Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving- Gobble, Gobble

Well, wrapping up my Turkey Day festivities.  We have been busy!  Nice to have a day few days off, back to work tomorrow.  Ridiculous, if you ask me!  But, I will take one for the team.  My belly is fully, my beauties are sleeping and my day is official coming to a close.

I hope that all is well with everyone else in the world as we all have so much to be thankful for.

I did not part-take in the thankful days this year, but I still would like to take a moment and say that I am truly thankful for my family.  I am thankful for the year that we have had, even though it has produced more downs than ups, and for finally getting into our house.

I am thankful to still be among the living and to have such wonderful little girls and a loving husband.  I am thankful for all that we have in this life and all that we are allowed to make of it.

Happy Thanksgiving all.

~until tomorrow...

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Gray Gables Nightmare!! ~ Day 2- No Heat...

Today is Day #2 without a Furnace.  Needless to say, last night was COLD!  We had 2 heaters running on the 2nd floor and 1 running on the 1st and it was NOT making a dent.
Hubby works 2nd shift and when he got off in the morning, he came home, said he left and went to Walmart to pick up 2 more heaters.  He put those in the girls rooms- which were frigid. 

The good news is that we are expected to get propane tomorrow- THANK GOD!  We could have had to wait 10 days - so 3 days is good.  Today was cold in the house, but we have a warmer 2nd floor and are running 4 heaters up there so its actually toasty!

Can not wait until tomorrow- heat again!

Bet this will NEVER happen again- what do you say?

Vaccines- My point of view

I saw this alot, but to each their own.  I would like to start by saying that my views are my own.  I respect everyone's views, but I do not appreciate it when someone wants to preach their views and not respect anyone Else's.  That being said, I might get a little controversial here, but again, this is my view.  I am going to say the things others might not, and I will try to see everything from both perspectives.  Whether I am able to accomplish this, that is in the eyes of the reader.

So, I was at work the other day and I was at work talking to a fellow employee and friend.  She was saying something about the flu shot and it came up in conversation that a friend of hers does not believe in vaccines, period.  I know that there are a lot of people out there that believe that the vaccines cause autism.  I respect those opinions, although, as a mother, I too have read the reports and the reports and the reports, the latest stating that there is no link.  She went on to say that she had to stop her friend from preaching her no-vaccine views on her cousins wife, who is pregnant and just received the flu shot.  She said that the face her friend made at the news was of utter disgust.  This got me to think about it, from the perspective of a Mom who does not believe in vaccines.  This is very difficult for me, because I do believe in them.  I feel like as a child I was vaccinated.  I think that through modern medicine the doses that my kids are getting are probably better than that of which I was given.  The thing about it is, if my kids were not vaccinated, I feel like it would create a harder road for my kids.  I know that this was our first year of Pre-K and the vaccine chart was required, including 4 yo vaccines. Would they not take my kid if she were not vaccinated?  I know that next year, Kindergarten, requires vaccines.  Also, did you know that kids do not get Chicken Pox anymore? They are given a vaccine at 4 that prevents it.  That is crazy!  But, then when I asked the doctor, her reply was that the chance of kids getting them are 99.9%.  I, of course, ask what would the circumstances be that they could, in which her reply was a kid who is not vaccinated that gets them and spreads them.  Isn't that interesting?  I don't think I would want to be "THAT" parent!

I know there is a lot - A LOT - of controversy with the Flu Shot.  Now, this I can relate to.  I did NOT get my flu shot this year.  I have gotten my flu shot every year for 5 maybe even 6 years.  I got it religiously.  Last year, I got sick, then I got sick again, then I got so sick I thought I was going to die!  I vowed not to get it this year.  Hubby did not get it and guess what, he didn't even get sick. WHAT?  Now, that being said, I did get it for my kiddos.  They were swabbed this year and the only reason I did was because Miss 4 yo is sick all the time since starting PreK. Well, guess what, I am sick now- because of HER! And Hubby is too.  And the rest the family- Thanks Miss 4yo!

I just feel like when it comes to school and life, I am trying to protect my kids from Polio - could you image your child getting this debilitating disease? - Whooping cough- Measles, Mumps or Rubella?

I am a Mom.  I respect those Moms who are not vaccinating their kids, but I am a Mom who will.  I also will NOT preach to you what the right thing to do is, I honestly don't know what the RIGHT thing to do is, I just know what the right thing for my family is.  I have two healthy kids and can only base my opinion on that fact.  To each their own, these are just my thoughts.

I would like to close with the fact that research needs to be done to make the right decisions.  Just because the doctor says it needs to be done, ask questions, be prepared, ask about side effects, what you can do to ease the pain, what the vaccine does, etc.  I have a very new school pediatrics office and they work with me to educate me on what is happening at the next appointment, giving me fact sheets so I can do the research and the sheets even have a spot for questions.  The sheets are great because the vaccine names are on the sheet for further research.  They are also open to phone calls to answer questions, which eases my mind because I have had questions.  With my first, I had questions from the first stick in the hospital, in which they had to bring my OB in because the nurses were unable to answer my questions, instead they just wanted to put that first stick in the age old bucket of that is procedure. Well, it needed to be explained to this new Mama.

~To Each Their Own~


Monday, November 25, 2013

Baby, its COLD outside...especially when you run out of Propane- UGH!

We really SUCK at this!  This is our first time not having natural gas and we are really dropping the ball!  Today, while I am at work, with my toasty heater blasting under my desk keeping me super comfy, Hubby calls to tell me he had BAD news... I love when I get these calls- to many to count since we got this house.

Then, he says, WE RAN OUT OF PROPANE and they can't come fill it for 1-10 days- SAY WHAT?  I am like, seriously.  OK, so the dry erase board with all the TO DO stuff has read, CHECK PROPANE for over two weeks now.. Ugh.  Then the dreaded, "I don't know what to do?"  I love this statement!  Again, heard it to many times. 

Propane is at least ordered up.  The problem is Hubby thinks we ran it all the way down, which means we incurred more fees because we now have to have everything tested for leaks- my favorite statement lately is OH JOY!

He informs me that he is going to check some ads and pick up some heaters- gee George, I would hope so- right!

I go about my day in my toasty little world, and DAMN is it cold outside!

So finally end my day, get home to my chilly palace!  We have a heater running and it is still SO cold.  I go into the kitchen and want my coat. This SUCKS! 

Our second floor WAS a little warmer- we have 2 heaters running to keep the girls warmer and I put them in the fleece pj's and lots of extra blankies.  I am not having fun here.  I am freezing with a heater in our room and a dual heat electric blanket and I am still freezing.  I had to keep 1 heater downstairs to heat the dog!

I hope this is a mistake that WONT EVER BE REPEATED!  If nothing else, because ITS COLD OUTSIDE and I don't have a cuddle buddy...

Here's hoping they deliver propane tomorrow.  I guess its going to require more prayers, I am going to owe God big time!

Campbell's Soup Can Propane Tank

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Arm Knitting Tutorial- by

So,  I have had this skein of blue and orange (GO BEARS) yarn next to my bed with a brand new set of knitting needles that I have YET to pick up.  Tonight, while pinning, I found a tutorial on Arm Knitting an infinity scarf.  Sounded intriguing.  I grabbed my yarn and set on a path to learn!

Well, I did it!  I arm knitted an infinity scarf. This got me thinking- how about a blanket?  Would make great Xmas gifts.. So I watched this tutorial- HOW EASY!!  I can not wait to go to the craft store and pick up some more yarn!

Arm Knitting Tutorial for Blanket

The above link will take you to the tutorial.


Beautiful and Simple – DIY Arm Knitting a Blanket – Tutorial and Video, thinking shawl or scarves as I think it would be too loopy as a blanket... but not sure.  I'd have to try it.  @Michelle Floriolli White

Saturday's Things I like for Gray Gables from Pinterest

I am just looking at things on Pinterest and found this idea that I LOVE for our house!  I have a closet at my entryway (ok, so it is NOT finished - just a rough opening, no door, no rod, no floor besides original untreated wood- but it has a cheap hall tree that we are using for coats, so it works..) but I have an empty wall that I would like to put something on- I was thinking about a table- or drop zone for Hubby.  (He currently uses my kitchen table as a drop zone and its really annoying!)
But, I really like this..

hall storage furniture painted Benjamin Moore Wyeth Blue

I also found a pin for Yearly Organization at a glance- this idea is right up my ally!  I am dying to find a way to keep myself and our family organized.  This might be the ticket!

52 folders for each week of the year

A file folder for each week.  I think I might even be able to pull this off- maybe a 2014 project!  I purchased a NEAT system for our family last year and since the house project, I really havent put it to good use yet.  I did use it for receipts and so forth- but havent touched it since April.  I would love to use the NEAT system along with this system and know what comes next- scan bills that have been paid and DISCARD them and keep on track of everything!

I like this alot!!

More to come....

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