Showing posts with label stay at home moms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stay at home moms. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

5 Tips for Stay at Home Moms

Being that my life is about to be a bit more flexible (details to come) - I am reaching out to all the stay at home Mommy's out there!  

20 Quotes For Challenging Times:

What is your BIGGEST Challenge with being a 
Stay at Home Mom? 

How do you handle the flexibility through the day?  

"In your morning prayers each day, ask Heavenly Father to guide you to recognize an opportunity to serve one of His precious children." - M Russell Ballard:
I am a list person and have put together five (5) things that I wanted to share on how I 'plan' on handling my new found freedom of being out of the brick and mortar. 
Maybe it can help other Moms who are as apprehensive about transitioning into the Stay at Home Mom field.

Tips for Stay at Home Moms

  1. Create a schedule.  - I am a very visual person and tend to list out everything that I wish to complete and feel accomplished when I am able to check something off the list as I go. I think that this could be handy when trying to design my day. 
  2. Be realistic about goals. - When I sit down to create my list, I always allow for some "flex" time for those things that come up unexpectedly.  I try to set goals for my day but I try to also stay in a frame of mind that it is OK to challenge some things but to think about what the day holds, i.e. I write down that we are going to the park from 11:30 - 12:00 and it rains - well we will not meet this goal today and that is alright! 
  3. Get inspired. - I am a crafty person. I love doing this and that and I think that it is important to get my kiddos involved, especially as they hold the same craftiness!  I also think that spending some time working on our alphabet, numbers, and writing our name is just as important- whether your inspiration for making this happen is a white board, chalk board or learning books!
  4. Make Mommy friends. - This is really important. When you are at the park and your kids are playing- that is a common ground with another Mom who has her little's playing as well. Strike up a friendship, make play dates and take time our for a little girls night here and there away from Hubby's and Kiddos. It can make a world of difference.
  5. Decide if you might want to try working from home. - I know, it sounds scary, but there are a ton of things that you can do working at home, and not all of them involve heavy customer service or being on the phones all day.  Many offer flexibility and a chance to find your inner entrepreneur! 

Check out my Social Media Manager kit e-Book available for Download NOW! 

Monday, August 15, 2016

How To: Get Happy Right Now!

Faith, Lessons on Working, Stay at Home Moms
by: Kel Amstutz

Are you happy? 

Are you struggling? 

Maybe a mix of both?

Learning HOW to be happy with yourself, in the moment is a great gift. Each moment, including the present is a gift. If you are not happy with yourself, your body, your family balance, your financial situation, you can become insecure. If you think that you are not good enough you will begin to fear rejection, feel lonely, and take on many other negative thoughts. 


Let's go with self esteem. You are not happy with your body. You think you are too fat, or perhaps too skinny.  You see a flabby tummy, or stretch marks.  If we use this example, this mindset, you are unhappy with your body, OK. What does that do to you?  Well, you might be jealous of others. You might find yourself worried that you are not attractive enough to keep your spouse, or maybe you will feel that your body will affect intimacy. 

If you are not happy with your body, you might not want to look at it. You might obsessively under eat or begin binge eating, which makes you feel even worse about yourself. You might overeat junk food to overshadow your unhappy thoughts, which make your health an issue. Or maybe you take on shopping, making yourself feel better but causing debt or buyers remorse. 

The possible scenario's are endless, but you get the general idea. 


There is not just ONE answer to this question. It is a build up that includes a lot of reasons! 

The media.  We watch beautiful celebrities with perfect faces, stomachs, hair, thighs, abs, chests, booties- all over the place. We see them on the Internet, TV, Movies, in magazines.  Everywhere.  We are comparing ourselves to an illusion. Why would we need to like these illusions? Why can't we be like ourselves?  Why can't WE be ideal? 

The comments section.  When friends, family members, co-workers, spouses make innocent comments perhaps about our booties, boobs, etc. that settle in and we find ourselves feeling bad. These comments are small but they can hit our self-esteem very hard. 

Childhood. In our childhoods, maybe our parents comment on certain things that stick with us, making us feel bad. Perhaps our parents got a divorce, maybe Dad was never around- maybe Dad left Mom, maybe she wasn't good enough for him. By extension this can transpire into you are not good enough for someone? 

Failures. Everyone makes mistakes. They say 'To error is to be human' but perhaps we have made some mistakes and failed at some things that we tried very hard to accomplish. Everyone does it, but when we do it, we take it to heart.

Spiral of negative thoughts. One bad thought can lead to another, and then another, until we have a bundle of BAD thoughts that become our self-image. This negative self-image can affect everything that we do.  This self-image and these bad thoughts are NOT us- they are things that HAPPEN to us or within us, but we don't let them become us. We can cope with these thoughts, we can turn them into a positive, into gratitude, and even into happiness.


Getting into a more happy and healthy place NOW is all about practice and commitment.  Of course, this will NOT be an instant effect, it will take a while because our self-images can not transform overnight, it took years, perhaps to find and fill with this unhappiness, after all. 
 But, here is a trick that I learned from someone near and deal:

1. Make a MENTAL MOVIE. 

Pretend you have a movie that you play in your mind. The movie is about who we are. You have a flabby tummy, you are fat, you are too skinny, you aren't disciplined, you aren't lovable, you don't earn enough income, you aren't good at ANYTHING. 

Start to pay attention when this movie starts playing- it affects everything that you do. 

Now, realize that this movie IS NOT YOU. This movie is just playing in your mind. Realize that it is NOT true. This is NOT based on your reality. Realize that this movie CAN BE CHANGED!

2. Start to EDIT your movie.

It is time to base the movie on reality. Do not let your fears from childhood or illusions from celebrities or comments others have made affect this movie. Instead, it should be based on the FACT that you are a GOOD person who is loving, kind, beautiful, passionate. This might not be what you think about yourself, but let's make the movie like this anyhoo.  

Ask others why you're lovable. (look for those who might give kind answers) Use these images in your new movie. When negative images start to pop up, edit them to the cutting room floor and tell them that they have NO PLACE in your production!  

3. Play the new movie in your conscience. 

Put this new movie in your mind often and play it. 


You need to realize that you are PERFECT- just the way you are. You do not need to buy things in order to feel happy. You have healing powers locked inside of YOU. You just need practice! 

Comment below and share a little about how you find happiness in your daily life! 

Nope! I can't wait to be done with school in two weeks and then off to my dream job! Haters approval not needed! I have found something I love to do! It makes me happy to see I'm such an inspiration to all my haters :):
If you found this post interesting, I bet you’ll love checking out my other most popular posts:


 Here is my most popular eBook! 

I strongly recommend my eBook, The Social Media Manager Kit by Kel (w/ bonus) in order to get you started. It will include templates for emailing potential clients or those you landed a completed job with, it will allow you to focus and challenge you to keep moving forward. 

This life, working at home, being financial free and with my family, is something that I used to dream about

  • I am living it. 
  • I am loving it. 
  • I am making it my life! 

Need More Help?  

Check out my eBook, Make your Dream a Reality in 30 Days or Less! - a jump start guide with templates to get you ready, set and ROCKING this Social Media Manager gig! 

Friday, August 12, 2016

How To Make Your Blog Go Viral

Blogging, Lessons on working, Stay at Home Moms

by: Kel Amstutz

Last year, I posted a blog post that went viral. (much to MY surprise!)  

Today, I still see traffic in the thousands (on a daily basis) and from that one article! 

Since then, I have had a few more blog posts that are getting shared in the thousands.  The internet is filled with different niches that cater to different interests.  In today's internet landscape, it is a MUST as a blogger, that you formulate a strategy that CAN make your posts go VIRAL. 

Why is vitality or contagious content important today?  

Social media has become a staple in the attitude of online users. What this means is that with more shares and likes, more people can get to see your blog and be exposed to your brand. 

So how do you go about doing this? 

Know your Niche if You Want to to VIRAL

One of the best ways to turn a blog post viral is to know your audience, know their interests and their likes. You may even go the extra mile and create a really curious headline or talk about hated topics to get your audience to click through, out of curiosity. 

Research Contagious & Mass Appeal Topics

What are the things that let's say, many Moms want to know or read? Do they find it difficult to balance their time with work schedules? See, there are a lot of topics that can suddenly get a readers attention and it all depends on current lifestyles and circumstances, which fall within your niche.

Be Unique With Your Presentation

Can you be satirical with some of your comments when making a point? Do you have numbers that back up claims you have made on info-graphic style pieces?  These are different approaches on how you can get the attention of your readers. 

In fact, if you are simply following a generic line of thought, it is hard to be remembered especially now, where there are like, millions of bloggers who are throwing similar content to readers alike. 

Utilize Different Internet Marketing Strategies

Are you like most people and have multiple social media accounts? 

These are some of the best ways to promote your posts to an audience. Remember to always honor the platform that you are using. The same message won't work on EVERY social media site. You need to build a solid social media marketing strategy in order to increase your traffic exponentially to your blog. 

Find Your Voice

The right voice is important for ANY TYPE OF BLOG. Without a good voice, it is possible that you are NOT going to connect with your niche the way that you desire.  Though it takes practice, it is a skill that can be readily honed. It will NOT happen overnight, but with enough writing YOU WILL GET THERE! 

Be Consistent

Last, but certainly NOT least, you need to keep the content coming. You want to make it a habit for your readers to look at your posts and GET EXCITED

That can not happen without your commitment and consistency. 

 Here is my most popular eBook! 

I strongly recommend my eBook, The Social Media Manager Kit by Kel (w/ bonus) in order to get you started. It will include templates for emailing potential clients or those you landed a completed job with, it will allow you to focus and challenge you to keep moving forward. 

This life, working at home, being financial free and with my family, is something that I used to dream about


  • I am living it. 
  • I am loving it. 
  • I am making it my life! 

Need More Help?  

Check out my eBook, Make your Dream a Reality in 30 Days or Less! - a jump start guide with templates to get you ready, set and ROCKING this Social Media Manager gig! 


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How To Make Your Blog Go Viral

Blogging, Lessons on working, Stay at Home Moms by: Kel Amstutz Last year, I posted a blog post that went viral . (much to MY surp...