What are your New Years Plans? Parties? Low Key? Dinner & a Movie? Relaxing on the couch?
Maybe your just planning to pop the top on some Asti and kiss the one you love as the clock strikes Midnight? Maybe you have a Gala event where you get to dress up and drink bubbly out of real glasses, wearing masks and confetti fills your hair and glass at Midnight?
How about plans for 2015? Aspirations? Goals? Resolutions?
Think it through. It is not an easy process. I mean, how many years have you made those darn resolutions and then...come April...your have already ruined them? (Maybe even sooner!)
Why don't you be clear and honest with yourself? I mean setting goals is a great thing, setting limitations and working hard at staying on track, but don't forget to be REALISTIC!

I would also love to say that I want to get fit again...(like every year!) and work on being a BETTER Mom (Hey, I have made HUGE leaps and bounds this past year!), of course patience still needs some handling and I would love to get things here at Gray Gables Farms tied up. We are so close but yet...so far away!
Another BIG goal is to unload our former residence. Right now it is a Rental and I hate that! I mean, it is such a great house, clean, nice and a lot of love went into that home that I am hoping to put it on the market and find a buyer that will appreciate it as much as we did.
Let 2015 be THE YEAR of greatness! It is time to make my Dreams come true, do what I truly love and become more inspired than ever in my life!
Here's to hoping you are able to make your dreams come true, your resolutions meet fruition and a great start to a great year!
Happy New Year all!