnant with #2- and by the end of my pregnancy I had cut it out completely.  Again, another healthy girl.  

I actually only drank 1 can there after I had #2- slowly switching out of Pepsi to Diet Mountain Dew- um, MISTAKE!  I had ZERO cavities and when I went to the Dentist this year (after a year of Dt Dew) I have 12- WTF!  Now, after hundreds of unnecessary dollars (Thank you Diet Dew) I am back on my Pepsi kick.  I will take the 150 calories - never had cavities before this crap and yes I am an OCD person who HAS to brush, gargle twice a day. 

So, that being said, I crave my Pepsi.  I love my Pepsi.  I wish I didn't drink Pop at all- but I do and for me it HAS TO BE A PEPSI!!!

Kind of curious how Coke and Pepsi weight in to others.. .One of those questions that I don't NEED to know but am just curious.

Pepsi RULES!

Coke vs. Pepsi: The Story Behind the Never-ending 'Cola Wars'

Gearing up for Baby will be 5 in February- EEK!


As the realization starts to hit me that my Big Girl will be 5 in TWO SHORT MONTHS- I have to re access where we are at in her learning in order for her to be prepared for her school days.

She is currently in Pre-K and frankly, she is bored out of her mind.  She is only attending two days a week and basically we are paying for socialization at this point.  It is good for her to have "friends" but has left me feeling pretty guilty for NOT testing her for Kindergarten this school year.

She is smart as a whip- although I am kind of bias because she is my kiddo!  She pays attention (OK, sometimes) and comprehends.  This past year we lost our two pets, a few months apart, and its so hard to explain and understand being an adult.  This kid is asking me all sorts of questions about heaven and death and what happens to our body when we die and our souls- what 4 year old knows about a soul?

Since she has been born, we have joked that she has been 'here' before.  Most days I truly believe this!

So, gearing up for Kindergarten time - here is the list (and a SPECIAL Thank You to who I am sharing this from!)

Personal and Social Development

Approach to learning
  • Shows eagerness and curiosity as a learner
  • Persists in task and seeks help when encountering a problem
  • Is generally pleasant and cooperative
  • Follows rules and routines
  • Manages transitions (going from one activity to the next)
  • Demonstrates normal activity level

Interactions with Others
  • Interacts easily with one or more children
  • Interacts easily with familiar adults
  • Participates in group activities
  • Plays well with others
  • Takes turns and shares
  • Cleans up after play
Conflict Resolution
  • Seeks adult help when needed to resolve conflicts
  • Uses words to resolve conflicts
Language and Literacy
  • Listens with understanding to directions and conversations
  • Follows one-step directions
  • Follows two-step directions
  • Speaks clearly enough to be understood without contextual clues
  • Relates experiences with some understanding of sequences of events
Literature and Reading
  • Listens with interest to stories read aloud
  • Shows interest in reading-related activities
  • Retells information from a story
  • Sequences three pictures to tell a logical story
  • Uses pictures to communicate ideas
  • Uses scribbles, shapes, and letter-like symbols to write words or ideas
Alphabet Knowledge
  • Recites/sings alphabet
  • Matches upper-case letters
  • Matches lower-case letters
  • Identifies upper-case letters
  • Identifies lower-case letters
Mathematical Thinking
Patterns and Relationships
  • Sorts by color, shape, and size
  • Orders or separates several objects on the basis of one attribute
  • Recognizes simple patterns and duplicates them

Number concept and operations

  • Counts to 20
  • Counts objects with meaning to 10
  • Matches numerals
  • Identifies by naming, numerals 0-10

Geometry and spatial relations

  • Identifies 4 shapes- circle, square, rectangle, triangle
  • Demonstrates concepts of positional/directional concepts (up/down, over/under, in/out, behind/in front of, beside/between, top/bottom, inside/outside, above/below, high/low, right/left, off/on, first/last, far/near, go/stop).


  • Shows understanding of and uses comparative words (big/little, large/small, short/long, tall/short, slow/fast, few/many, empty/full, less/more.
Physical Development
Gross-Motor Skills
  • Pedals and steers a tricycle
  • Jumps in place, landing on two feet
  • Jumps consecutively- 7 jumps
  • Balances on one foot for 5 seconds
  • Hops on one foot 2-3 hops
  • Hops on one foot- 6 ft.
  • Throws a ball with direction- 5 ft.
  • Catches a thrown ball with arms and body
  • Climbs a playground ladder
  • Skips smoothly for 20 feet

Fine-Motor Skills
  • Stacks 10, one-inch blocks
  • Strings 4 1/2″ beads in two minutes
  • Completes a seven piece interlocking puzzle
  • Makes a pancake, snake, and ball from play dough
  • Grasps pencil correctly
  • Copies:  vertical line, horizontal line, circle, cross, square, V, triangle
  • Copies first name
  • Prints first name without a model
  • Grasps scissors correctly
  • Cuts within 1/4″ of a 6″ straight line on construction paper
  • Cuts out a 3″ square on construction paper
  • Cuts out a 3″ triangle on construction paper
  • Cuts out a 3″ circle on construction paper
  • Uses a glue stick appropriately
  • Uses appropriate amount of glue for tasks

The Arts
Creative Arts
  • Identifies 10 colors:  red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, black, white, brown, pink
  • Uses a variety of art materials for tactile experience and exploration

  • Participates in group music experiences
  • Participates in creative movement/dance
Creative Dramatics
  • Makes believe with objects
  • Takes on pretend roles and situations

The good news is, as of this day- we are right on target!  Go Girl!

Now my nerves for the big day and all my anxiousness because working full time I am going to miss it!  It already sucks that i am missing SO much of Pre-K.  Hopefully these little ladies know that everything we do is for them!

Bring on Kindergarten, she is READY!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Walking dead, I have to wait till..when.

Such a good episode. I'm still riding high from it. I hate that now I have to wait till February. Ugh. It's so far away.  Let the countdown begin. ..

RIP Paul Walker

I am still so sad about the death of Paul Walker. As a HUGE fast & furious fan, I will never forget you Brian. It's so sad and seeing these videos of the car engulfed is heartbreaking and so very tragic.
My heart goes out to his family, especially his wife and daughter.  

May we never forget you as a person or your talents. RIP

Christmas spirit Gray Gables style ~2013♡

Well, I have been MIA for the weekend. Had a great Turkey day.  Went to the lights before Christmas on Friday with the Family, had dinner and shopping on Saturday, and decorating today!!
I have 1 more kiddo gift to get and I'm done!!
We are going to decorate our outside pine with the boom lift and decorating is done! 
Life is good and I'm super happy with how pretty the house turned out, even while still under construction.

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