When adding a baby to your family is
NOT what you expected...

But then, here I am, three l o n g years later and somehow it all makes perfect sense! I mean, basically, we made a best friend for our oldest at the time, but today (and yes, since she was born to this earth) we have the most beautiful, amazing little lady that I honestly could not image my life without. (and this is to be said for my first born also!)

I am only reflecting on this topic now because it is amazing how often I will be so out of my mind frustrated that I catch myself wondering why I ever had kids in the first place...and guess what, I laugh. I am not even kidding. I probably look like a lunatic- being in a rage then laughing out loud as I think about something funny my three year old did or something totally off the wall that my five year old said. I think that my purpose all along in this life was to be a Mom, whether I always remember that or not. There are so many greats about it...and yes, so, so many not greats, but it gets me out of bed each day, and also puts me back in it far to early at night!

I guess the moral of the story is, what would I do if we had not expanded our family? That is just as simple to answer...probably be bored out of my mind. (Not that my five year old is not FUN..but she would have been one lonely kid)
So, for all those who gave the advice to me when I was pregnant those many years ago with my second baby...it has not been terrible. It has not been hellish.. It has been a journey that I have at least fifteen more years to travel! (of course, it is way more!) Our life is busy. Our life is crazy at times (you would love to be a fly on the wall in our house in the mornings...while three girls get ready, quietly, as Hubby is fast asleep!) Our life is magical at times (thanks Disney!) but it is our life and much better as a four pack!!!
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