I have this amazing, smart, beautiful angel
girl who is turning four next week.
This has been a big deal in our house, one that has left her feeling no super great about the transition from still a technical baby to a BIG GIRL.
Over the past month I have been dealing with new challenges from her, as we are all really excited for her to be a year older, including big sis. Our little girl has had melt downs, which we have never had before, whining, well, let's face it.. she's been a whine-er since she was born! Unusually crying, sadness and she has been wetting her pants a lot. We have all tried to be patient, or as much as we can with her transition but it has been so out of character for her that I was growing worried.
Then came the talk about Preschool.
I mean, I wish she could stay little forever...but the thought of having to wipe her butt forever is not a pleasant one...or helping her eat...she needs independence!
"I know. You will always be our baby."
"I don't know how to be good in school."
This stems from her older sister having a behavior grading system in Kindergarten.
"You are such a good girl, you will do great in school."
"I don't know how though."
"You are such a sweet, caring, loving girl, you are my angel and such a good girl, you will do great!"
"Mom, I am an angel?"
"Yes, you are a sweet angel!"
"But, Grandma Lucy and Nana's Dad are fairies."
"You know how they became fairies?"
"They got dead. Then the girl came to them and put wings on them and made them fairies. They live in the fairy clouds."
"That sounds wonderful."
"Ya. They are always with me."
I mean, seriously. We talk about Grandma Lucy a lot these days. I am thinking she much come to them in their dreams, which is comforting to me.
"But, Mom, I am scared."
There was a pause here before this question.
"Scared of what?"
"Scared to go to school."
"I know. Its something new."
"I don't want to go."
"You have all summer, then you will go when sissy starts school. You are only going Tuesdays and Thursdays."
"What about Nana and Papa?"
"You will go all day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nana will come get you before Lunch and you will have lunch with her and Papa."
"Ok. Can I go to school now?"
LOVE this girl!
She has such a sweet heart and kind soul, but she is as shy as her Momma!
I know that moving into the four year old age is going to come with a new set of rules, a new set of standards and a lot of new, new, new things. If there is one thing I have learned, since being introduced into the "Mom Club" six years ago, it is that each child is different. That is a crossed the board. My girls have completely different personalities, dispositions, learning styles, behaviors, and discipline techniques that work. I feel like as soon as I get one things down with one of them, I have to learn a new way with the other, and honestly, I don't feel that it is such a BAD thing! It keeps me learning, growing and on my toes. (Young at heart!)
Embarking on four...here we come.
#lastbabyblues #fouryearsold #oneproudmom
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