Showing posts with label writer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writer. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2020



Time for Recess: Supercharge Your Writing Career by Taking Time by Play 

By: Kel Amstutz
Monday, May 18, 2020

Ok... so... Let's begin with a little quiz...

Do you know who wrote this?

"Oh, it was heaven! Nothing like it. Nothing like that rushing through the water at what seemed to you a speed of about 200 miles an hour; all the way in from the far distant raft, until you arrived, gently slowing down, on the beach, and foundered among the soft flowing waves."

Any guesses? 

Any suggestions?

C'mon. This is for fun, after all...

Well... in 1922, a pioneer of surfing wrote this about the FUN and EXHILARATION of learning to surf.  Or ride the waves as the surfers say! 

I know you are probably wondering how in the world this is relevant... right?  Well... the plot thickens.... This surfer was a pioneer of writing, too... becoming the BEST-SELLING novelist and playwright.... whose very books and characters are still loved today. 

This writer also had a love for swimming, roller skating and dancing.

I will tell you exactly who this person is and HOW famous they are shortly. But, what is important now is this:  This person was a prolific writer in part because... they knew how to PLAY. 

How Does Taking Time to Play Help You As a Writer?

I know you are asking yourself this very question.  You see, play has so many benefits for writers. For all, really.  It's unfortunate that we tend to forget how important play really is, as we settle into the dreadful adulthood.  As you continue reading, you will discover how each benefit of play supercharges your writer's life... with so many positive effects.  

Creativity and Your "Triple F Factor"


I am a person who is really big on Creativity. I mean, creativity is VITAL for writers. It's like the BLOOD running through your veins. 

Anxiously waiting and hoping creativity will just show up  - when and if it feels like it  - is NOT an option for you... as a Writer.  You need it flowing constantly... ON DEMAND. 

When you realize the importance of play and you finally action on it, you can boost THREE (3) Vital Elements that you need as a writer...

  • Creativity
  • Imagination
  • Problem-Solving Skills
I like to call this turbocharging your mind with the "Triple F Factor": Fuel your creativity, Free your imagination and Fix your problems. 

So, here is what happens to your writer's brain when you play... you have fun... you relax...

Free your Imagination


When you play, your mind feels free and safe.  Your inner critics, your analytical mind, your routine and your logic all take a much needed break. 

Your imagination wakes up, stretches and realizes that it has permission to fun wild and freely.  It's not at all worried about doing something wrong, because there is no one to censor your thoughts or ideas. 

Now, your mind finally has the opportunity to explore the unknown, imagine endless possibilities without any inhibitions and try new things.  And it's perfectly safe, because it's okay to fail. 

Fuel your Creativity

As your mind explores all of these new and exciting ideas, your creativity no longer hides behind a wall of fear and uncertainty. Guess what happens? Fresh ideas begin to tumble out. 

Fix your Problems

The nerve pathways in your brain start to relax and you are able to gather insights and make connections that your analytical brain would never even begin to think of.  Creative insights are easier to spot, and you can use them to solve complex problems or find innovative solutions in order to make your ideas work. 

The effect of play on your mind is like this...


Think of a route that you drive daily... maybe it's going to work or taking the kids to school.  Your focus is on getting to your destination in the quickest, easiest way.  You know the route so well, it's as if you are on autopilot.  You're practically asleep, charging down the course with blinkers on, and you don't even slow down or take note of what is what along the way. 

A play break let's your busy mind slow down and change gears. 

Now, instead of driving a pre-determined route, you find yourself in a beautiful forest where several paths meet.  You can wander down any of the paths before you and discover what is there. Because these paths are all new, your senses are heightened... you're much more observant of your immediate surroundings, taking them in and making sense of what is around you. You can go down one path... then take a new path and discover even more, completely different surroundings. 

 This is imagination... it allows you to dream up new possibilities. From there you use your creativity and problem-solving skills to find new paths, new solutions, new methods.  

Your success at work doesn't depend on the amount of time you work, but rather the quality of your work. 

 I know how tempting it is to think that the best way to cope with an ever-increasing work load is to work longer and harder.  But, without recreational time, it's more likely that your work will suffer.  You will deplete your creativity, become overwhelmed and exhausted, and eventually you will burn out. 

Play and recreation help you produce better quality work and they give you a greater satisfaction and enjoyment of your job. 

When your next project hits an obstacle, rather than working harder and becoming overwhelmed... or worse... stressed out... take a recess and have some light-hearted fun. You will replenish yourself and actually be able to tackle those problems with greater innovation and creativity. 

Mind, Body and Emotions All Feel Better


Play helps you reap health benefits in all areas. You will feel mentally, emotionally and physically better for having spent time having fun. 

One of the scary parts of being a freelance writer... or a Solopreneur is thinking about what happens if you get sick. When you are not working... work stops and so does your income. 

Working long and hard without a break depletes your health on all fronts. Your perseverance wanes, joy fades, and everything becomes a struggle. 

Play helps your health in these three (3) areas:
  1. Mentally : Play improves your brain function by helping you stay sharp and keep your memory and thinking skills fine-tuned. Play will supercharge your learning, fuel fun and joy and when you try new things, these two (2) ingredients become catalysts to help you absorb knowledge naturally and easily.  Play relaxes and refreshes your mind. 
  2. Emotionally: Play nurtures positive emotions as it relieves stress.  Play helps to ward off depression and anxiety- especially when you make time for fun with family and friends. 
  3. Physically:  Play releases endorphins, or your body's feel-good hormones.  Endorphins help you relax and promote a sense of well-being and vitality.  Play increases your energy, boosts your immune system, and prevents burnout.


Play Enhances Human Connections

By sharing fun and playing with others it does more than just help you connect with them. It fosters understanding, empathy, and compassion. 

These are POWERFUL TOOLS for writers. As a copywriter, you need to master the understanding of your prospect, so that you can get "inside their shoes," empathize with your prospect, and experience life and problems as they do. 

When you do this, you write copy that speaks directly to your prospect, makes them feel like you understand them. and engages with them both mentally and emotionally.  

Having a playful nature around others also helps you loosen up when put in stressful situations.  So, the next time you are dreading that networking event, remember that a playful attitude will actually help you break the ice with strangers, make some new friends, and build new business relationships. 

What Defines Play for Adults?

Play is an important aspect of our lives, in both adolescents and adulthood.  Play is something that we do for our own sake. We do it voluntarily for the pleasure of it and we get a sense of engagement back from playing. Play itself is so much more important than the outcomes we receive.  
It boils down to  the simple fact that the activity you are engaging in doesn't have to have a point, beyond having fun and enjoying yourself. You need to focus on the experience and not on the goal. 

Play is all around us, all the time and comes in so many forms. The attitude you take with you can also determine how enjoyable and recreational the activity you participate in will be. You may be working, but you can choose to have a playful attitude. As you pay through your day, your playfulness will become contagious.  

Simple put... Play is finding amusement, joy, and wonder in everyday life. 

Words to live by, right!

So, are you ready to get serious about incorporating play into your schedule? 

If you have been neglecting this necessary activity in your daily life, these eight (8) tips will get your PLAYING again...

  1. Change the way you think about play.  - It's not careless and frivolous. It has so many positive benefits for not only your career but your daily life that it is essential to your well-being as a Person and a Writer.
  2. Set a goal to play more.  - Goals aren't ONLY for the serious things in our lives. The benefits of play are so significant, it is just as important to set a goal to play more if you've been neglecting it in your life.
  3. Decide what FUN means to you. - Often, we get so caught up in adulting with all its commitments... and responsibilities that we forget what fun even is. If this is you, take some time and think about what you did as a kid that really excited you or gave you a good laugh.  Use these clues to find out how to recreate those activities today.  Play is a unique to you as your own personality, so there is not a "right answer" here. What is fun and recreational for me may be something that you absolutely hate. Because of this, the list of play activities is truly endless.
  4. Put it in your Schedule. - When you were at school, remember when breaks, lunch and recess were scheduled into your day. Remember when you could not wait for the bell to ring so you could race to the playground?  Important activities like those meetings, deadlines and goals are put right into your schedule... so it's just as important to schedule time for play too. You can even use it as an incentive. Once you've completed a difficult task, you have the reward of looking forward to something fun just ahead.  It will help you curb your procrastination. Plus, you will be ready to take on the next task with revived creativity and energy. That's a huge plus! So, set aside some time daily, weekly and monthly for play.  Even short breaks give you great benefits. Longer breaks, like vacations (cause YES this is PLAY after all!), should have at least one (1) or two (2) weeks that are dedicated JUST to fun, playful activities.
  5. Have a play date with someone special. -I mean when we were kids, finding out our parents had organized a play date with our bestie was so exciting. There is absolutely no reason why you can't do the same thing now.. and share the magic of play with someone else. 
  6. Spend time with a playful person. -Refuel your soul by being with a person with a playful attitude, or having a playful activity makes play even more enjoyable. It rubs off on you in most cases, too. It helps you relax, improves your mood and makes your much more positive. 
  7. Play with kids. -I mean if we could bottle all that playfulness.... right?  And energy.  Coloring, racing case, building with legos... even building forts with blankets - kids are the masters of play. They will remind you how to have fun, give you a different perspective on the world and show you how to be present in these playful moments. 
  8. Turn off your devices and step away from the screen. -Having a short break to play a game of solitaire or build your Fort Night world is find... but screen time should NOT make up the bulk of your play activities.  As a writer, you spend a lot of time working on a device. To gain the real benefits of play and to rejuvenate yourself, it is better to enjoy activities where screens and tech are not involved.  
Play is not for kids and pet alone- we all need it, regardless of our age. It's not a frivolous activity you indulge in occasionally either... Taking the time to replenish yourself through play is one of the best ways to boost your career. 

It's truly an investment that you make in yourself and your writing business. Together, the benefits offer a substantial return on the investment. 

The Mystery Revealed...

So... who is our surfer and novelist who loved to play? 

You didn't forget did you?

Known as the "Queen of Mystery," she wrote mystery and romance novels and plays. 

She is one of the most famous and best-selling novelists of all time, and her works have sold over four billion copies. They have also been translated into more languages than any other individual writer. 

Yes... author envy here.

Dame Agatha Christie.  She was one of the first Britons to learn to surf and to do so standing up, which was one remarkable feat for Europeans at that time.  And of course, she was one of the earliest surfing correspondents, also. 

Your Turn...

Now, I want you to take a moment... step away from your computer and GO OUT THERE AND PLAY!!!! 

Come back and let me know what you did and how it helped you. 

I am going to ride our Four-Wheeler and let the wind rip through my face and hair. (It's a bit cold in Ohio today though... but if nothing else... it will be refreshing!)

Monday, March 9, 2020



10 Resources You Can Use to Becomes a Better Writer in 2020

by: Kel Amstutz
Monday, March 9, 2020

Hi all. Can you believe it's the second week of March already?  Spring is just around the corner, which means it is time to get all your ducks in a row and make good things happen!

And, to help you with that, I have gathered together some of my personal favorite tools (and tools that were recommended to me by other writers, just like you) to help you be at your very best this year.  At least when it comes to writing!  


Coming Up with Great Ideas

Whether you're writing sales copy or tackling some major content-marketing campaigns, coming up with the right idea at the right time is powerful stuff.

As a writer, words are your tool of choice, but ideas - and the ability to express those ideas well - well, that's your real currency.  You need to be certain you have a never-ending source of great ideas.

I recently worked on an article on how you can find unique and strong ideas based on your own life experiences.  But, some days... well, on some days you just need a little push.  Here are two places you can go for that little push.. 

1. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a pretty awesome subscription tool.  It's not a cheap one, coming with a $99 monthly investment. But, if you are a content marketer or a social media expert, it is one that you really should consider investing in. 

BuzzSumo is a valuable ever flowing spring of fresh ideas.  But, not just old ideas. Ideas people are actively showing an interest in already. 

For example, it shows you the trending content, industry influencers, and what is being shared on any topic you could care to share on, what is being shared from specific domains, and who is linking content.  Like I said... you would be very smart in investing in this valuable tool.

You can do a couple of content searches a day on BuzzSumo without subscribing, too.  And, you can even test drive it for 14 days without parting with your credit card info.  Give it a spin and see what you think!

2. Quora

Quora is a question-and-answer social media network or "A place to share knowledge and better understand the world".  Quora is a great place to start your search for ideas. 

You can do a search on your topic of interest and see what real people are asking about it.  That's like... content GOLD!

Or, you can ask your own questions and see what people have to say in response. This allows you the access to even more great content ideas at your fingertips. 

Capturing and Recalling Your Ideas

Generating ideas is only the first step.

Having all of those great ideas is useless if you forget them... or worse, can't find them later, when you need them.  You need to have a system in pace for capturing your ideas and then recalling them when you want to use them. 

1. Evernote

Evernote is probably a favorite tool out there for idea capture. 

With Evernote, you create topical notebooks. Then you add individual notes within each notebook. You can type your notes in... copy and paste, what ever works for you.  You can clip articles and images directly from the Web. You can upload files from your computer. You can even scan images in. You can access it from your smart phone, too, which makes recording ideas on-the-go a snap.

And, it's all searchable, which makes finding those ideas quicker and easier!

Evernote offers both paid and free options, so give the free version a try first and see what you think!

2. The Idea Journal

All right, before you start searching this one out... I need to share that this is not a fancy app or a computer program. Nope. It is just a good old-fashioned journal. 

I am journal obsessed. (Seriously, ask my husband... I have tons of journals all over our room!) I love journals because where else can you capture ideas? It's a great tool when the thought is right there and you need to get it out.  The downside comes when you are looking for that great idea you jotted down and you have to leaf through a lot of material.  If you've acquired multiple journals over the years (yes... I'm referring to myself) this process of finding that golden nugget of info can be time-consuming and quite cumbersome... and to be frank... FRUSTRATING! (yes... again, I am speaking from experience) 

But, there is a way to solve that problem. 

  • First, dedicate a journal to capturing ideas. NOTHING else goes in that journal except for ideas you may use in the future. 
  • Second, only capture one idea per page. 
  • Third, on the back page of the journal, list the topics most of your ideas fall under, one topic per line. This is your index.
  • Fourth, when you write down an idea, at the end of the page, black out the line that corresponds to the matching topic in your index. 

See... Problem solved. Now you will be able to find your ideas by topic at a quick glance, using your handy index.  It's a fun trick that makes that journal much more useful.

A Simple Trick to Write Faster

When you're a writer, being able to write faster results in a huge increase in your overall productivity. Finding ways to either type faster or move more quickly into (and stay in) the flow of your writing will result in getting more done. 


If you become a faster typist, you will become a faster writer almost automatically. That's because your thoughts move much faster than you fingers can. (I know it doesn't always feel like it, but trust me on this one.  It's true!)  By becoming a faster typist, your hands just catch up with your brain... or at least they gain on it a little. is a website where you can practice by taking free tests to measure how fast you type now, and then you can work on improving your typing skills by playing a variety of typing games. 

How much of a difference can this make?

Well, if you type 50 words per minute right now, you can potentially write a 1,000-word article in 20 minutes, given you don't have to pause at all for thinking time.  Increase your typing speed to 70 words per minute, and that same article will now take you about 15 minutes to write.

You would be saving five whole minutes. I know it doesn't seem like much. Except, if you're saving five minutes out of EVERY hour, you're gaining a half hour to 40 minutes back in your day.  I don't know about you, but I can do a lot with an extra half hour!

2. Write or Die

 With a better typing speed being one way to become a faster writer, another way is to stop editing as you go. When you edit as you are writing, you're constantly switching between your right and your left brain... and you never really get into the flow of your writing.  You never really achieve that magical headspace where you thoughts organize effortlessly, the words come without coaxing, and, well, life is beautiful. 

So, it's worthwhile to train yourself to write when you're writing and to edit when you're editing... and not to attempt to do both simultaneously. 

And for this kind of training, I can not think of a better tool than WRITE OR DIE

Yes, it has an ominous name. That's because, if you don't keep writing, you'll suffer consequences.  You get to choose the consequences... anything from annoying music to creepy spiders crawling across your screen to a monster that eats all your vowels. (Yes, he "disemvowels" your words.)

Does it sound a little uncomfortable?  It is. But, it's also very effective.  If you want to get better about sticking to writing when you're supposed to be writing, this is the tool to train you to do just that. 

Working on the Right Thing

I've already established that, as a writer, you have a lot of great ideas.  You are also likely to have a lot of projects going on. Things you need to complete for your clients. Writing you need to do for your business needs.  Side projects that you would really like to wrap up.  And, a good organizational tool is hands down essential when you have a lot going on... 

1. Trello

When it comes to easy-to-use organizational tools, Trello is one of the best.

Through Trello, you create project cards and assign them to columns.  The traditional columns are "To Do," "In Progress," and "Complete."  But you can customize and the options are endless!  This structure gives you a nice visual overlay of what's coming up, what's currently going on, and what you have accomplished. You can even set due dates and categories and don't even get me started on the awesome background options you can choose from to really personalize your board!

You can create custom columns to fit the needs of specific projects.

You can organize your columns and cards by your boards. So, you might have a board for each of your clients, a board for your business, and a board for your Money-Making Website.

When you click into a board, you can quickly see what you need to do, what you're currently working on, and what you've already completed just by looking at the cards.

Within a card, you can create a checklist, attached files, set due dates, and even share the card with other people who are working or involved with that project. 

It's a simple but powerful tool that is well worth exploring. 

2. Microsoft To Do

Another good organizational tool that comes highly recommended is Microsoft To Do.  

Microsoft To Do is meant to help you organize everything from that work project you have due at the end of the month to the bills you need to pay this week to the party you're planning for tomorrow night. 

For each of these tasks, you create a to-do list and then give items on the list target dates.

You can access Microsoft To Do from your computer or phone to quickly see what's highest on your list in terms of their due dates... and also what's coming up. 

Polishing Your Work

You have been generating ideas, capturing them, and writing about them when the time is right. The final two tools on this list are about making sure your work is at its very best when you hand it over to a client of publish it on your website.

1. Hemingway

The Hemingway App is a favorite app among writers. It analyzes your writing for readability, long sentences, difficult sentences, passive sentences, and more. Problem spots are color-coded and easy to find, so you have the option of reviewing them and deciding if you need to make changes or not.

 2. ProWritingAid 

Another really great tool for editing is ProWritingAid.  This tool analyzes your writing and grammar mistakes, repetition, hard-to-read sentences, sentence variation and more. 

It also gives you explanations as to why it highlights something as a problem, and in some cases makes suggestions for improving the flow of your words. 

It's an absolutely amazing time to be a writer.  There are so many tools that, when used correctly, can make your work stronger. Give these a try and see if you don't end up with better results. 

**Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with any of the aforementioned resources above. I am only a user and identifying to my readers the apps that I have had success with but do not profit, represent, or gain from any of these applications.

Friday, March 6, 2020



How to Conquer Your Greatest Creativity-Killer 

By: Kel Amstutz
Friday, March 6, 2020

Oh - hi there.  Can you give me just a moment?  You caught me right in the middle of counting my many blessings...

The Fam
Alright  - so let me see... I am so blessed for my amazing husband... who has my back no matter what life throws our way... and is a great dad...

And... in addition to being my soul-mate, he is stuck in this parent trap with me, raising our two amazing girls: our 11-year-old daughter is astonishingly brilliant, beautiful, a focused young lady, and so kind and sweet and independent. 

Our 8 year-old daughter is equally as smart, strikingly beautiful, imaginative, beats to her own drum, is funny and kind and has a heart of gold.  

Gray Gables 2019
We took a gamble on an old house in the country, if you will, on five acres of pond, pole barn and field. There is little crime and traffic is minimal.  Winters can be brutal, which is a small price to pay for a sliver of heaven... and summers are cool with the lake effect breezes blowing through daily. 

Work? Well, it couldn't be much better.  My copywriting career is in full swing- working on writing web promotions and working on a romance novel as we speak.  

Life is great!

 ... so why do I get so down and DEPRESSED sometimes? 

Despite all that good going on in my life, I began feeling down in the dumps last week... out of the blue.

That's not good: For creatives like me - and for all copywriters, designers, and marketing pros - depression can be a CAREER KILLER.

When you are depressed, your energy flees, you lose your focus, and don't get me started on creativity... it has left the building - and if you don't do something about it (and quick!) - your income will start to feel the full effects and your reputation and career will follow... right down the tubes!

In short, depression is one of the costliest BUSINESS problems ANY of us has ever dealt with!

Conversely, having the ability to identify and neutralize depression quickly are two of the most valuable skills any entrepreneur or marketer could acquire: They empower you to add to your productive and profitable hours, days, and weeks of your year. 

If you're a writer or a designer, diffusing depression quickly lets you explode through the depression-driven creative blocks... create better promotions faster... complete more projects throughout the year... and- yes, you guessed it - get bigger winners, more often.

And if you are a business owner and/or a marketing pro, it gives you the extra pick me up to get things done, develop more ingenious product and marketing ideas, manage more effectively, and get richer... faster!  

Now, I am no shrink - but I AM pretty old... (don't say it... not older than dirt!) so I've had some time to think about this pretty thoroughly...

For me at least, creativity-killing depression comes from three places..

1. Too many drugs, so little time... And when I say "drugs," I am referring to my three personal favorites:  1) Diet Mountain Dew, 2) Ice Cream, and 3) Lays Potato Chips. 

See... Once upon a time, I could party late into the night. I could stay out on a Friday night into the wee hours of Saturday, go out on a Saturday night into the wee hours of Sunday, get up and hang out all day on Sunday and still show up for work bright and early on Monday morning. 

Those days are long gone. There is not much of this type of lifestyle happening these days. This old body of mine insists... um, better yet, DEMANDS at least 72 hours to recoup from a weekend like that...  And it costs me with my husband, our friends, total strangers, my attorney, and my creative muse before they will even speak to me again.  

I mean, it goes without saying: Losing 72 hours of creative time EACH WEEK would make it nearly impossible for me to continue living the comfortable life that I have become so accustomed to.  And so, I've been forced into a life of abstinence...  

Caffeine is something else, altogether.  I can't get motivated with my Diet Mountain Dew.  The real problem is that it is the afternoon before I know it, and by that time, my get up and get moving - and the positive mood it washes over me - has got up and left me to crash. 

There is absolutely no mystery why: When it comes to energy, caffeine gives... and caffeine takes it away.  The first couple of sips give me that jolt of energy - but by the time I have finished the can it has taken it all back.  And as energy goes... it takes that positive mood I have had all day with it.

So, what is the solution?  Well... it's the dreaded "M" word: 


I find that when I switch to a nice glass of cold, crisp water after my first Dt. Dew - my mood brightens, my energy levels skyrocket, and my creativity oozes out of my every pore.  

So caffeine,  sugary snacks and salty chips are the big three depression-inducing drugs for me.  I'll bet you a dollar at least one of those will be behind your next down in the dumps mood, too.  And I'll bet if you recognize that and practice a little moderation, you will find that you are having fewer blue days, fewer times per year. 

On the plus side, there IS a mood-brightening drug that I can't recommend highly enough - and that I absolutely hate taking.  You don't need a prescription - in fact, you can't buy it anywhere at any price: It's free. 

I am taking about endorphins - you get them by doing exercise: think swimming, walking, running, those kinds of aerobic activities. 

If you do an hour of exercise in the morning before you begin working for two weeks, you'll be absolutely amazed at how much happier you will find yourself, how much more productive you will become, and how much more money you will be raking in! 

2.  Lies your brain tells you: What are you saying?  You don't drink too many caffeinated soft drinks, eat too many sweets, or dance in the club? There's no way a chemical is the cause of your sorry mood? 

The promotion you wrote and just knew would make you rich flopped flatter than a flapjack?  You're so broke and the bill collections won't stop calling? 

Hey - I've been here.  More times than I really care to talk about in my younger days. It's the pits. 

But it doesn't mean you have to suffer from depression-related brain-block, too! 

The simple fact is, you get to choose how you will feel in response to just about ANY event that happens in your life to you. 

A few years ago, a really smart guy figured out almost all of the things that happen to us in life are not really good or bad, but instead they are neutral events. 

See, everything that happens to you passes through a little "belief filter" in your brain - a conviction you've come to hold about yourself and/or the world surrounding you.

What comes out is a composite thought - the fact of the event plus the spin on it from your belief filter.   And that thought triggers an emotion - happiness or depression, for example.

These filters can be positive, as in "I'm brilliant," "I'm a winner," "I always come out smelling like a rose"...

... or they can be negative - as in "I'm stupid, a fraud." "I'm such a loser," "Everything I touch turns to dust." 

Here's the GOLDEN KEY: Nearly all the belief filters we have are utter NONSENSE. But because most folks have no idea they are even there and even fewer really ever examine them, we don't realize that they are little more than fiction. 

The objective truth is, nobody is ALWAYS a winner or a loser... creative or dull... brilliant or an idiot. 

And for all of our thoughts and hesitations, hardly any of the superficially adverse events we experience actually trigger the humiliations or catastrophes that our negative belief filters tend to foretell for us. 

So the next time depression has you creatively hog-tied, try this...

  • First, identify the negative thought that triggered your crappy mood.
  • Then, ask yourself, "Is that thought valid?" (99.9% of the time it's not!)
  • Ask yourself, "Is the belief filter that triggered that negative thought valid?" (Again, almost never!) 
  • Finally, ask yourself, "How should I change that belief about myself and/or the world to bring it in line with reality?" 
You will be absolutely amazed at how quickly even the lousiest of moods evaporates in the blinding light of the objective truth!  

3. Self-obsession: I learned this simple fact of life many moons ago - and even re-learn it all the time. 

The simple fact is, when my focus is on others' well-being, I am genuinely happier.

My husband is a prime, living, breathing example of this very principle.  Nearly 100% of his time is working hard to support our family or the needs of our family. That includes me. That includes our kids. His Dad. My parents. My grandma.

And 99.9% of the time, he has a grin on his face.

Conversely, I notice that when I'm trying to find things that will make me happy - objects, vacation plans, etc. - I am actually less happy than when I am focused on my family.

So where's your FOCUS?  Are you obsessed with your own feelings and the state of your life? If so, there's a good chance that those feelings are not positive ones.

Try doing something to improve someone else's life today - you will be amazed at how quickly your mood lifts!

These powerful insights are fascinating to me and I am so glad you stopped by to join in on the conversation.  If you have any great tips, please feel free to comment.  I am always looking for great productivity techniques, creativity enhancers, and of course, sharing the knowledge!

Thanks for the afternoon.  Have a great weekend!


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How To Make Your Blog Go Viral

Blogging, Lessons on working, Stay at Home Moms by: Kel Amstutz Last year, I posted a blog post that went viral . (much to MY surp...