Friday, October 9, 2015

Step-By-Step Pinterest Marketing Plan

Social Media in today's day and age is vital to making it...but it sure has it's challenges! 

I mean, who has the time to do everything that is involved with blasting your content on all the different channels that are social media?  

For some, they think that pinning, pinning and pinning on Pinterest will be enough to achieve goals with marketing...unfortunately, if you are lacking a plan, which includes MORE than just pinning will result in a waste of time and you won't achieve the results you were hoping for. 

But, after some careful research, and putting this research into action with my own marketing principles, we have a pretty solid: 

Step-by-Step guide 

to making the most out of your Social Media efforts that you can apply throughout the rest of the year and into the next. 

I think that it is important to find your goals, so here are a series of questions to ask yourself:

1. What is your social media goal?  What are you trying to accomplish? What are you trying to let people know? 
  • Is it brand awareness?
  • Getting traffic to your site?
  • Finding new customers?
  • Having your existing customers help with reviews of the product and your business?
  • Meeting your customers, getting to know your customers and taking their feedback into consideration?

2. Next, ask yourself who your trying to reach out to, or market to?
  • What type of customer are you looking for? 
  • Who do you want to reach through social media?
  • Are you clear on your approach when reaching out?

3. Next, you need to look at what your competitors are doing. Can you learn from their methods?
  • How is the competitor interacting with customers?
  • What can you do to better your interactions?

4. How are you going to Brand your Images?
  • Think about incorporating your logo.
  • Know the laws with copyright.
  • Make your pins 800x1200 pixels when using Pinterest.
  • Show your customers how you use the products or your services.

5. Organize yourself, use a calendar to set up when content will be posted.
  • Think about what kinds of content you can create that will draw in your audience.
  • Think about how often you will pin. Will it be Monthly? Weekly? Daily? Make sure you can execute this plan.
  • Make sure you stick to your set schedule. 
  • Know that times to post so that you will maximize who sees your content. (check out ViralTag for  Pinterest Scheduling)

6. Get creative with your Pinterest pins to get the best audience impact. 
  • Can you include top pins with email marketing?  
  • Make sure you let your customers know you are on social media. Give them a reason to check you out.

7. Track your results.
  • It is important for you to see your audience grow on Social Media. Determine your goals. i.e. Day 1 I want 25 people to re-pin my product placement pin. Learn from not hitting these goals.
  • Decide how often you will monitor your results.

Use this list before you start pinning away. Remember without a plan you’re never going to fully maximize your results on Pinterest.


A Guide to Palm Reading (great for Halloween fun!)

I am part of the weird and unusual.  I love the art of all things mystical and magical, expanding from palm reading to reading tea leaves, as my Great Grandmother used to do in her time.  I believe my early family is that of Gypsies, roaming in Hungary and Romania.  No records to be found because it was just their selves and their caravan free to the countryside.  I have always been good at Tarot cards...I mean real good, scary good, and it has always made me wonder what I did in my past life. 

So, how much fun would it be to bring to your Halloween party the art of reading Palms?  It is pretty simple, you would be surprised, and on top of that, it is SO much fun! 

Let's get started, shall we?

Palm readingTo begin, you will want to pick a hand.  (pick a hand, any hand...)  I would focus on the dominant hand for insight into how the person presents themselves to the world.  If your subject is looking for examination into personal relationships, dreams and emotional struggles, look to the other hand. 

If you have issues seeing the lines, cup the hand slightly and bring under a bright lamp.  It is important to know that a less prominent line reflects an area of life that may need work, while a deeper line suggested the characteristic to the line is strong and fully developed. 

For fun, we will stick to the three main lines, but note that there are many different palm readings that can take place,including finger readings.

The Head Line...

If you have a...

Short Line- (ending near the center of your palm); You're a fast thinker who reaches conclusions without any hemming and hawing.

Long- straight Line- (extending across the palm, toward the pinkie);  Analyze much?  You often find yourself mulling things over (and over) before coming to a decision.

Line that splits in two:  Sensitive to others, you can easily see someone else's perspective.  This means you may change your opinion now and then.

Long, curved line: (running down toward the bottom corner of the palm); You're a creative thinker who can imagine many possible outcomes  or approaches to any situation.

The Heart Line...

If you have a...

Long, straight line: (ending below the index finger); You're a rational, analytical thinker who always considers others' feelings, and people appreciate that about you.

Short, straight line: (ending between the middle and index fingers); You need your freedom.  You show your love through actions more than words.

Long, curved line: (arcing up and reaching the base of the middle finger); Your passions and desires drive you, and you don't care who knows it.

Short, curved line: (arcing up and ending about a half inch below the base of the middle finger); You are reserved and prefer small groups to big ones.  You open up in one-on-one settings.

Line with two or more X's at the outer palm: You've experienced a deep personal betrayal.

Line that splits in two: You have a habit of putting your emotions on the back burner to meet others' needs.

The Life Line...

If you have a...

Long Line: (curving around the ball of the thumb and ending at the base of the palm); You're a rock whom people count on to stay strong in difficult times.

Short Line: (ending near the center of the palm); When the going gets tough, keeping busy  helps you feel safe and secure.

Faint Line: You may need to chill out now and then. Yoga, meditation, walking, or taking time to play could do you good.

Broken Line: Each break in the line represents a traumatic experience that has had an impact on your life choices.

Remember to have fun! Try to put a personalized twist on your reading and make your subject feel comfortable!  

Happy Palm Reading!

What my palms say about me:

My Head Line: Line that splits in two:  Sensitive to others, you can easily see someone else's perspective.  This means you may change your opinion now and then.

My Heart Line: (I think I have two things going on) Line that splits in two: You have a habit of putting your emotions on the back burner to meet others' needs.  Long, straight line: (ending below the index finger); You're a rational, analytical thinker who always considers others' feelings, and people appreciate that about you.

My Life Line: Long Line: (curving around the ball of the thumb and ending at the base of the palm); You're a rock whom people count on to stay strong in difficult times.

And the best part is that it is pretty right on!!!


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