Friday, March 6, 2015

7 Things I Never Thought I would do...(until I got married)

Hubby and I - "Wedding Day" November 11, 2006

Thinking back to nearly Fourteen years ago seems like another life.  Things were so innocent and new.  

Adventures were our own, without crying, whiny kids. 

Taking it all the way back to the "dating" Kel and Jay...those times seem unreal. We would catch some time with one another when the skies turned dark. I worked and was going to school, so my days were full. 

It was just us, rolling around in a 1963 Red, Chevy Impala.  Yes, we still have that 1963 Chevy Impala, it is only Silver now and holds two booster seats in the back. 

Boy how times have changed!

With these thoughts of days long since past...comes a realization of the things that I do, within my marriage that I can honestly say...I never thought I would, like...

1. Ignore my Husband when he walked through the door. 
I know what you are saying...that is awful, right!  I fail to greet my Husband with a Hi! I used to always be super excited to see his face and now...well, we have KIDS...that means that when Daddy comes home it is loud, crazy and they are literally hanging off of him. Leaves little room for Old Mom here to catch a smooch!

2. Fold my husband's underwear. 
I must admit something there.  I started doing this before we actually lived together and boy did I ever get crazy looks! I used to go to Hubby's house, when we were just a dating couple, and see piles of laundry. (O.C.D. moment) I had to do something about it my Mission! So, I would scoop up the dirty clothes that Hubby would leave on the floor...and separate them and start to load up the machines.  Once I started, I had to finish, so naturally came the folding obsession. Socks, underwear...they can't hide! Neatly folded drawers were awarded a neat spot on the shelf...yes, I said SHELF. The Bachelor years...

3. Fall in love with someone else.
I really didn't think that our marriage had room for anyone else- that is until we became parents.  Not only did our life expand to include our two beautiful girls, but I found that it all it took was one baby sleeping peacefully on his chest for me to fall head over heels for the person he was becoming!

4. Look forward to sleeping alone.
Ugh. I hate admitting this, but those cute old people who spent each and every night intertwined in bed together...THAT WILL NEVER BE US. We have always had different "bed times" and I have found that it is not so bad, after all, sleeping in the giant Cal King bed..all by myself. 

5. Choose sleep over sex.
Yes, it's true. Especially the older we get. SORRY...not sorry!

6. Wonder if life could have been different.
You know when you wanted to move...far away...what would our life look like if we took that giant, scary leap?  What if we stayed in the little, starter house?  Would we be rich right now?  But, somewhere in the grand scheme of things, deep down, I know that we are right where we should be at this time, in this moment. For today at least!

7. Fight over nothing. 
I mean, I probably should have seen this one coming, but honestly, I could not have anticipated the way that stress, or sleepless nights, or whining children can make us pick a fight over absolutely nothing!  The good news is, with the transition out of "having little babies" part of our marriage, we can finally see how strong that "phase" of life made us. Now, if we can just get through the rest of the "phases" we will be OK!

All I can say is that CHANGE can be good!  I found the one for me, who has brought out the me and Life is Good.


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