Of course..I pick CHEESECAKE..YUM |
Being a Mom is a piece of cake-right.
Eh...not so much.
It ain't easy.
There are good days...and bad ones.
There are moments you will hold onto forever and some you'd like to chuck in "that" good old EFF it bucket!
There are days you are looking all over for the nonexistent manual that tells you what to do ... or what comes next, only to find out, IT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST.
There is that morning when no one wants to get out of bed...not even YOU...but you suck it up, put your best foot forward and become the Drill Sargent with a mission to get kids out the door by eight a.m. or else!

Weekends don't even offer a break.
Those same kids who DID NOT want to get up yesterday...on Friday...seem to be up at the ASS CRACK OF DAWN...seriously!
What is up with that anyways?
Damn you Spring Forward!
Remember those days when you were up all night..rocking, perhaps...that crying, whining child...do you remember those days?
Don't forget them.
They go fast...then you left with children who:
a) no longer need you to do ANYTHING for them...
hey, so what if they missed a button and there shirt is totally crooked, or if their undies are completely backwards- they did it themselves and are SUPER PROUD..who am I to judge?
b) they are so DEPENDENT on you they all of a sudden can't sleep without you-
which makes NO sense because I have found that once we cuddle up..
the only one sleeping is ME!
Some night...said child, who is now Pre-K...wakes up SCREAMING HYSTERICALLY and has forgotten to use her words. AHH.. Trying to calm her down is like pulling teeth because she is screaming like YOU should be calling an AMBULANCE!
Being a Mom is cake! Said NO MOM EVER!!!

HMM... well, it ain't going so smooth..considering this candy is from EASTER...
I think I am going to make a chart for myself...

I declare my frustration by saying "Grrr..I am so frustrated right now." (hey, I AM using my words!) and then...I walk away. (I take a Mommy Time Out and breathe!)
Because kids don't care. I think they LOVE it when they get you THAT frustrated...
If you are a working Mom, you know... one of those Moms who has MOM GUILT because not only do you Cook/Clean/Do Laundry/Take care of Kids/Hubby and House...you ACTUALLY WORK in a real live place away from those things TOO. And you feel like you are missing things...or your KIDS miss you.
Well... I can't speak for ALL children..but chances are they DON'T. They don't even realize you do anything else but what is going on in this moment.
"Mom, I am thirsty." "Mom, I am hungry." "Honey..where is [fill in the blank}"
It never ends. Moms are the GLUE. We hold it ALL together.. somehow...someway- it is all US.
That is the best way to look at it.
We hug, we kiss, we fight, we scream, we yell, we laugh, we smile, we joke, we fix, we break, we hide, we seek, we find, we clean, we cook, we shop, we pack lunches, we worry about dinner (weeks in advanced), we complain about this and that, we deal...and this is just with HUBBY!
Look back to your childhood...what did you want to be when you grew up?
Have you ever sat and thought about it?
When they are bad..find the good. Find the ice to break. Find the fun and if all else fails...DANCE and SING- I promise...YES, I PROMISE..it will make it all BETTER.
The best job I ever had was...at 9-1-1.. wait...no...the BEST JOB I have ever had is being a MOM (you can see why I was confused...there are kind of the same thing- screaming, yelling, panick, heavy breathing, loud bangs in the background)
Nothing will ever pay as much, nothing will ever leave my heart swollen with so much LOVE I have no idea WHAT to do with it all and nothing...NOTHING will ever FRUSTRATE me MORE than my kids.... and my HUBBY... (Love you!)
So, if at first you don't succeed....
Be the BEST MOM you can be...be YOU!