Monday, October 6, 2014

Motivational Monday...Get MOVING

Get up and Get Moving...

How much more Motivational can I get, right!  I am not trying to get H A R S H at you all, but if I were talking to myself, in some crazy way that is weird and, did I mention... crazy, this is what I would say!  No excuses today- GET MOVING! 

I guess the first step is getting out of bed, right!  Then get moving. Yes, I mean more than just that awesome "Wake Up Shower" or the movements you do with the blow drying by flipping your hair... Pop in a DVD, T25 perhaps and put on your "best" workout clothes and sweat!  

If mornings are hard for you, I know the feeling too!  I mean, you have to go to work perhaps, or get your kids off to school...morning can be downright hectic- but no excuses right! So, you don't make this happen in the morning, fine...but MAKE IT HAPPEN! If that means on a lunch hour, or in the early evening when you have dinner finished and kids are winding down...perhaps you are a late night-er- whatever works for you. Maybe you get some time to run to the gym...I am jealous!  This is not an option in my current life with Hubby, Kids, work and trying to stay on top of schedules! But, the no gym time does NOT mean that I don't have to work out- it just means that I get to be more creative about my workout- right! 

I think that we all have things that we want to change about ourselves. I think this is a fair statement. Maybe some people don't think that we do maybe sometimes those people are our inner voices- but is it a terrible thing to want to be healthy? Ask yourself this one question...Are you looking for a life style change or a quick fix?  That is so important when it comes to setting your goals, long term.  I think you all know why... A quick fix can be for the moment.  I mean setting that goal of fitting into a dress for a wedding (yours or someone else's) is great, but when you reach that goal, is that it?  Or do you keep going? What is your next finish line? 

Maybe you have a really great pair of pants that you are dying to get back into...what are you going to do about it?  Well...Get moving, right! 

Today is Monday and a great day to START the road to a NEW you... (Plus, You get me on your journey too, because it is time for me to buckle down!)  The best part is, if you have kids, they are going to want to get moving too! They are excellent motivation and will definitely keep you in check (if they are anything like my own) because they think that moving and grooving is so much fun!

So, do ME a favor today- I promise it won't take much of your steps here- it's OUR first day of working out, we are taking this seriously, to the extreme and we are going to improve our lives, our selves, the way we look, feel and most of!  Are you ready!  I just need 20 minutes, three times a day- that is all!  That is 1 hour and it is NOT even all at once.  

We are going to start with a quick 20 minute workout in the morning or at lunch time or when you can fit it in, then another quick 20 minute workout later in the day and then another quick 20 minute workout before bed- which is the best because it clears your mind and will help you get a good night sleep as well!

Can you commit to that?  I am here too!  I am going to be doing the same workout, pushing myself to make these workouts happen and sharing the motivation with you each and every day.  We are going to set a small goal for this workout- we are going to go this 20 minute workout three times a day (that 60 minutes total commitment from you) and only for 1 week.  We are going to meet back here on Monday, 10/13 and see where we are at, how we feel and what we should move onto.  Deal?  

I have a Comment Box at the bottom of my page and if you are planning on participating, please fill it out.  Be accountable to me, as I will be to you and I promise we will see results! Share how you feel about the workout. Share how you are eating?  Share your numbers on the scale- I know it is hard, but it is accountability, right!

So, today is DAY #1.  I am standing on the scale at #130.  I am going to start my first 20 at 11:00 a.m. today, followed by another push at 7:00 p.m. and the last push at 10:00 p.m.  I am here with you, pushing you - but don't forget to push me back!

Let's do this!

Ready.  Set.  Go.


Warm-Up  (do this for 20 seconds/each)
 Jog in Place
Cross Toe-touches
Jumping Jacks

Workout  (do three times a day)
10 pushups
20 sit ups
25 squats
20 lunges (10 each leg)
80 Jumping Jacks
60 Second Wall Sit

We got this!  Let's DO IT!


P.S. I am a Beachbody Coach.  I will be using Shakeology in my plan. Does this mean you have to?  Heck No!  But, to be fair and HONEST, I need to make this known.  This Shako gives me energy and helps me get through my day and my workouts feeling great.  I also want to incorporate some Beachbody programs later in our goal setting.  I just have a hard time pinning down 1 program because I have quite a few and mix and match to how I feel on a particular day.  I will do my best to pick one plan down the road and stick with it for my readers sake!

Feel free to comment, please, and share your experiences, thoughts and ideas!  
They are ALWAYS welcome and encouraged!

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