Saturday, February 28, 2015

5 ways to get started as a Stay At Home Babysitter

It is time to start "shopping".  Of course, the thought of no longer working at home, being here for my kids is starting to make my anxiety rise.  My children have learned, in the past nine months, to depend on me.  They are now used to Mommy being Home.  For me to head back out into the field and give up getting my oldest child on the bus, or off, and give up getting my youngest her breakfast and getting ready to go to Nana's, or picking her up in the afternoon, is frankly, just not fair! (in a high whine voice, of course)


So, what do you do when you know...that God's plan is a big, fat push in your butt to find your own way? find your own way, right!  So the 'heat is on' to find my path and what better way than with you.  What better way to have accountability, right!

So, let's look at 5 ways get started as a  Stay at Home Babysitter...let me help you, as I help myself!

Start a Babysitting Business - Ideas for Babysitting for Stay at Home Mom Income

Why Babysitting?

I am personally great with kids.  I love kids.  I started my college education wanting nothing more than to be a teacher, even spending time working in a daycare facility while in school. 

Of course, I want to add that I did not become a teacher. Unfortunately, one professor crushed my dreams and self-esteem, not to mention my drive.  That was a career that I really wanted, but at nineteen years old, someone telling me that I would not be a good teacher can really effect a person, especially someone so young and trying to find their way. So, I went for an interdisciplinary degree where I majored in Business Administration and minored in English. I guess it was kind of the best of both worlds.

But, today, I feel that this is the best path for where I want to be in life.  With kids. Working at home. 

How do we get started?

You need to decide if this is for you. 

Ask yourself:   Do you want to run a traditional home daycare?  

Sure, the idea of bringing in extra money sounds great, but you need to be realistic It can cut into family time.  Maybe you just don't "do" diapers, or perhaps your own kids are older, so you would rather have kids in that age bracket?  

These are things that you need to nail down before you start your venture. 

Of course, there are alternatives.  

Here are FIVE ways to get Started as a Stay at Home Babysitter:

1) Traditional Daycare
2) Occasional Babysitting
3) Mom's Day Out
4) Homeschooler's Day Out
5) Parent's Night Out/ Holiday Childcare Option

1) What is Traditional Daycare?

A traditional daycare setting would entail babies to school age children in a set time/weekly environment.  You will need to have hours to accommodate your parents.   You set a rate for that child based on length of service, usually around $30 a day. 

2) What is Occasional Babysitting?

Occasional babysitting and/or Nanny Services take place in YOUR home or perhaps, the Child's.  Something like this could be run on a part-time basis.

Who says you have to watch children on a set schedule?

In an effort to start a babysitting business, you could keep the child every Wednesday at a certain time while Mom attends to other things.  A great way to have that stay at home Mom income while still spending time with your Family.

3) What about Mom’s Day Out?

A similar style of babysitting is to offer a Mom’s Day Out.  This is appealing to stay at home Moms because this type of care can be offered once a week, once every two weeks, or once a month

Typically a flat fee of $25 is charged while Moms drop off their little ones with you for 4-6 hours at a time. 

Ideas to offer Mom’s for their new found freedom?

How about grocery shopping? Getting their hair and nails done? A massage? Visit with friends? A lunch date with Daddy? Sleep? All of these things are possible and would be great things to include in your advertising.

4) How about a Home Schooler’s Day Out?

While most stay at home Moms get FREE TIME once their children hit school age, homeschooling Moms are with their children 24/7.  

Why not take the Mom’s Day Out idea and market it to Mother’s that Home School their children?

Every Mom needs a break sometimes!

Starting a business that would cater to Home Schooled children and offering them something fun and constructive to do while they are in your care can be very appealing.  This way the Mom gets a little free time to do other things while you add a little extra money to your Stay-At-Home income.

5) Parent’s Night Out and/or Holiday Care?

A very popular way to start a babysitting business is offering Parent’s Night Out.  Mom and Dad need alone time every now and again, a chance to remember why they got together in the first place!   This is a service that could be offered once or twice a month.
Pick a Friday or Saturday night, rent PG movies, order pizza and set up the sleeping bags. Now you are all set for a mini-slumber part for school aged kids that can last from 6p-midnight.  Consider charging $25-$35 a child for this service.

Some parents have to work on holidays and it’s a challenge finding a daycare to provide services. Add this idea for babysitting! If you are able to start a babysitting business for these special days, you can charge a premium rate.  An example of this would be offering childcare on New Year’s Eve, or Valentine’s Day.  A reasonable rate would be $50-$100 per child for the entire night.  Of course, when we think of “holidays,” images of Christmas and Thanksgiving come to mind, but don’t forget about your bank holidays, also! Not everyone gets those days off from work and this can be a fabulous holiday care service that would really pay off!

I think this alternative is very important, as I am a Mom that still has yet to find a babysitter to have those nights with my Husband.  We are lucky to have my Parent's for these nights, but there will come a time when they will be busy also! 

Additional Ideas:

Have you considered a Preschool Program?

A Preschool program could be help 2-3 times a week and last a few hours.  The kids would get to socialize, make crafts and other fun activities, and you would make a little income on the side.  This could be a great alternative when the Preschools are full and some kids are just left out.

So, if you think you are really ready to start this adventure, it is time to get started!  What is the next step?  Well, I am going to be renewing my CPR, AED and First Aid certification.  

You can  get a great deal at right now:

Happy Business Venture!!

Have a great weekend!



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