Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Anniversary Notes!

Today is my 7th anniversary of marriage with my Hubby.  It has been twelve long years together and seven years of marriage, and let me say, I am more in love with hubby now than I was even back then, and that is saying a lot because I was in love!
Our lives have changed so much in these past seven years of marriage.  Our address has changed recently, our little world where it was just "us" has changed to the FOUR of us! We have had our rough patches, our minds have taken us to places where it feels like our worlds our very different- but with work, devotion to one another and communication, we have remained on the unbeaten path towards happiness.
Those who say that marriage is easy- well, your crazy!  We love, we hate, we hug, we fight, we sing, we scream, we talk, we yell.  We are normal, not reading some invisible manual, rather writing our own pages in the book!
I love my hubby.  He is amazing and has made amazing sacrifices for our family.  Our goals have always been the same, our hopes and dreams very parallel to one another.  Our life is far from complete, we are still living in remodeling mayhem, after all, with two little ones!
So, on this Monday, November 11, 2013, I am shouting, 'Happy Anniversary' from the rooftops to my hubby.  I am proud and feel very lucky to be his wife.

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11th 2013


No more IPhone

Well, hubby and I have been at a crossroad for the past month and yesterday was the decision day. After a trip to Verizon, I am now rocking the Samsung Note 3 and I LOVE it!!
I have previously been the owner of a 4S IPhone and let me just say, my kids were more upset about me getting a new phone because basically I carry it for them!
This girl is not IPHONE savvy. I'm soo happy with my new phone and love the bigger screen and brighter features.
Thanks Hubby!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Potty Training whoas

We are 2  1/2 and have been 'Potty Training' for 6 long months now!  I know all about them being 'Ready' and how that plays in, but seriously , this girl is stubborn!!!
So far, ive been consistent, for-going pull ups or undies completely- my little nudy booty is still putting it all in her terms! Basically, if she wants to go, then wre goid, if she doesn't, well FORGET IT!  Ugh.  I even reward with M&Ms. And as extra incentive, if Big Sister encourages Sis, then they both get M&Ms.  Whats not better than that? 
Were still working hard, but i am beginning to wonder if i will ever get her on the potty full time!  I stoppedbuying diapers   last month, having good nights in stock and minnie mouse pull ups. 
Secretly, i cant wait until she using the potty.   I am just baffled it is taking so long, my first was easy, peasy. This one i imaged would be so much easier because she has always seen her Sis using the potty. Oh well , positive encouragement and making it an option is what Doc's advice was, so were keeping at it..  Love these kids!!!

To darn tired, ehh.. I mean busy?

Yesterday was a looong day.  I could've screamed TGIF from the rooftops!!  I finished a grooling day of work, picked up my super crazy little ladies, fastly!  They were wound up tight.  Calmness resumed once we made it home, thank god!!  
Our evening was super uneventful, boring to sum it up.  Girls were asleep by 830 and to my surprise, at 930 hubby walked in after getting off work early. 
I crashed, as usual. Im a barrel of fun, right !!!
Why am I so tired?   The question of tge YEAR !!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sometimes life is tough

Right now life is just a mess! I totally understand that I am in the heart of a test and I am trying to stay patient to help find the path that I am suppose to take next, but damn, this is not an easy test! 

Our lives have changed so much. We lost one of our dogs, he was ten.  It was really hard for everyone to lose him.  We moved, and our life is crazy!  We then, lost another one of our dogs, which was heartbreaking to lose them both this year, a few months apart. 

From there, we should say, my life is crazy.  Hubby's is too- he  is working so much that I have had to take on working full time, taking care of the kids alone, taking care of household duties from garbage to all the cleaning, paying the bills, etc.  I feel like I am a single mom and it sucks.  I dont know if I would feel better if I didnt have to do the full time job on top of everything else, frankly I feel like i have three full time jobs.  This is something that Hubby does NOT understand.
I am trying SO hard to be patient, not nag, not say much of ANYTHING to him.  It just sucks because he honestly believes that I dont understand what he is going through and how his sleep is messed up and he is working 10 hour days, and he hates his life.  This has been said more than once and honestly, it hurts.  I get that he is working crazy, but what the heck are we going to get in this world if we dont work.  Frankly, I have worked our entire relationship- he, on the other hand, has been flying by the seat of his pants more than employed, which I am sure has been an adjustment.  On top of all that, I am trying to be sympathetic, but, as a MOTHER- my sleep schedule has been all messed up for 4 years! I was the one who got up all night for both kids, on top of getting up at 4:30 AM to go to work- then home, no naps, to take care of kids and clean house until 10 PM.  So, I try very hard to have sympathy- but sometimes I bring up these facts- which are me, making it all about me! I call this- ONLY CHILD SYNDROME- which Hubby suffers from!!!

To this day, I get maybe, six hours sleep on a good night! I still don't get naps and free time to myself is NON-EXISTENT! Life of a MOM!  But I guess because he is working 10 hours and requires 8-9 hours of sleep, I should feel bad.. My sarcasm could cut through ice here.

I am venting right now, but it has to be done.  I should be telling him all this- the sacrafices I have made since we have gotten married or had children.  I have NO- ZERO- NONE, free time.. I am with child all the TIME!  But, yet, I am trying to be calm and deal, even though this Mommy needs a BREAK!!! 

I hear that when communication is to take place that I try to make it all about me or I take it as I am being blamed - so we just dont discuss, which, Im not a rocket scientist here, but is blaming ME now, for why we dont talk.  I dont talk because I feel like I am never being heard. Communication is a mother... 
I know that all this is normal and somehow, we will survive.  After all, we survived remodeling with my parents- that is no small token there!  Some days are better than others, right now, its all just tough but I know at the end of the day, God has a plan and our lives are in his hands.

Best quote I can muster is: 
'Spending time with the kids is not a consolation prize. It is the PRIZE.'
Derek Shepherd, Grey's Anatomy S10E6
And yes- I believe this- we have good days and bad days but in the end, I am thankful for them or my life would be VERY lonely!

Thats my bitch for tonight everyone!!

Life is Tough but I am Tougher

Anyone want to play telephone?

Today at work was CRAZY!  I got pulled into the bosses office about a rumor that I got another job!  I was like, huh, what?  Thinking to myself- wow, where and how much? Right..
Turns out, another employee in my department heard from another unknown person... that I got another job.  So, after re-assuring my boss, I decided to hunt down the sole person I said anything, about anything..to and not to my surprise, it wasn't from her- which I had already cancelled out but was wondering if she had heard anything from outside of the department, but no.
So, I track down the person who went to the boss- comes to find out the mystery person said "Sorry about your loss with the girls" which is talking about myself and my co-worker.
So, to sum this all up - I felt like I was playing a game from my childhood, called TELEPHONE!
What a day!!!

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