There comes a time in your life when things change...

I, personally, think it is this intense back-pain that will not let up. It haunts me morning to night and is so bothersome that I just want to lay down and never get up again...but I can't. But, only I know that the back pain is just a cover for what is really going on. You all know where I am going, don't you? To that six letter word that I despise!
Ugh...I don't even want to mutter those words out loud, but I know that is what the root of all my problems, my shift is stemming from. (like it or not) What is the stress over? Well, that is easy, life choices.

So, about two months ago we had high hopes when the Columbia Gas lady came and said that a petition to get Gas Lines to our end of the street was in the works. She came in and mapped out where the inlet would be and flagged our property for hook up. Great, right? Um, no. Seriously, have not heard or seen a thing since and we are already dropping into the low 40's at night. So, needless to say, the propane has been tapped into once again. EEK!
Ok, onto a Wood Boiler... We drove up to Michigan a few weeks ago to look at one, a used was nice and BIG- big enough to do what we needed it for- our house and the big pole barn (I mean, Hubby has to have a heated garage, right?). Well, something was just not right with it because Hubby let it go. Now what...(my thoughts)
I guess it was a good thing that we did not J U M P before doing our research because our Town wants us to have a SPEC sheet to submit to them for our permit. This used model was not coming with such Spec Sheet- PROBLEM! And it just so happens that one night I...yes, me...was doing some research on Wood Boilers and trying to lessen my Hubby's stress...and found a few names that I then started searching. I called him in for one brand that was interesting (I really don't know much about these units) and it just so happens that he was looking at the same brand. Well, this caused him to look on Craigslist and lone behold...he found a new model that was priced right and jumped. It is crazy how this stuff happens to us- like it is supposed to, you know!

It was a LONG ride home- slow and steady- but I got some great pics and schooled on how all this Wood Boiler stuff works! Free heat (well this year at least!) and this unit will also be heating our water. I mean, how much more country can we get...but I love it!
So, needless to say...Turn down (the heat) for W H A T???
So, next on our list...Spring time will be bringing in the chickens...I need BROWN eggs.
Yup, this is the L I F E!

**Jeep Wife, Jeep Life....