Meet Your Writing Goals by Keeping Promises to Yourself
By: Kel AmstutzPromises.
They are easy to make... but harder to keep. Especially when they are to yourself.
I mean... it doesn't sound that hard... right? You make a promise to yourself... and you keep it. Is there really anything more to it than that?
Well... for anyone who has made a promise or promises to themselves and NOT kept them....then you know what kind of struggle you can face. And more often than not, the things that really trip you up and halt your overall success are not even that obvious.
But, keeping the promises you make to yourself is a really POWERFUL tool that helps you reach your writing goals and boosts your self-worth.
As we continue to go at light speed towards the second half of our year, right now is the perfect time to learn the SECRET RECIPE to help you keep the most important promises of all - the ones to yourself.
When you are armed with this knowledge, you can review your goals and use your promises to stay on task and on track with what you want in your writer's life.
Why are the promises you make to yourself so important?
When life's demands come along, the promises you have made to yourself are often the first ones to fall by the wayside. You make one excuse... then another... or even worse, you just pretend they aren't even important.
Making and keeping promises is a test of your integrity.
Integrity is doing the right thing in all circumstances, even when no one is watching. In that light, promises to yourself are the ultimate test of your integrity. They're a measure of the value that you place on your word and your commitments.
The easiest and best way to understand WHY your promises are essential is to think about how you feel when someone breaks a promise they made to you.
You feel disappointed... hurt... betrayed, right. You probably had to process a painful message- that you weren't important enough to keep a promise to.
You send that same powerful and painful message every time you don't keep a commitment to yourself.
By not keeping a promise to yourself, you:
Go against your values of being honest and acting with integrity. Compromise your trust in yourself to keep your word and follow through. Diminish your self-worth and importance.
I know.. it's a lot, right.You Can Reverse The Negative Toll of Broken Promises
But, you can reverse the negative toll of unkempt promises when you keep the commitments that you make to yourself.

You will begin to create a self-perpetuating cycle of success. Keeping your promises to yourself leads to accomplishments, which helps to encourage you to keep more of your promises to yourself. The possibilities are endless in this cycle.
Instead of going against your values and integrity, you are creating a perfect alignment between your words, intentions, and actions. This lets you work with strength and persistence.
You will also find it easier to identify potential problems and weaknesses within yourself and your situations. In turn, it becomes easier to overcome things like resistance and procrastination.
Developing integrity toward yourself also spreads to the world around you. As you trust yourself more, others will begin to trust in you, and you will create positive conditions that support you in achieving your goals.
Making your own promises a priority helps you decide what is important. Your productivity increases, because it is easier to eliminate distractions and improve your focus.
Instead of distrusting yourself, you build up your faith and confidence. You become a happier person, as you know that you have the power and the ability to make your life better.
Why Do You Break Your Promises?

You may think that telling others about your commitment will benefit you in helping you keep your promises to yourself. It's really counter-intuitive though, but turns out that this is often where the problem lies.
By telling others about your intention to do something... it makes you feel as good as when you actually handle the intention... which reduces your motivation to take action and may be why you are not getting things done...and breaking promises to yourself.

Research shows that our sense of identity completeness - proving who we say we are - increases when we have an audience. Just stating that you intention helps fulfill this sense of identity. And often, that's enough to leave you feeling satisfied... at least temporarily.
So you goals fall to the wayside and you stop before you actually start.
How Do You Guarantee You'll Become a Promise Keeper?
Now we go back to the Secret Sauce. If you read the blog often... you know that I always find the secret sauce in things!The secret sauce recipe for you to succeed requires three (3) things:
- Realize promises to yourself are IMPORTANT and WORTHY.
- Make your promises for the RIGHT REASONS.
- Have a plan when you make your promise and be PURPOSEFUL in your accountability.
Here's an Example:
Let's say you want to write every day. Ask yourself what your reasons are for wanting to do this. Is it because this is what other writers do? Does that mean you should think it's the right thing to do? Or, do you just genuinely want to use this method to improve your writing and your skills? If your answer is the second one, you are much more likely to keep your commitments.Now, I want you to get very specific about how you want this commitment to help you. What aspect of your writing do you want to improve on... Headlines? Storytelling? Grammar? This step helps you refine your focus.
Once you understand your promise's value and what you specifically hope to gain from it, you can start to develop an action plan and decide how and when you will go about it.
Make sure that you are clear on what the payoff is and how it contributes to your overall goals.
Next I want you to put this RECIPE INTO ACTION.
Use the steps below as a ROADMAP to help you move forward:
- Make your promises for the RIGHT REASONS.
- Write each promise down. If you don't, it's easy to convince yourself you never really made the promise in the first place. Writing it down seals your commitment.
- Use your promise to take small, but meaningful steps.
- Plan how you will fulfill this promise. Schedule time to work on it, make sure you have the resources you need, set reminders, and know what you you'll do in each session.
- Make it clear and measurable. Know what you're committing to and how it will help you reach your goals and change your life.
- Revisit your promise regularly. You can use a tracking sheet to chart your progress or write about it regularly in your journal. When you do, you can anticipate and work out problems quickly, so you stay on track.
After learning about how self-completion sabotages your promise keeping, it's normal to think the best way to keep your promise is to avoid telling anyone about it.If you are wondering whether you should tell others, the answer is still YES. Choose people that you can trust. Share your commitment and the details of your plans with them, and then ask them to check your progress regularly and keep you accountable for what you've promised.
Enjoy and repeat. Once you've fulfilled your promise, bask in the satisfaction of having kept it, and repeat these same steps. Before long, you will find our that you are knocking out your goals, changing your life, and creating a cycle of success.
It is amazingly rewarding to change your behavior in ways that also improve your life. It feels even better to know that you can rely on yourself to be your own promise keeper.

There's just a little over half a year left to get going and complete the goals that you set for 2020. But it's not too late. Decide to start with small, but meaningful actions that you can take that will help you begin to reach your goals. Promise yourself (in a meaningful way) that you will stick with them. When you do, the life and career you have dreamed of and planned for will become a reality.
What strategies do you use to help you keep your promises?
How do these strategies help you?
Share them in the comments section below. I would love to hear from you!