Tuesday, February 4, 2014

30 Day Challenge- Day 16- Your views on mainstream music

Day #16 - Your views on mainstream music

Well, I actually listen to the radio daily with my job. Headphone in one ear and iheart going on the old pc.  I don't have any issues with Mainstream music in today's world. 
I actually pulled the Top 40 and a lot of my "Jamz" are on there- including my Dark Horse, by Katy Perry!

I have a 5* yo and we are really into music and signing and performing.  This means that we are all over the place with who our "Artist of the week" will be!

This week we are loving some Miley Cyrus!  Adore is our song and my kiddo belts it out with all she has!


Monday, February 3, 2014

30 Day Challenge- Day #15- Your Favorite Pins.

Day #15- Your Favorite Pins..

I am really into the Valentine's Day Crafts right now so here is what I have for that (mind you, I have a 2 and OMG 5 YO tomorrow!)

Valentines craft Visit onegoodthingbyjillee.com
Im sorry but this just CRACKS me up!
This is awesome!
Perfect Play AreaCreate outdoor kid's play area - like the visual separation of area with mulch etc. Visit diynetwork.com

Sunday, February 2, 2014

30 Day Challenge- Day #14- Your earliest memory.

Day #14- Your Earliest Memory.

Funny, Hubby and I just had a discussion about this and our oldest kiddo and how she remembers stuff from when she was 1- no lie!  Hubby remembers stuff from when he was 2 and 3.  Me, on the other hand, I feel like I had some post tramatic stress issues. I don't know how old I was, but my babysitter would lock me in the bathroom and I was younger than 5.  I can also remember riding my big wheel and I think that was around the age of four.  I have a hard time distinguishing between a memory and a viewing of the old VHS tapes!

We actually did find some old photos of me when I was little and it is crazy how much my youngest looks like me. (Even though I am the ONLY person /besides hubby- who sees it!)

I remember my kindergarten class, my teacher, what she looked like and all that.  Memories are strange and how they hit me are even stranger!

Quotes: Memory is a selection of images. Some illusive, others printed indelibly on the brain. Each image is like a thread. Each thread woven together to make a tapestry of intricate texture and the tapestry tells a story and the story is our past." Eve's Bayou #genealogy #quotes

Saturday, February 1, 2014

30 Day Challenge- Day #13- Somewhere you'd like to move or visit.

Day #13- Somewhere you'd like to move or visit.

Hope you have a while!  Before we bought this here, G E M- we were actually dead set on moving to Arizona.  Hubby has a cousin that moved there and we were so far as to even having a house picked out.  Regrets, anyone.. Now here we sit with I don't even know how many inches of snow on the ground, a propane shortage (frickin' awesome!) and cold weather that won't stop!

We have a list of places we want to visit/vacation.  I want to go to Louisiana - desperately!  Hubby's family is from there, so hopefully it is in our future!  We talked about Virginia, Missouri, Texas, and Georgia.  I would love to go to North and South Carolina in my lifetime also!

I don't know if moving is in our future now that we have old Gray Gables, but we can dream!

We're making this sign.  I have the feeling we'll be moving around a lot in the next few years

Friday, January 31, 2014

30 Day Challenge- Day #12- Bullet your WHOLE day

Day 12- Bullet your WHOLE day

* Up at 4:20 AM - Get Hair Did/ Face on
* Pack lunch at 4:50 AM/ Start Car/ Pack Up
* Out the door and onto my commute by 5:00 AM
* At work by 5:20 AM
* Start my day 5:21AM
* Lunch at 11:00 AM
*Clock out at 1:00 PM
* Pick up my Girls at 1:30 PM
* Head home at 2:30PM
 * Snack Time at 3:00 PM
* Play Time 3:30 PM
* Get Dinner Ready 4:45 PM
* Bath time for kids 5:45 PM
* Clean up House 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
* Story Time 7:20 PM
* Watch TV before Bed 7:45 PM
* Bed Time 8:30 PM
* Shower 9:20 PM
* Work on Blog 9:45PM
* Bed Time 10:20 PM

- I am gearing up to do this all over again tomorrow....

<3 Dr. Seuss - tweeted by @TrevorProject

Thursday, January 30, 2014

30 Day Challenge- Day #11- Put your IPod on Shuffle and write 10 songs that POP UP!

Ipod  nothing better than walking down the street or mowing the grass listening to your  IPOD. It really makes the neighbors wonder what is wrong with you  when your favorite song comes on.

Day #11-  Put your IPod on Shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

How sad (since I am a MOM and have to share my stuff with my rotten children) of course #1 is Minnie's boutique (really!)

#2 is Unfamiliar by Snowball (my old Best Friend in Cincy)
#3 is Clique by Kayne West with JayZ and Big Sean
#4 is Unconditionally by Katy Perry
#5 is Love Game by Eminem feat. Kendrick Lamar
#6 is Red by Taylor Swift
#7 is Like Whaaat by Problem feat. Bad Lucc
#8 is Love Me by Lil Wayne feat. Drake and Future
#9 is It Wont Stop by Sevyn Streeter feat. Chris Brown

and -Drumroll please------

#10 is Dark Horse by Katy Perry feat. Juicy J

***My FAVORITE song on my IPod right now is Adore You by Miley Cyrus.**

Side Note: at least none of the Frozen tracks showed up- so over it!

With a Heavy Heart I stand behind our Toledo Firefighters

Being the daughter of a recently retired firefighter, my heart is so heavy. On Sunday, 1/26/14 we lost 2 firefighters in the line of duty. One had 16 yrs and one was just hired in September. Tonight was the Last Alarm and it was so hard to watch.  I bawled my eyes out.  I come from my Mother's Dad being a Toledo Firefighter and My Dad. I am proud of them. More than they probably know.  I also worked for the city's 911 system.. My Grandpa passed away from Lung Cancer due to espestos he inhaled in a fire in the 70's.  We had a Last Call and the memories it stirs are so emotional.  The "rookie" leaves behind his wife, 3 yo daughter and 1 month old son.  It breaks my heart. 
My thoughts and prayers are with the families. My thoughts and prayers are with our Fire department. 
I am very somber tonight.  I am so Proud of my Dad and even though he us retired, to hear him talk about his firefighting days and see his enthusiasm, I know he was born to be a firefighter.  I love him.  He has always been my hero and ice always been so proud of his career. I'm happy that the brotherhood is strong and everyone stepped up.
"While others run from the fire, you run towards it.."

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

30 Day Challenge- Day #10: Discuss your first love and first kiss

Day #10- Discuss your first love and first kiss

Well, I promised to be honest and speak from my heart.  Although it would be magical and dreamy to say that my Hubby was this person, that is just not the reality of what is my life.  My first love was a boy I met when I was fourteen.  It was June, I was just getting home from a 3 week trip to Hawaii with my Best Friend.  We stayed at her family's home in Honolulu on Oahu and it was AMAZING!  I had just gotten home (literally the same day) and my Mom had been talking about this boy on the phone with me while on my Vacation and how he couldn't wait to meet me and blah blah blah.  I was like, OK- seriously I was JUST fourteen.  His parents were close to my parents and it had been that summer that they all decided to get the families together, since this boy's siblings were around the same age as my little bro.  So, back to the facts.  It was the day I got home, Mom loaded me up in the car and we headed out to Oregon to pick up my lil bro from this boys house.  That day changed me life. 

We lived pretty far from one another and spent the ENTIRE summer talking on the phone twenty four seven.  I knew him from front to back and vice versa.  We only saw each other a few times over the summer and once school started we both agreed to take it slow, talking about when we got our license we would pick back up.  I honestly loved him.  He was the first boy I ever said it to and I think that, although I was young, I really meant it.  Just F Y I - we had this weird thing that went on for 10 years.  We would see each other now and again, but we could never get it together enough to be together.  Plus, he drank to much and was a mean drunk and I was not flattered.  I knew he wasn't the "one", especially since when I went back to school after that summer I was infatuated with my Hubby- true story... (God's plan!)

That was my first L O V E .

My first kiss was another story!  It was awkward and quick and there was a fear of braces getting stuck together.  It was with a Neighborhood boy who was my boyfriend at the time.  He was such a nice boy, but it was just a kiss and no spark and soon after we parted ways, agreeing just to be friends. 

Everything was much different in both ways with my Hubby.  The first time I kissed him, I knew he was the "one."  I felt the spark that everyone always talks about.  Our story was an adventure all in its own!  This girl had to put in work with him.  He was trying to play the friend card with me- UN-Uh, I don't think so! This girl was head over heels for that boy and I knew that there was more to "US".  This is where he laughs and calls me a stalker!!!


December 7, 2012
which is why I refuse to ever let you go

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

30 Day Challenge- Day #9- How you hope your Future will be like...

Day #9- How you hope your future will be like.

This is a loaded question in my opinion.  I feel like if I profess how I envision my life in the future, maybe the future will be bleak. Maybe less than bleak.  I have no idea what my/our future holds.  I have always lived in the, how is my life going to be... how will my life turn out... and the older that I get, the more I realize that hoping, dreaming, wishing is fine and all, but nothing is what it seems until your in the now.  I have been living in the now for quite some time and taking each day in stride. I also am a huge worry wart and if I get to far ahead of myself, my OCD pipes up and I get hives from thinking about how something was supposed to be in my mind and didn't happen that way. 

Two years ago we bought a house and have been remodeling and we bought it on a whim. Something we both could see that was just a pile of rubble to everyone else.  We could see our lives in this house.  We had visions and dreams that were created with the dilapidated piece that once stood before us.  Two years later, we are further along but at first snow and unusually cold weather, we both really want to move south.  Abandoned our so called dream and head for the hills, onto something else.   I guess that is why I am where I am about the future.  I hope a lot.  I hope that my children stay safe, I pray for that actually. I hope that Hubby and I stay safe and that our life remains somewhat pain free.  I hope that we are able to keep our marriage healthy and stable and continue to grow with one another.  But at the end of the day, all I can do is make sure that today was a good day.  Today I remembered to do something kind for everyone, to say my I love yous to my family, to pray for the positives of today and remain thankful for what we have today. After all, tomorrow is not a guarantee, right.
live for today 

Monday, January 27, 2014

30 Day Challenge- Day #8

Day #8- A moment you felt the most satisfied with your LIFE.

Well, honestly, I have had a few in my life so far- lucky me!  I would say the first day that I felt like I was most satisfied in LIFE was the first "date" I had with my Hubby.  It was spontaneous and random and felt like I was in the exact spot in the exact moment that I was supposed to be in. Who knew it would lead to where/who I am today.

My second moment was the day we tied the knot...doot doot doot Another One Bites the Dust.. You know we came into our reception to that! (We're funny peoples!)  It was a great day and we were hoping/wishing for something crazy, unplanned, and almost disastrous to happen. It didn't.. Although we did have 2 crashers that showed up in the pictures!  But the day was perfect and one that I wish I could do over and over again!  We had a great wedding and yes, I shook my ass on the dance floor!  It was AWWWESOME!

My Third and Fourth moments were when my girls were born.  Each one left a permanent imprint in my soul.  Each experience was different and held its own moments that I will NEVER forget! With my oldest, it was easy breezy!  I always tell this story and everyone laughs.  I worked up until the day and at 5:30 a.m. my water broke when I was packing my lunch, car running in the driveway, ready to head to work on the brisk February morning.  I had put a pop tart in the toaster and decided to eat it before I woke up Hubby.  I at the WHOLE thing too!   I made my calls to work and around 6 a.m. went to wake him up.  He jumped up- grabbed his clothes and we pretty much ran out the door.  I really didn't have pain, no contractions- just awkwardness from the water breakage.
So, we get to the hospital, its all laid back- positive, Weez having us a Babay!!   They get stuff moving, add a little Petocin to get her going and after a visit from my parents, who left the room to get lunch, it was SHOWTIME!  Then, at 1:58 p.m. we had us one bouncing baby girl!  She was beautiful and content.  Fast too!  We got acquainted and I remember in the middle of the night feeling that pang of anxiety knowing that Hubby was asleep and I was going to have to manage a diaper and a bottle on my own, but I did it and it was an amazing bond that was formed.

With my next baby girl it was quite a different story!  I again worked up until the day we had her. The night before Hubby and I got into a bad fight.  He had a penicillin allergic reaction and I had to run to the store at 10 p.m. to get some Benedryl.  It set off a series of events with this very pregnant girl that was NOT pleasant.  I got up in the middle of the night to get my, then, 2 year olds Pacifier from under her crib and guess what, water broke!  Its 2 a.m. and I wasn't sure what to do!  I woke up Jason who said, get your Bag, call your Dad and lets go! (Oh, Dr. Seuss has arrived!) 

We were on our way by 3:30 a.m. - yes this girl got ready, makeup on, hair did!  I am not ashamed!   Well, my little breech baby girl (Yes, we knew she was breech, we actually had gone in for a VERSION the week before- and let me tell you- if your doctor says lets try to flip the baby while invetro- say HELL NO and RUN!  I have NEVER felt pain like that before and Baby Girl didn't budge!)

So, emergency c-section it was.  I was scared to death.  I was literally shaking when they wheeled my back and luckily my Doctor is amazing, she sat on the table with me, holding me while they gave me my epidural.  Hubby finally came in and we had us another baby girl.  The cord was wrapped around her neck but she was ok.  It was an amazing day.  

Then I had two!  Each with her own story.  Hubby really bonded alot more with our little one.  He was the first to see her, hold her, feed her and really take care of her.  I will never forget his face with each of our girls. It was amazing to see him transform before my eyes. 

I have had a lot of satisfying moments since then, but those ones are the ones that are imprinted on my being.  I hope to have many, many more in my lifetime.

Are you content with what you have?  Ideas for finding 'enough' and building a satisfying life.

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