Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 11th 2015 [Personal Post]'s hard to find yourself!

I woke up this two (2) beautiful, smiling, happy little people. 

They were playing, quietly, carrying on to themselves, as I left the warmth of my bed.  Just seeing their faces made my day a little better, a little brighter just because, here I am, getting to spend my day with my two (2) best-est friends, two girls who are caring, compassionate and understanding, two (2) girls who are learning and understanding the world at totally different speeds, in completely different ways, I might add!

And I am the lucky one, I am the one who gets to call those two (2) little girls MY KIDS

The week has been a rough one.  I had to head out to Columbus on Wednesday for work, and to say it was not a LONG day would be a complete, blatant LIE

I am lucky to have great parents who help me SO much with these two little ladies, who took them for not only Wednesday evening but Tuesday before I left to help me get my stuff done and get some rest...of which I DID!

I survived.  That seems to be what I keep saying when co-workers ask me about my trip.  I drove down there, blind.  I made it.  I found the parking garage I had a key card for..and of course the key card did not work. (Am I, NO!)

I got parked, used my Google map on my find to find my destination and showed up on time (early even!)

I made it through the day, knowing one very BIG thing from this just aint for me.

I made my way home (in pouring, terrenchial rain!) and finally was able to take a breath.

Boy did I miss my kids that night.

The week has been a rough one.  Tears are shed every evening. Alone. By myself where I find myself on a regular basis.

I am working hard to "Find my Way" in this world and trying to keep myself out of the depths of dark despair, that I am finding myself being lured to as time keeps passing by.

But, today is Saturday.  It is a day of FAMILY and I got to spend mine with my two beauties. 

We had breakfast. 

We had Lunch. 

We had a Ninja Turtle hour! 

We went to Hobby Lobby (YESS!) and found some crafts to work on! 

We had Ice Cream. (Score!) and we colored today.

        All in all- it was a GREAT DAY (thanks Fresh Beat Band!)

Here's to hope for a repeat tomorrow.  And here's to hope that I find my way soon! I am a mess right now and need to find ME.


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