Monday, October 27, 2014

S I S T E R S...enough said

My Kids..My Life..

It was over three years now that we added to our little family.  It was terrifying, if I remember correctly.  I mean, to think of having a two year old and then think about adding a newborn to that already craziness, I don't think I had nails!  But, it was that whole Now or Never thought that crossed my mind. 

So, we rolled the dice...Ended up with a disappointed Daddy and a beautiful, healthy baby girl, again!   So, why was I happy it was another girl?  I want to say that I was not pulling for one sex or the other, just hoping for a healthy baby, no matter what. But...when the Ultrasound tech said Girl..secretly I was stoked, even if my Hubby was less than.  I mean, I had a baby brother as my other sibling and sure, we have our few moments of closeness, but not like I feel it could be with a sister.  You can share clothes, makeup, stories with you sister.  She can help you shop, do hair and just be a built in bff.  Boys can not do that!  Plus, there is only two years as a gap, so they are kind of stuck with each other. 

Over the past three years it has hit me hard at how awesome it is that I have been blessed with two girls. Daddy is coming around still! (lol)  And I have watched these two girls grow so close that it causes tears when one goes off to school each day, as the other can't stop saying how much she misses her sissy. 

Epiphanies has been had here.  I wonder if Mom's of all boys feel the same?  That bond that is between siblings of the same sex?  I have to say that I could not ever imagine my life with out girls and without both of them at that.  There is a sense of complete that goes with my family and it was not sad when we decided that two was enough, but instead a feeling of getting aboard an adventure that was just about to begin, now that everyone had finally arrived.

So, to my daughters, my best-est of friends, my kiddo's and the sunshine to my days, I am blessed to have you both, to be able to watch you grow and care for you- even if you get super mad at me when I won't let you jump down 5 stairs to the landing, please know, as I tell you, there is always a reason why you "can't" do something and it is not for my benefit, but for your own.  I love you little bugs with all I have and although your listening ears both seem to be broken on a regular basis, I hope that somewhere you hear it or know just how much!

To sisters!

Sister Gift Teen Room Decor, Girl Room, Teenager Room Decor, Gifts for Teenagers, Girl Art, Quotes Print Wall Art, Tiffany Blue Artwork

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