by: Kel Amstutz
Last year, I posted a blog post that went viral. (much to MY surprise!)
Today, I still see traffic in the thousands (on a daily basis) and from that one article!
Since then, I have had a few more blog posts that are getting shared in the thousands. The internet is filled with different niches that cater to different interests. In today's internet landscape, it is a MUST as a blogger, that you formulate a strategy that CAN make your posts go VIRAL.
Why is vitality or contagious content important today?
Social media has become a staple in the attitude of online users. What this means is that with more shares and likes, more people can get to see your blog and be exposed to your brand.
So how do you go about doing this?
Know your Niche if You Want to to VIRAL
Research Contagious & Mass Appeal Topics
What are the things that let's say, many Moms want to know or read? Do they find it difficult to balance their time with work schedules? See, there are a lot of topics that can suddenly get a readers attention and it all depends on current lifestyles and circumstances, which fall within your niche.
Be Unique With Your Presentation
In fact, if you are simply following a generic line of thought, it is hard to be remembered especially now, where there are like, millions of bloggers who are throwing similar content to readers alike.
Utilize Different Internet Marketing Strategies
These are some of the best ways to promote your posts to an audience. Remember to always honor the platform that you are using. The same message won't work on EVERY social media site. You need to build a solid social media marketing strategy in order to increase your traffic exponentially to your blog.
Find Your Voice

Be Consistent
That can not happen without your commitment and consistency.

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