by: Kel Amstutz
We are all about simplicity in this world and truth be told, it really does work, especially when it comes to products and programs.
When you overwhelm your audience with many options, potential customers and clients might have trouble differentiating between one program and another.
In your first year of business, you, like most people, will make mistakes. You will learn through trial and error.
This is good, but I want to help you not make the mistake of producing similar products and losing sales because of the confusion effect.
When you are creating products and/or programs make sure that your target audience can understand how one product is different from another.
People want to know what your solution is to what they need, exactly. They need to know that they made the right choice.
If you overwhelm people...they don't know which option to choose and more times than none...will choose to walk away instead of buy one of your great products!
- Focus on one struggle.
- Have one road to get through the struggle.
[I want to say...but would never!]
This is the best option and the ONLY option that you have to get! This kit will transform your life!
Let's talk about further training material
When you have overlapping material that goes with one product/program AND goes with another product/program is probably a SIGN that you need to refocus!
Cut out some of your products or programs that overlap and simplify the product lines, it is that simple!
You want to take out the doubt that buyers might have.
You need to give potential buyers a clear path to buy.
- No fluff.
- No distractions.
- No questions!
Digital products and selling information that you are an expert in is IMPORTANT!
It really is having a exhibit A should purchase this product and exhibit B should purchase this product.
An example is:
Right: Client is looking for a way to stay home with family. Then buy the Social Media Marketing Kit in order to get started on having a full time income on a part time schedule.
Wrong: Client wants freedom based business. They can either buy my eBook, my eCourse, or join my monthly coaching. (Client clicks away- to many choices!)
Start small and build off of what the potential clients are wanting and needing to get their feet off the ground.
You need to solve a potential clients problem.
That is your goal.
You do not an abundance of products and programs.
You NEED to sell more of the ones that you have!