If you are anything like me...you are kind of AMAZON obsessed.
I mean, my blog-e-blog (K J Term) is kind of centered around this book thing, which in turn is working with Amazon, like daily.

What that means...
- is that I might be...
- I am kind of...
- I hate to admit it...
But, when it comes to talking about this whole WORK AT HOME thing...it seems that those who are not seeking this alternative work life...run away screaming!
Well, while the skepticism is still strong, there are more and more companies that are offering remote positions that are legit and one of these is....drum-roll please....
So, how can you make money working at home with Amazon...you ask?
Well, that is easy! I actually have five (5) possibilities for telecommuting with Amazon!
In this role you are assigned short tasks, or HITS, as they call them, that require little to no skill or equipment outside of your computer and an internet connection. HITS can contains data entry tasks, verification tasks or transcription tasks.
Usually pay consists of less and a dollar per HIT, due to little effort that is required in this role. But, there are a ton of laid back people who love this job and are happy with the ability to work but lack of commitment that this job offers! Payments are made through Amazon Payments and you can even transfer payment to your bank account or spend on Amazon! (Thank you Prime Membership!)
If this sounds like your kind of gig, with benefits available in the full-time position, check out fresh openings here!
There are no upfront costs with selling your eBooks through Kindle Direct Publishing. Instead, you are paid royalty fees, which consist of 35% to 70% depending on the price you sell your eBook for. The cons to this are that you give up a good portion of your profits, in some cases, but you can NOT beat Amazon's built-in customer base and the affiliate program comes into play as well.
5. Amazon FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) - Seriously, I am just learning about this...let's call it the Amazon Side Hustle- because it is HOT right now. With this opportunity, you purchase merchandise cheap, let's say through wholesale, and send it to Amazon for them to store and ship. You list and sell the items through Amazon marked up and Amazon takes care of the shipping to your customer.