Monday, November 18, 2013

The purpose of my blog- I WANT TO BE AN AUTHOR

So, I wrote a book. I started a few more, but I wrote a book from start to finish.  I let it sit for years. I found it again, re-read it, changed it up a little here and there and finished it again.
I took an e-course I purchased from - $20 for a 10 module book publishing course - I finished said course and yet here I am, still struggling to find the words for my Query Letter so that I can start submitting for publishing.

I am going to try to start with a Literary Agent, because I am noticing a lot of the publishing companies do not take independent work and self publishing is NOT an option for me.

I want to be legit.  I want to write, I love to write and I want to make this a career.  I want to be Nora Roberts.  She has been my favorite Author for as long as I can remember.  I am loyal, always pre-ordering the next book, dive in when it finally comes out.  I am a huge fan and want to capture my audience and paint the vivid pictures in others as she does for me.

I also want this blog to be about my life.  I am a Mom, Wife and a victim of home remodel.  I love my life and would only change 1 aspect, I would love, love, love to be a stay at home Mom.  Especially with my oldest getting ready for Kindergarten next fall.

I will start my journey to getting published and I am sure it will be a part of this blog as it will be a part of my life.

Thanks for following me, if you are! 

The desk is finally together and set up!

Life is good.  We accomplished *something this weekend.  Well, ok, a few things.  Hubby was only off on Sunday and managed to get the light up in our closet and the Desk together and set up.  Yeah!

I got our closet cleaned up, organized and all the stuff we dont *need right now, put in the attic.  I also managed to get the girls toys cleaned up a bit, and my tupperware organized!  GO ME.

I still havent ran the vaccum, but we will manage.  We have so much still to do.  The latest flavor of the week seems to be the Parents wanting to come back and help.  I have to give an answer and Hubby is like, no.  Right now we are stress free, noone hates him (or to his face they dont seem to) and we are all getting along.  I relay this and I am told that THEY will be coming over and Hubby doesnt need to know- what? I feel stuck.  I know my Dad will get stuff done around here, but it will be his way or the highway, whether I like it or not.  This approach does not sit well with Hubby and I, since this is our house and we would like to have a say in how we want it set up- if it wont work, at least think about it and give me valid reason WHY it wont work, not just that we are stupid, or we cant do that, or because we dont have time.  That kind of sucks, but it is in the past.

So my crossroad is, do I let it roll as we are, getting nothing done or things slowly done- or do I let them back in and even though they say they dont want to take over, they are already telling me to get a new cabinet here or do this, or we cant do it the way Hubby was thinking.  Ahh. It could all be so simple, but you'd rather make it hard, loving you is like a battle and we both end up with scars (sorry Lauren Hill screams in my head with them.)

 Where am I in my head?  Well, I feel like Hubby is making lots of that paper and I am trying to get my stuff situated to where I can put some of that paper away so I can just hire someone to come in here- put together my kitchen, laundry room, change out my half bath, add a door to the basement - tear off a funny room at the end of our house with a dirt floor and put on a deck.  Oh yea, we also need a concrete floor and loft in the pole barn.  I dont feel like this is unreasonable- no family ties- no drama.  Just work and money.

So ready for DISNEY!  Maybe in a few years.

Christmas is only 5 Saturdays Away- WHAT?

This is crazy! Why is time going SO fast?  I am still in the thick of narrowing down my little lists- and it is causing me a lot of stress. 
I went Pinterst-ing with my little ones today and looked at beautiful pictures of Christmas Decor- these are a few of our favs:

This is kind of putting me in the mood for the holidays.  I have NO idea how I am going to achieve getting my Christmas stuff down and put up- but if there is a WILL there is a WAY, right!

Until then, I still have 5 more Saturdays, right?!?

Book Bub - $2.99 and Under Digitial Books for Kindle and/or Nook for 11-18-2013

Great deals today- check them out!

Did somebody say....Tornado? In November?

Say what? 

Yes, this is my reality!  We almost lost our pole barn yesterday due to HIGH winds, only to find out that a EF2 Tornado touched down- a block away!

The irony of the whole situation is, shortly after we bought this old house, we were able to work with the historical society, I am a history buff and really wanted to know the who built this house, why did they build it, how did they live- all those, now unanswerable questions, with a house built in 1892, right!
But the historical society caught up with a gentleman who lived in our house in the 40's and told a story about a barn on the property that his Uncle was living in and caring for.  In the late 40's, in late fall a tornado went through- at this time this house had acres of land- so it was all field.  It took out the old barn.  His Uncle survived, as did this old house- but the barn was demolished!  There is another garage- Carriage House- in front of said barn and that survived also.

Well, here we are over 120 years later and who builds their pole barn in the same spot as said tornado victim barn- my Hubby.  We honestly didn't know it was in the same location until the Gentleman relayed to the contact I have.

So, today, I thank God for letting us remain safe, letting our barn - who already fell down once during the build due to the winds last year- still stand proud.

Take cover!!

Ohio got hit hard, just down the road from us. The drive on screens crushed, power lines down everywhere and we almost lost our pole barn for the second time.
They aren't confirming a tornado, yet.
We have power but the wind is still gusting at 40 mhps.

I will post later when we are able to digest all the area damage!

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How To Make Your Blog Go Viral

Blogging, Lessons on working, Stay at Home Moms by: Kel Amstutz Last year, I posted a blog post that went viral . (much to MY surp...