Monday, August 18, 2014

Cleaning out the Attic

It's time to clean out the Attic...

Everyone has heard the expression, "Cleaning out the Attic", right?  It is that time for me.  I have been dreading it too!  It is the time of the year to purge the things that are in my life that are no longer needed. 

So, on Saturday, with one less kid, I headed up the new, dusty steps to my gabled attic and started to unload artifacts of what once was.  I hauled bag after bag, box after box, toy after toy until I had made a large dent.  I then went through all those bags, boxes and toys and sent them packing!  

It is hard to say goodbye to things that once were.  I mean, I had moved all this stuff to this new house just this past October.  Why?  I caught myself asking this very question over and over again as I kept digging deeper and deeper into baby toys and guess what, my youngest is not a baby anymore!  So, why did I feel the need to hang onto all these toys and clothes and blankets from this baby who has not played with or used any of this stuff in a good year or so? 

I went through these things with an open mind and a heavy hand to toss some of this stuff to the curb without even batting an eyelash!  I mean, seriously, it looked as if I was holding out for another baby or something, and clearly, that ain't happening!

I stayed strong until I started to run out of steam, then I started to linger longer on the clothes that they once wore, or the dresses that we paid so much money for and they literally wore once.  I even stopped to ask hubby if I could keep the dresses for the girls when they have babies and at first he said, "NO, they aren't going to want that stuff."  But then, after sitting with me and remembering these pants or that shirt or those shoes, he caved and started a box himself.  It is a small box, it only holds pretty dresses and overalls, because seriously, we all had overalls growing up and don't you wish your parents kept them?  They are getting so hard to find! So, Oshkosh, I will have vintage overalls by the time my little ladies are ready to start a family and I hope to God that they get re-used! 

But, the long and short of the story is that I did it!  I managed to clean out the attic  and although I have certain things that I will keep forever, I definitely do not have half of what I did!  I also managed to have a pay it forward box to give to friends, which I think is very important because people were very good to us when we started our family and helped us with clothes and sorts and it came in handy and was something that I made a promise to do with our things when we outgrow them!

It was time.  I feel like I actually accomplished something!  We have a garage sale coming up and I am hoping to make a little money to buy my island and to buy some more cubbies for the girls playroom. Is it sad that I am already trying to organize and get ready before Santa's visit? 

Out with the old, in with the new!


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