Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday...It's time for Spring Cleaning!!!

Is your life full of clutter?

How about your home?

It's about that time when it's out with the old, in with the new.. Or without the new, as my Hubby thinks that getting rid of things means just that, it is time to discard and that does not, in any way, shape -or- form mean to replace!


Every Spring we go through this process.  It is the pree-mo time to dust, de-clutter and just get down and dirty with those dust bunnies.  A lot of people take this opportunity to weed through friends and family and separate from the negative ones in their lives. 

After all, this is the time of the year when we are re-emerging from the cold and upon resurface, we want positive and happy to surround us, don't we? Clean and sparkly help too!

So, this brings the next big question, where do you start? Ugh, it can be so overwhelming! I mean, for us personally, we just moved into this old farm house, it isn't even finished and I have dust...boy do I ever! I have drywall dust that seems to re-settle 2 minutes after I dust off anything, and frankly, it leaves me discouraged! (I mean, really, how many times can I dust the end table by the couch? Once, Twice, by the third time I am walking the heavy iron and wood table right out the front door and bidding it a good riddance!)

This is where I would like to share my "list" of how I prioritize my home for spring cleaning. (Hey there impatient friend, I will get to the "list" on people in your life shortly!)

Life at Gray Gables Spring Cleaning List 2014

I like to work from the ground up, so naturally, we should begin with the Floors.  This is when I vacuum like a crazy woman.  Vacuum carpets, including under furniture - this is important because it is Spring Cleaning!  I also get out my trustee old Bissell carpet cleaner and scrub a dub. I want clean here people!  With our hard woods, there really is NO hope to save them, but I will get out my Orange Glo anyways and give them my best shot. You won't be able to see yourself in them, but I will make sure you can at least eat off of them, ya know, if need be..gross.

Next we move to those pesky lamps and light fixtures. Yes, you do need to take down the glass sconces or shades and clean them! Warm, soapy water does the trick and will eliminate those dust bunnies that you know you will let sit until we redo this process in the fall. 

Curtains is our next hurdle. Take them down, hand wash them if you can or send them off to the dry cleaner (wait, do we have those anymore.. just kidding!).  Move onto those blinds. I try to battle these bad boys with a damp cloth and my attachment on the vacuum, but it that doesn't work, I have test and proves to be tried and true, take them outside, hang them from a ladder and blast them with your garden hose! I use a little bleach water if they are turning colors and seems to bring them right back! (If all else fails, run to Walmart and pick up new ones- they are like $4!)

Let's talk furniture! I get debris off my furniture with another attachment on my good old vacuum.  But, when you have two kids, under the age of six, let's face it, my microfiber couch is gross! This is where a mix of dawn dish soap and hot water come into play with a scrub brush and I scrub the heck out of it! You also need to note that when vacuuming, lift up the cushions, I guarantee there are crumbs!  (Ours are not from my kids but from Hubby and his tortilla chip obsession!)

Now, we are getting onto the fun stuff!  Let's open those cabinets! You know what happens next....empty them!  Warm water and a cloth works well to wipe out the inside, then place all the stuff back on in. Check expiration dates when you are sending back to its resting spot. 

Then it is all about dusting, my favorite thing to do...not! My Tip is pretty obvious, but work you rooms dust from top to bottom. Also, focus on those spots that you would normally just skip. You know the ones, like the ceiling! (We have a coffeted ceiling in the new house and I have yet to tackle this task... dreading it!) Don't forget the tops of your cabinets and ceiling fans! 

Next is take all bedding off and wash it all, comforters and the whole nine yards! Even pillow cases and throw pillow covers!  It is important to get rid of those allergens!
This is the time to vacuum your mattress too.  Tip: Sprinkle mattress with baking soda and let it sit for a few hours. Vacuum up the baking soda, flip the mattress is need be and you are so fresh and so clean..clean..

Safety first?  Check those smoke alarms and make sure they will work when you really need them! 

When is the last time you looked down at those baseboards?  Ugh, i just did and found the one reason I love having a bulldog...  Time to clean them with a little warm water and my famous blue dawn!

While I am at the baseboards, I should probably wash walls too! Let's De-cobweb while were at it! Kill a few birds with my one stone here!

Last but not least, it is the time to wash the windows!  Vinegar and Water helps to thoroughly clean windows both inside and out!

On top of all of this, it is important to handle all your ordinary cleaning task too! I use this opportunity to sprinkle my favorite carpet freshener on the carpets and smell the clean air!

What about those people in your life that you are just questioning their place?

 Spring Fever is in full effect for you.  You have the house cleaned, top to bottom and now it is onto the your relationships, too!  So how do you clear stagnant energy and freshen it up with the more important relationships in your life?

Well, start with assess what you have.  Go through and figure out what you want to keep and what needs to be stored or thrown out, kind of like what you do in your closet from time to time! 

Then we need to realize what, in our relationships are we cluttering when we aren't communicating?  This means that you have to take the meaningful relationships and ask yourself if there is something important that you are withholding, if so, it is time to clear the air and say what needs to be said.  You should also make sure that you invite others to do the same, and let everyone speak openly.

Now, spread healthy boundaries. Take those relationships that you intend on keeping, you communicated any issues, and now it is time to set new boundaries in order to learn to say no in the relationship in order to maintain integrity. 

From here, find a balance. The best example is: You have many deep conversations with friends,but not a lot of fun, maybe it is time to manifest some new friends to go out on the town with. When we add a variety of spice to life, we find we are the happiest, especially with a well rounded variety of friendships. 

Now we show love and gratitude to those around you.  But, it is important to remember that the mess will build again if you do not maintain putting in work by assessing, communicating, setting healthy boundaries, finding balance and showing love all year long. 

This helps you be surrounded with better adjusted relationships!

What about Spring Cleaning and your Health?

 Alright, listen up!  It's time to move it, move it!  Move your body!  You owe it to yourself to find a fun, enjoyable way to move your body this Spring. 

Start exercise slowly. Then, let's stay consistent!  You should have your workout clothes by the bed to make it easier for yourself to throw them on and move. Try making an appointment for yourself in your calendar, to make sure you follow through. 

Now, let's talk diet! Spring is always the time when we start with the diet plans.  Have to look good in our bathing suits, right! (duh!)

I am not an advocate for diet pills. I believe in sticking with healthy meal choices and exercise. (I used to be a Beach Body Coach and really want to dive back in -missing Shakeology so much in my diet!)

So, some tips are to keep your food choices simple. Try whole, unprocessed foods, take out sugar and reduce your portion sizes. If it comes from a packet, toss it out! Try high fiber choices like Brussels Sprouts, broccoli and kale, and fruit with the skin still on. 

If you squeeze a fresh lemon into a glass of warm water it will help stimulate your liver and increase your stomach acids. 

You also need to drink 8-  8 ounce glasses of water per day. This will help boost metabolism.

It can be argued that you would be on the right path if you eliminate sugar from your diet completely. Look through your pantry and read your labels!  If there is more than 3 grams per 100 grams of sugar, toss it! 

If you cut out sugar, you will lose weight and start feeling better than you have before.

Happy Thursday All and Happy Spring Cleaning for your house, mind, body and soul!




Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday...H U M P D A Y- What are you doing to get over the HUMP?

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

Get over the HUMP already!

I am working hard to get this week over with already! It has been one of "those" weeks, c'mon, you know the ones I am talking know, when you can't wait to get it over with!

I am so ready for Friday. Isn't that sad?  I have this ritual, every week I count down to Friday. I seriously live my life like this- one big countdown!

I have been counting down to Sunday's lately, which is even more depressing. I hate Sunday's. In my opinion, they are just as bad as Mondays! I guess my perception changed when the reality became that this day is the only day the I get a full/work free day with my Hubby! How sad! 

We call it "Family Day" for good reason! It is the only day that we are all home together, even if Hubby does sleep till the afternoon. He gets up in time for late lunch and by 5:00p we are getting ready for dinner, bath time and shortly after its time for bed. Then it is a spin and repeat for the next day. 

Schedules can be awesome, I suppose. Ours has moved and gained wiggle room, but it is still a schedule at the end of the day. A schedule to get us through each day till we end up on  a weekend. At least this weekend will be a 3 day for me! Hallelujah! I am so ready for a little break. I am taking our girls to Imagination Station with my Brother, who is in town from California! The girls are so excited. 
Breaking our routine once again! 

How do you get over the HUMP?  I think that this is a valid question. I know that others that I work with go through the same rinse and repeat schedule that my family does, but how do you find ways to switch it up? 

I have put together a small list of what we do each night, to make it fun, and exciting for my little ladies. I want them to have as much fun as kids as we can produce, safely of course!  (If my girls had their way, they would probably jump off the house! literally!!)

(These are "Girl's Night" activities- since it is a house full of girls at night! ;)

Monday :  Shower Spa... We handle trimming nails, painting piggies, trimming bangs is need be, and a nice relaxing soak in the foot bath (with peppermint foot bath salt from The Body Shop!) It is also Shower night or a relaxing bubble bath for my almost 3 yo.

Tuesday : Play your butt off Tuesday... it means what it says- these girls play their hearts out, after bath, until 8:15p- which is bedtime and trust me they are READY!

Wednesday :  Poppin' corn movie fun! We snuggle in bed of choice and pick a movie and eat popcorn. (we do this after bath because someone always falls asleep!)

Thursday : Fashion Show Thursday...walk the runway in one of the exciting dress up options that these girls have. They try on outfit after outfit and model it. We play music and have the Karaoke machine up and running with the stage set!
Friday :  Free for All Friday, it is the end of the week and my girls are usually walking Zombies! I let them just hang out, watch whatever they choose, play with what they want and chill until they are ready for bed. (I should note that they are always* ready by 8:15p with the exception of little one who parties until she drops!)

Saturday and Sunday are laid back. We try to all eat dinner together on Sunday and Daddy will join them for a movie and snacks. 

Childhood happens so fast that I hope we are making memorable memories! I try to keep calm and encourage as much play time and fun for them to use their imaginations as I can. 

I hope these little things help them get over the hump as well!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Book of the week:

Growing Up Duggar: It's All About Relationships

by  Jill DuggarJinger DuggarJessa DuggarJana Duggar

I am reading "Growing up Duggar: It's all about Relationships".  This book is written through the eyes of the Duggar's Oldest girls, Jill, Jinger, Jessa and Jana.  I am only into the first few chapters and already I love this book.  It is very inspirational and uplifting, and if you watch the Duggar's, you can really see where their views stand, in comparison with how America is, in today's day.

Growing Up Duggar: It's All About Relationships

I love the show. I must preface with the fact that I am not a Christian. I really have no denominational standing, I was baptized Lutheran and believe in God's pray and word, but have no practiced during my adulthood. I do, however, have a lot of faith and can only hope that my girls have some of the same morals and values that these girls hold true. They are very smart in their craft and very intelligent in regards to how they want to live their lives and I give them nothing but my utmost respect for their beliefs.  If anything, I think they I would love to aspire to live like this family, minus the 19 kids though. (I will gladly keep the 2 I have, ONLY!)

I have been a fan of the show for years now and admire what Michelle and Jim Bob have done, finding God and asking him to show them the way.  In the end, it has led them to success, a debt free life and a great, moving television show.  I laugh because it is referenced by the Girls that they do not even watch the show, or T.V. for that matter!

In my personal life, I have looked up to them, using their guidance to show my own family the way to finding a debt free lifestyle.  I have read Michelle's tips, used God's prayer and am happy to say that Hubby and I are almost there. It is a huge relief and weight that is lifted and the closer that we get, the better we both feel about our purpose in this life that we share with our children.

But, we are also a traditional American family and watch way to much T.V.  We enjoy the finer things in life, like lots of those T.V.'s, cable in all the bed rooms, new clothes, and material things, computers, tablets, phones, etc.  But that does not mean that I still do not send my well wishes to my God to ask him to continue to show me the way in all that I do, as well as a simple prayer for my Hubby and my children.

I can not wait to get further into this book (I just started on Saturday) as I am finding it moving and motivating and very spiritual for my personal soul. It is uplifting to see the girls life, through their eyes. I think that through the years, they have received some backlash about the way they are raised and the notion that they are raising the younger children, which they do not deny. I think it is fascinating to see the responsibilities that God has entrusted in them and how they deal with what they are faced with. Sometimes it is another person's  word that can bring your own reflections out.

I hope to have this book completed by next week, to share more about what I have learned in my journey of reading. If you are looking for a book to read that is light and easy, yet so empowering and interesting, this is your book. I would encourage all to check this one out and see the world through a different mindset.

Book Information:

In a rare look inside America’s favorite mega-sized family, the four eldest girls talk about their faith, their dreams for the future, and what it’s like growing up a Duggar.Airing weekly throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, 19 Kids and Counting has made the huge Duggar family into a media phenomenon. The Duggar children are frequently asked, “Tell the truth; do you really agree with the lifestyle your parents have created for you?” Now, the four eldest Duggar girls—Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger—open up about the blessings and advantages of living the Duggar lifestyle.

With a backdrop of the key relationships in their lives—relationship with self, parents, siblings, friends, boys, and God—the four Duggar girls open up about their own personal faith and convictions, boys, dating, manners, living in a large family, politics, and much more. You’ll learn how the family navigates the difficult years between twelve and sixteen and what the girls look for in a man, all in a frank and fun book that will inspire teens and adults alike. Including lighthearted stories about the younger kids’ antics, Growing Up Duggar is a wise and entertaining trip into a family like no other.

Just a REVIEW:

I must say, I personally really enjoyed this book. It offered insight into the Duggar family from their view point---literally each chapter of the book was written from the viewpoint of one of the four girls which made the book feel conversational. Just as if you were sitting down with the girls over coffee and having a chat about various topic and views. For me, this book also felt somewhat devotional in nature at times, which I thoroughly enjoyed. this book made me think and reevaluate different areas of my life, which is the intended purpose as explained by the girls throughout. Overall, I very much enjoyed the book and would recommend and pass it along to others in my circles and offer it as suggested reading in my library.
So, check this one out, let me know what you think!  Let's read it together!!!
Thanks and Happy Reading all!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Marriage Monday--"How do you have a Perfect Marriage?"

I was asked the craziest question:

"How do you have the Perfect Marriage?"

 As if there were such a thing as a "Perfect Marriage", I can't help but laugh as the question was presented to me. I wasn't sure how to even take it, so that I would not offend, of course. My goal is not to hurt this poor, diluted girl's feelings, after all.  

I mean I was once in her shoes, sitting on the outside, "playing house", waiting for that moment when I would get the ring, the commitment, the life. It always looked so happy from my shoes on the "other side", didn't it?

Now, I do not mean to say that my Marriage is not a Happy one, or a great one, but we are far from perfect

I mean, the Perfect does mean:
                           * Accurate
                           * Exact
                           * Without any Flaws
                           * Conforming to the ideal type

I think that Hubby and I can agree that we are none of the above.  We are silly, wacky, weird, funny, grumpy, uneven, unbalanced (at times) and just overall crazy! We say crazy things, we do crazy things and we live a crazy life. (Plus, I am dyslexic, true story)

 {google image}

We are far from "Perfect" and that is OK.  I think that from the word perfect, comes the reality that although we are not perfect, we make our marriage work, for us. I have to say that because what works for us might not work for everyone. It is our own recipe and it has created a happy marriage between us both. There is a difference between the two words. Perfect is not Happy and Happy does not necessarily mean Perfect. 

I love that old saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I think that this can be applied to a variety of things in life, marriage included. My Hubby is my best friend. We look at our marriage as a partnership. There is not one person who makes all the decisions or calls the shots, instead we discuss, even the most mundane things.  For instance, last night I was taking my rattan basket that I used as a hamper back up to the bathroom from the laundry room and noticed that it was looking really bad and started to unravel. I found one that I have been "looking" at from Meijer for weeks now and it would match perfect but I didn't want to bring it home and surprise Hubby, so I have been holding off. Well, I brought it up and he laughed and said, "Get it, already!"  But I feel better, justifying why I spent what I will be spending and confirmation that it was indeed time for us to bring home a new hamper basket. 

Sounds silly, but it is these decisions that we make together that keep us communicating and joined as a team!

 {google image}


The Facts 

(references I found online from others)

25 Secrets To A Lasting Marriage 

By Julie D. Andrews for

These real-life couples have been in the marriage trenches and they're still laughing, smiling and having a ball. Here, their secrets to making love last for the long haul.
  1. "We're best friends. You really have to like each other to last. When the sex becomes less important, you better enjoy doing things together (while still doing things apart). We drive for days to car shows sometimes. So we better like each other."
  2. Ralph has been married to Teresa for 17 years. 
  3. "A key to success was my willingness to give up the home decor I had brought into our relationship. This included my neon-light beer signs, a Jethro Tull poster, a bedroom set collected from at least four non-matching sources, a bamboo sofa, a brick-and-wood bookcase and a roll-top desk from my youth." Steve has been married to Barbara for 24 years (Irvine, CA).
  4. "We made a pact to never fight about money. Financial problems lead to divorce. We didn't want our relationship to deteriorate over something as inconsequential as money. We've been through financial ups and downs, including bouts of unemployment and significant credit-card debt. But we never cast blame and remain calm during financial discussions." Lisa and Brian will be celebrating 12 years in June.
  5. "Never discuss sensitive subjects when hungry or tired. And eat marshmallows to improve communication. What's the one thing you can't possibly do with a mouthful of marshmallows? Talk. Communication is more about listening than talking. I tell my wife, if something I say can be interpreted two ways and one of those ways makes you sad or angry, I meant the other one." Steven has been married to Sheryl for 20 years (Longwood, FL).
  6. "I once read in an old book on marriage, 'Always treat your husband as an honored guest in your home.' In other words, be on your best behavior. This has rubbed off on me and he reciprocates. It works! My own saying about marriage is, 'A good marriage is made up of a thousand small kindnesses.'" Trudy has been married to Paul for 35 years (Yuma, AZ).
  7. "We purposely sit next to each other on the couch each night. My father told me to be sure to do this when I got married. It makes it impossible not to physically touch each other!" Stephanie has been married for 18 years.
  8. "Always find things to laugh about. Laugh together. Times are tough. Tragedy happens in all families. Things will go wrong. But if you find ways to laugh about it, you'll form a special bond and can overcome anything!" Dawn has been married to Tony for 32 years (San Francisco, CA).
  9. "Couples should have separate bathrooms. It's not a luxury to have one place in the house that you don't share. Forty-five years of hearing your partner gurgle his way through the theme song to Bill Dance's fishing show is guaranteed to start you off in a bad mood. There's nothing romantic about watching your hubby dearest attack the hairs in his ears or yank out an offending nose hair. His scream is guaranteed to send chills down your spine and put off your hunger for that yummy meal he's cleaning up for." Connie has been married to Fred for 44 years (Bellevue, NE).
  10. "Remember: Women want to be loved and cherished. Men want to feel respected....even more than they want to feel loved. This may sound odd but it's true. Don't emasculate your man. Don't take your woman for granted. Life gets messy, boring and stressful. Your marriage will have seasons when it's stronger or when it feels anemic. Whatever you did in the early days that made you laugh together, make time to do those same things after 10, 20 or 30 years. Read to each other from a favorite funny book. Watch a favorite funny movie." Judy has been married to Jeff for 22 years.
  11. "Keep a date night. Since we married, we've maintained one night a month to go out as a couple. When our children were infants (under six months) we'd take them along, we didn't just sit in the house. It doesn't have to be just you two. Go with other adults or couples. This allows you to have adult conversation and keeps you from hashing over household problems. Unless you have a baby under six months, no children allowed. Don't discuss problems or major issues. The activity doesn't have to be expensive. Have a club room in your apartment building? Host a pot-luck for some friends. You won't have to worry about cleaning for company!" Paula has been married to Dan for 26 years (Athens, AL).
  12. "Each person should seek to do good for the other person, instead of fighting over 'what about me.' Then the experience is one where each person is giving and serving the other. A win-win solution." Dave has been married to Rose for 32 years (Roseville, CA).
  13. "Facing adversity together has keept us together. Concern for our children has also been a strong force. Once you have grandchildren, the family bond is greatly reinforced." Chuck has been married to Marilyn for 41 years (Richmond, VA).
  14. "Our main clue for newlyweds is to plan forward and to look back only to the good times. Everybody has their rough spots, but if everything is focused on past hard times, your marriage can become like an albatross. Remember and revel in your successes. Ignore the times when you failed. Don't look at problems to place blame, only to find solutions. Love is like a boomerang, throw it at your spouse and you'll find it coming right back at you." Don has been married to Estelle for 50 years in July (Sacramento, CA).
  15. "In the toughest times, couples need to remember why they got together in the first place. Put your relationship first. Be open and flexible to change. Adapt. These tidbits sound ordinary but we've seen so many relationships break up because one or both partners refused to do these 'common sense' things." Maria has been married to Mark for 24 years (Raleigh, NC).
  16. "Divorce is not an option –- not to be thought about, said aloud, considered as an answer to a problem. Almost all problems are short-term. Divorce is a long-term answer. And if money becomes an issue, get counseling immediately. It’s not the green stuff, it’s the values that generate issues and cause arguments." Charlene has been married to Rick for 18 years (Georgetown, IN).
  17. "We are both left-handed. That was one of my criteria in getting married. Our three children are unfortunately handicapped—right handed." David has been married to Dee Dee for 25 years (Memphis, TN).
  18. "Be passionate, supportive and accepting of what the other person is doing in their personal life. We knew it was important to still be individuals. We each had things we wanted to get done personally. We wanted our work goals not just supported but understood and facilitated. It hasn't always been easy. My husband put up with my two rounds of higher education and five startup companies. Today, I put him on a plane for a tour of duty in Iraq. I might not personally believe in sending troops overseas but I believe in him and know this is important to him." Julie has been married to Mark for 15 years (West Linn, Oregon).
  19. "Forget your old 'best' friends. You have a new best friend now. Make sure to have 'your time.'" Rick has been married to Jenn for 14 years (Arlington, MA).
  20. "What is most important for a long-term marriage is knowing yourself before you marry." Nancy has been married to Don for 16 years (Temecula, CA).
  21. "Dump friends, family and situations that have a negative effect on your life and marriage and expect your spouse to do the same. Keep your sex life interesting. Listen to each other's fantasies. Do not be afraid to dress and act sensual in the bedroom. And plan exciting vacations together." Beverly has been married to Pablo for 33 years (Lampasas, TX).
  22. "Mind your manners. Too often we show more respect to strangers than to those we love. Parents often expect manners from their kids but don't use them with each other. 'Please hand me that plate' is kinder, gentler than, 'Hand me that.' Would you, could you, please, sorry -- these are magic words. They're not just for dating." LaRita has been married to Kurt for 27 years (Indian Shores, FL).
  23. "We are about as different as a couple can get. But rather than be irritated by our differences, we revel in them. We find each other's foibles endlessly amusing, much like watching exotic animals in a zoo. Not a day goes by without my laughing so hard I cry at my husband's making fun of something I'm doing. We tease each other a lot. It's never mean-spirited. And we're both psychiatrists to boot!" Doreen has been married to Tim for 20 years (Boulder, CO).
  24. "We took a lot of trips without our children and both feel this has made all the difference in the world. We had friends who judged us for leaving our kids so often. They are now divorced." Becky has been married to Jay for 26 years (Twin Cities, MN).
  25. "Share a common dream. When couples have that, every bump in the road is on the way to somewhere that matters. Without the dream, every bump in the road is a mountain to climb over. Finding your dharma, or what your unique service is to the planet, creating a larger context of meaning in life, puts the little stuff in perspective and makes it easy to process." Lanny has been married to Christine for 23 years (Albuquerque, NM).
  26. "If you're in it for life, you're both going to do a lot of growing up and maturing over the years—you have to stay intimately in touch with each other's growth over all this time or you end up not knowing the person you're married to as he/she changes over the years." Ann has been married to Dean for 25 years (Slidell, LA).





Everyone can agree that Perfect is for the fairy tales. Happy is the key, especially if you are seeking a successful marriage. My Marriage is no different and although I corrected my new friend on the image of us being "Perfect", I did stress that we have had time...time to learn, time to teach and time to figure it out, and although we have had all this time, we are still far from figuring it all out, but we are handling this marriage as a team and figuring it all out together.

Happy Marriages to all!



Friday, March 21, 2014

Off the Radar..Companies here! (be back on Monday)

Ding, Dong. Company is coming. 

Now it is a race to make sure the house is cleaned up, the toys are neat, the toilet is white! Why do we feel like it's a time to get the floor so clean you could eat off of them when we are expecting company?

 I am having my moment, my Brother is in town from California, and I feel like I am staying up way to late, trying to make sure that all my I's are dotted and T's are crossed, as far as my housework goes. Why? I mean, I don't even have a kitchen floor...yet... so why does it matter if there are play-doh chunks under the art table in the said kitchen on the rock floor? Why does it matter that I have dust all over with half up drywall in every direction on floor #1? And don't get me started on the old, terrible, in need of a serious re-do, wood floors that are dull, grayish and covered in muddy paw prints? 

Well, I don't.  Not this time around. Which for me, is crazy! I suffer from O.C.D. - oh yea, I know what you are thinking, her poor Hubby! Hey, he has stories, I am sure of that, but guess what, so do I!

This girl right here was one that ran her vacuum every day! I don't mean that I just swept here and there, oh no, I had a pattern, a way that I had to vacuum the carpets, then I had to do the steps from top to bottom, and then there was the cool attachment just for my micro-fiber couch! And yes, I am that girl that had to have the carpet lines in carpet and couch...

What the heck has changed me? What is so different? Some think it is my house, it is an old farm house, after all. But, no, this started happening before our move. This started happening when I started having children. I had baby #1 and I was still pretty anal. I had to mop the floors daily, on top of vacuum because baby was crawling and what not and I could not deal with the fact that she might pick up a germ here and there and heaven forbid it be from my dirty floors.  No, I was still O.C.D. ridden with her, maybe even more so! 
Baby #2 started my transition. I wouldn't even say right away. I still was sucking every ounce of free time I could muster to run my sweeper. I don't think it was until  we found Gray's that I started to slack off. I began realizing that there were more important things than having a spic and span house to live in.  I had a full time job, full time kids, a full time Hubby and two houses that I was trying to manage. I just got lazy! I guess there is no other way to say it than that, right!

Then we moved.  We are muddy, we are dirt ridden and I don't care! There is nothing I can do about it.  If I were to obsess about the paw prints on the floor I would probably go crazy because we have a dirt and stone drive and it is inevitable!

So, I am told that my Little Brother is coming home from California. He hasn't been back since right after I had baby #2 and she will be 3 in April, so needless to say, its been a while. I know he wants to come over, see the new house, which is fine and dandy, but I cleaned on Thursday, my cleaning day- yes I said day, not days. I devote 1 solid day, 2-3 hours of that day, to running sweepers, dusting, mopping and cleaning bathrooms. No more time/days than that! (ok, unless I have shards of bone from the dog in the rugs, I will be defeated for that junk!)

Is this bad? 

Hubby doesn't think so! He is actually really liking the new me. I am less stressed, less moody and enjoying time and life a little more because I am not worrying about what everyone else will think of my house or the way we live. 

But, it is really great to see my Bro and my girls are fighting for his undivided attention. They are good girls. 

He is here until April 1st and I hope to get some time in with him. We have had our share of ups and downs in our relationship since he left and every time he comes back we have a great time catching up.

No wedges and no more cleaning, sorry Tony!

Happy Weekend All!

(*Pic from Airport tonight- when Brother's plane came into hanger.)



FABULOUS FRIDAY- with a little BACHLEOR Fun...

Today is Friday, the best day EVER! (in my opinion) and I happen to be having
a FABULOUS Friday, although it is moving a little slow for my taste,
but hey it is FRIDAY! (Did I mention it was Friday?)

Something is definitely going on with me lately. I don't know if the fact that yesterday was the first day of Spring or the air is starting to warm up, but I am getting some serious Spring Fever! I work up today and felt
refreshed! (This is ironic to me, because, I went to bed WAY to late last night and work up before 5 a.m.)  So, this refreshed feeling made me pull my hair in a Pony Tail (which I have my hair cut in January, just so I couldn't rock my P.T. anymore) and got dressed, looking in the mirror feeling Good.  I haven't felt so good lately, so this is having a huge impact on my Fabulous Friday feelings!

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What is making your day a Fabulous Friday? 

I can't pin point exactly why I am feeling so good, but I am glad to be getting over my tired, run down funk!  Then, I decided to check some Emails and found out that I did great on my project for Copy writing, WHOO HOO!

 My Next move of the day is to check out what's going on in the Bachelor world, naturally we should discuss Juan Pablo and Nikki, right (Bachelor update):

Juan Pablo & Nikki at a Wedding?

Bachelor's Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell Attend Weekend Wedding: PHOTO

Ok, so it wasn't their wedding, but they were at a wedding, together, sitting next to one another, kissing,  holding hands and all that mess.  Considering that Juan Pablo could not profess his love for Nikki on the Bachelor show, I would honestly hope that the alter was not where I would find these two kids.  But, they did attend a wedding together, canoodling with one another. Reports are saying that they kiss that they had during the ceremony looked staged, as Juan's eyes were open and he was gazing in another direction. Are we surprised people? 

But, he did post up a video of a song he made for Nikki, "Adventures in Loving You" and if you haven't seen the video on YouTube, you should definitely check it out because it is super cute and kind of makes my
heart mushy!

I really like Nikki, which I really didn't at first, but seeing her at the Finale, it was sad. She acted like a Puppet  and Juan was her puppet master. I hope/pray that he is not really that self absorbed in real
life. I hope that he is respectful of her and that they are having fun with one another, outside of the bedroom.
On a side note, Nikki really reminds me of my Brother's best friend, Teia. She is a very pretty, sweet, genuine girl! Maybe that is why I like Nikki.


Truth be told, I am a Facebook Follower of Juan Pablo and I have to say that to me, it seems fake. I hate saying that because I am a helpless romantic at heart and wish nothing but the best for those two. I would
love for it all to work, for him to idolize her and worship the ground she walks on..but I just don't feel it. But I do love the SONG! (panty dropper for sure!)

{Google image OK- Juan Pablo!}

In other X-Bachelor contestant news:

The Bachelor's Renee Oteri is Married!

Renee Oteri from Juan Pablo's Season of the Bachelor, Is Married!

Reports came out last month and Renee (I really liked her, she was very genuine) was engaged to Bracy Maynard. Renee and Bracy have known one another since they were 12.  Well, that was so LAST MONTH! They tied the knot- she is married, stating that she married her best friend of 22 years.  Reports said that she wore a long white lace gown (so Renee) and had pink blooms in her hand. It is said that they eloped.

A BIG Congratulations to them both. She deserves nothing but the best and lots of happiness.

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So, I guess that concludes my Fabulous Friday Bachelor news. My day is still going strong. I have a few more things to handle, then it is time for some rest and relaxation, with my kiddo's. We got our copy of Frozen on Wednesday and have watched it every day since. It is a big deal in our house. (I mean they are Anna and Isle after all!)

I am hoping that everyone out there has just as much of a fabulous day as me! (the sun is shining!)

Have a great weekend!

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Signing Off until Monday, 3/24/14 :)


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