Tuesday, May 9, 2017

[Personal Post] I'm going to SEE the WORLD

Life happens on a blink of an eye
By: Kel Amstutz   May 23, 2016

They always tell you to enjoy the little things, don't get lost in the mundane things in life...or my fav, I can always clean later, the now is for making memories.

Then...your baby graduates from Pre-School and you blink back the tears as you remember those sleepless nights...rocking her in the dark, trying to make her feel safe, calm to sleep.
Yes  she still whines  (constantly) and sometimes she needs help getting her shirts off without ripping her very girly earrings out if her head...or help with the start off on the swings... but the rocking days are long gone... the days of independence are taking over.

This weeping feeling came over me as my big girl climbed the stage last Thursday night, with her classmates, to sing her heart out about things under the sea. This sadness caught me as her name was called and she grabbed her diploma and shook her teachers hands, tassel hanging proudly on her sailor hat.

We have passed another milestone in the game of life. We are on the right path. Summer is HERE and we are talking a lot about Kindergarten. It has become our excitement, our thrill of things to come, of big kid school.

Yes, I am over the moon excited, both my babies will be in school, riding the bus to and fro, learning and creating, making new friends. But, my baby will be in school, full time.

This girl is so different from my soon-to-be 2nd grader. I love that fact. She is creative. She is imaginative. She is fun and happy. But, she is tiny. She is tough, but oh so tiny.

Kit Kat, we are SOO proud of you. You did it! You are ready for Kindergarten, no doubt about it. Life just keeps moving.

Then, Hubby had a birthday! It is so hard to believe we have been together since hubby was 22 years old. That fact doesn't even seem real. He acted as if he really didn't want to make a BIG deal about it... silly boy!

Of course we had cake and ice cream. We had presents and even a balloon! (Thanks Mom)
It is a big deal. My hubby had a birthday!

Happy Birthday baby, we love you so much and appreciate all you do for us.

Life moves on...it always keeps moving... forward and faster as each year grows cold.

Prayer Request:
I am asking for some prayers today My Uncle (45) had his appendix burst almost 2 weeks ago and is riddled with infection. He has a long road ahead of him, as his colon was affected with infection and an extremely large section of  was removed... beyond this, he spiked a high fever on Saturday and continued to have a low grade fever yesterday. I am asking for prayers for him, as well as a special prayer for my Grandma, who is 81 and is not in great health herself after a car accident.  She will need to help care for him, which he was previously helping care for her. Our family is doing all we can, but could use a few more prayers to help my Uncle through his battle.

Life continues...life goes on...

I'm leaving now, to go see the world... not literally, of course, but figuratively, the greener grass could do us all some wonder today!


~Kel Amstutz

Monday, May 8, 2017


By: Kel Amstutz
Keywords: today is the day, Stop Wishing and Start Living, Live the life you dream of, Desire, Financial Freedom, Begin now, Today is the day to start

 Today is the day.

You have all heard that before.

There is no better time like the present.

These are the rules to live by in our lives.

Wishing for things to happen, dreaming bigger than we could ever really imagine.

But, most of the time these wishes and dreams...well, they simply DON'T HAPPEN.

Wishing for a better lifestyle, maybe a business that is fluid and self contained and allows you to have freedom, real freedom from being tied down to a desk, a 9-5, a boss, much less having to use your hard-earned vacation days when you just need to take some time off for yourself or for your family.

So, you wish, dream, hope, maybe you even pray for these things, this freedom. 

I want to ask you all:


Do you keep on wishing? 

Well, what if I told you that financial freedom is not far away?

What if I told you that there is a way to transform this simple wish, these far away dreams into a desire

A real desire. 

You probably wouldn't believe me, right! 

Well, let's be frank here.

There are different ways to make this happen. True Story.

Your subconscious mind has to be convinced that your desire is already existing, it is already the TRUTH.

I know, this sounds to good to be true, but just listen. 

If you believe that this can happen, that this WILL happen, truly, honestly, believe, there is the truth.

Makes complete sense, right.

Now, this is where amazing things happen.

All the universe does at this point, 
when you truly believe
is opens up for YOU and provides

I know, sounds so weird, right.

Well, I like to think that your mind is more OPEN to 
see the opportunities that are there

When you only wish for a chance, you know deep down inside, that nothing will happen.

Most people fear to lose what they have and not what they don't have. 

So, point being, 
if you want something different

Nope! I can't wait to be done with school in two weeks and then off to my dream job! Haters approval not needed! I have found something I love to do! It makes me happy to see I'm such an inspiration to all my haters :):
If you found this post interesting, I bet you’ll love checking out my other most popular posts:


Here is my most popular eBook! 

I strongly recommend my eBook, The Social Media Manager Kit by Kel (w/ bonus) in order to get you started. It will include templates for emailing potential clients or those you landed a completed job with, it will allow you to focus and challenge you to keep moving forward. 

This life, working at home, being financial free and with my family, is something that I used to dream about. 

  • I am living it. 
  • I am loving it. 
  • I am making it my life! 

Need More Help?  

Check out my eBook, Make your Dream a Reality in 30 Days or Less! - a jump start guide with templates to get you ready, set and ROCKING this Social Media Manager gig! 



Affliliate Links :  

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Friday, May 5, 2017

Your Step By Step Way To Freedom In 2017

By: Kel Amstutz

Freedom, Your Life, Lifestyle, Laptop Life, Work while you sleep, Marketing, Social Media

Are you ready for the 

Step-by-Step Way to FREEDOM 

in 2017? 

Hi all.  Welcome. Are you ready to learn how to find your FREEDOM LIFESTYLE this year? You'll know that I am all about doing things in my life that allows for my freedom, both financially and in a way that lets my passions shine.  


I have been seeking an opportunity that enables me to have TOTAL freedom to obtain these goals. 



That being said, I am sure you all know that there are a lot of opportunities out there, countless amounts, but the building blocks for freedom use a smart system, not a scam, are out there and, as a matter of fact, they are pretty simple to understand and use!  

So, now I want you to STOP, ask yourself this one question...


THE SIX FIGURE (yup, you read that right!), 3 STEP PLAN for YOU to find your Freedom to live a life that you only once dreamed about is within your reach, right NOW!  

This is a 6 figure, 3 STEP PLAN that allows you to earn an income online that is basically on AUTOPILOT - guess what that really means... no prospecting your friends, your family to buy, no home meetings, or parties, or whatever you want to call them and no 3-way calls!  

I think I might need to repeat myself on that one! 

So, at this point and time, I am SURE you are saying, 'C'mon Kel, what are YOU talking about?'  am I right?  


Here are the 3 STEPS, but make sure you are READY!

1. Traffic

OK, I know right now you are saying to yourself, TRAFFIC?  

Well, Traffic means getting people to SEE your website.  This means getting interest from people by sharing VALUE. Don't confuse this with SPAMMING your offers. 


There are so many traffic sources that you can focus on, like on Social Media for example, using Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  But, also SEO, and payed traffic using SOLO Ads and Facebook PPC (Payed Per Click) are also great option to build your traffic lanes. 

You guys still with me?  My advice would be to focus on ONE SINGLE STRATEGY, one that you prefer, and stick with it until you master it!  Once that happens, look for extra traffic sources to start expanding and building a second lead generation.

2. Sales Funnels

Sales funnels are where you lead people that are interested in what you have to offer (your leads) to YOUR OFFER.  


1. Lead Capture Page - this page captures people's best email addresses and gives a value in return.

2. Bridge Page or Thank You Page.

3. Sales Page- which is your OFFER page

3. Follow Up Sequence

This is an email auto-responder that sends out automated messages, through technology and smart systems.  

So, set it up once and it runs automatically! 

This saves you so much time and gives you freedom just around the corner! 

AUTOMATION replaces you asking people to buy from you, which will cause more sales in the long run.  

According to research, it takes up to 14 times for people to see an offer before they finally decide to buy.  

The follow up sequence allows you to keep sharing your value and showing your offer over and over again in different appealing ways, which makes it irresistible! 

So, now that you KNOW the basics of what it takes, I need to share with you the MAIN reason that I LOVE this business and it's pretty simple...the TRUE freedom that it brings me to live my life, to be a Mom, to have time to do all the things I love without being fearful of having to constantly be tied to my computer in an office. 

Not only will these three steps make life easier, it is also easy for the less experienced internet user! But, it is important for this newcomer to get the right step by step guidance so this business works for YOU! 

Having a MENTOR and/or a COACH (me, me, me!) to help and provide you with all the marketing tools that you need, all the strategies that WORK, and having a powerful community to back you up on this journey is really the X-FACTOR of building a sustainable business using the internet. 

And guess what else my dear friends...I have a BONUS! 

Who doesn't LOVE BONUSES? 

As a special bonus YOU can now get started with a $7 (yup, only seven dollars) 14 day trial and you will receive:

(I know you are jumping up and down right now, right!) 

  • a VALUABLE Marketing Training series (you guys serious DO NOT WANT TO PASS THIS UP)
  • a 60 minute coaching call to talk about your goals and let's discuss some of YOUR DREAMS too! 
  • a personal, crafted GAME PLAN that is based on what you learned in the training series inside of this trial. 


So, now I have to ask you: 

Click on the link- this one RIGHT HERE:

Follow the simple steps and ENROLL IN YOUR BONUS NOW! 

See you soon!!!

Will YOU be working beside me in 2017?  

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How To Make Your Blog Go Viral

Blogging, Lessons on working, Stay at Home Moms by: Kel Amstutz Last year, I posted a blog post that went viral . (much to MY surp...