Friday, September 4, 2015

8 tips for Creating a Writing Routine

“Oh, you write books?” said with sheer skepticism. 
Yes. I might not be for "realz" published (self published though), but I do LOVE to write. I mean, I am writing right now...aren't I?  (I am not a robot) 

But, with this [over] loaded question usually comes the time question, 
I mean, truth be told, my life is pretty busy
  • Work
  • kids
  • hubby
  • life
  • housework
  • food
  • planning
  • Did I mention WORK

Really, does the list ever stop?  So, well, basically my life is like everyone else's except I like LOVE to write on top of all that. My love is so real that I get writers guilt (yea, it's a thing)  if I go all day and don't say a word. I feel like I have lost my voice...or something?

But, just like that, with all those things that crowd my day, I can lose my time to write. (I joke that I should carry along a recorder because ideas POP into my head all day long)  That is when I started thinking about the BIGGER picture

(eye roll!) 

I am O.C.D. (true story) This is not a secret by any means. I love organization. Crave a place for everything. Am easily annoyed by that darn piece of lint on the floor (yes, it matches the floor) that only I seem to be able to see, quite clearly, I might add
So, how do we get organized with our writing?
Here are some helpful steps to help us on our way:
1. Create a Retreat. I know that you must be saying, hmph...OK.  But, this is key
You need to be at your most vulnerable to produce content that your soul bleeds out on the pages. You need to start this process by surrounding yourself with things that get you comfortable, make you happy, relaxed and inspired

A great oil to help with this, is lavender, as it is very soothing and has a calming effect on your senses. (Wellness with Kel

2. Organize your week. Buy a planner. Dedicate it to your writing only. 

Make a weekly plan on a Sunday night, in peace and quiet. It is best to treat this task like homework in many ways. 

Your week will get busy if you wait until the last minute, so take some time (perhaps while Hubby is watching the Sunday night football game
and look at your week and think about what you want to accomplish for the week, what you want to accomplish for the day and where you want to begin for the following week. 

I have a dedicated planner and a notebook that I make my schedule in for the week to help to keep me on point. I have it broke down by topic, title, date and posted to. It has helped me stay on task, be more creative and track what is working and what it not. 

3. Get Dressed. Sounds pretty obvious, right... I mean, if you want to treat your writing professionally... than ditch the P.J.'s already.  No more writing in the bed. No more watching T.V. while writing. (OK, Mom) 
The thing is...if you are serious, I mean really serious, then it is time to take this serious.  
  • Brush your teeth! 
  • Shower! 
  • Put on real clothes 

and give your writing the respect that it deserves. 

4. Keep your NOTES near you!  You need to organize everything...notes too. 
My tip for you all: 
  • Get a binder 
  • Buy some tabbed dividers
  • If you write out your notes, have a space for them
  • If you keep your notes electronic (i.e. Evernote) it is time to Hit Print. 

The key is to have everything in one nice, organized, easy to manipulate place
And, once you are organized it is important to keep them near your retreat area. I mean, obviously you want them handy (think blues clues people- write it in your Handy Dandy Notebook! ~your welcome Wendy!) 
The goal is to be able to have a reference place.
Mark Divider
So, now we are organized, but the writer's block has settled in and it is not looking like it will be letting go anytime soon.  Maybe the time has come to change things up.  
If you stay complacent for to long, things around you can grow stale, writing included. 

1. Change your Viewpoint. Instead of telling yourself that you can't do something because you have writing to do..(drag) Try telling yourself that you don't do those things because you are a writer?  Yes, it is kind of a trick on your mind, but will help your perception in the long run, when it comes to staying focused on the positive
I mean, do you even know HOW disappointed I was to find out that Big Brother was not on until after 11 p.m. last night? (I was pretty upset)  
The biggest, and best decision I have made to date is turning the T. V. off at nine o'clock and focusing solely on my writing until I have said what is needed
Some nights it is harder to do than others, but discipline helps me through this task.

2. Snack anyone?  Did you know that when you eat a small and healthy snack throughout your day it actually boosts your brain power?  
It helps you stay focused.  Fuel this snack attack with water or tea, and if you are not a fan of a snack (say what?) then try chewing a piece of gum to trick your brain into thinking that you are eating. It might not give you the brain power, but it will help to keep you alert

3. Work in Batches. I think that this is something that I had to learn, and something that I will continue to learn. 
To sit down and write...and write...and write is not the best way to produce quality work because you are just writing, not reflecting
If you want to take intervals, try setting an alarm on your oh, so, smart phone to scream "cut". Once you have finished your interval, take a five to ten minute breather. 
  • Stretch.
  • Check your Facebook page.
  • Pour yourself a cup of hot cocoa. 

Then when break time if over, set your timer and pick up where you left off. (I would suggest that you don't take the time to proof here because it can break your flow)  
The goal is to complete as many batches as you can
I batch write about four times a week. It is an excellent way for me to clear my head at the end of the week and to help me improve on my writing
The added bonus is the surprise you will get when you have finished your last day to see your progression of words produced in these batch sessions!
Plus, I always tell my girls that Practice makes perfect, right!  
Batch writing is like practicing my writing skills four times a week!

4. Create your Routine.  You need to create consistency in your life to improve your skills as a writer
Taking 10 minutes every day to write will always be better than taking one hour at the end of the week. 
I get that the goal is to write that novel that you have been dreaming about. 
It is a big dream after all. 
Well, Big Dreams take lots of work. To achieve this goal you need to make it happen

Dream Big, Work Small.  
Create a routine and chip at your dream by writing a little each day. At the end of that week you spent those batches on, look over what you have done. 
Each batch session will turn into one chapter, then two chapters, then more and more
The progress you will make will be seen in these sessions and it will come together. 
The Big Dream will be reality. 
Mark Divider

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