Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day 14- Remember...being a MOTHER is a GIFT!

I will hold you tight, support you, guide you, teach you, hug you, protect you, and love you with all my heart and soul... 


Since the day you were born and until I draw my last breath, all that I am is YOURS.    I Love you.  (unk)

It is the hardest JOB that I have ever had.  It requires lots of hours, overtime and wearing a lot of hats, and no weekend days off!  It is more than a JOB, really, it is a calling and a gift, wrapped into one.  I lack a job description, or I have yet to find one that fits, as I have rolled the die twice now and the book I could have written for my first born would have gotten thrown out of the window with my second!  They are each unique in their own way, which requires a unique approach to parenting to go with that. (Fun, when your oldest is five and knows that you handled her parenting completely different and CALLS YOU OUT ON IT!) 

Hey, it is just part of the job!  

Would I trade it ?  HECK NO!  I mean, seriously, there are moments when life is chaotic , hectic and say that least...and I sit there and think to myself, hmm..what would I have been doing six years ago.  The answer is simple... NOT THIS!  And guess what, I just remember life being crazy boring.  Is that weird?  Totally, right!  But, it is so true.  I have said before, my kiddos will go for an overnight with their Grandparents and our house is eerily enough to make you mental! That is weird!  I sit here in the quiet house, with my Hubby and all I can think of is those rotten little brats..ehh, my precious little girls.  (They are good kids!) 

I mean, should I not be thinking about how great it feels to not have my kids, bugging me so much I can not even sit down and enjoy a movie with my Hubby?  Well, maybe that is true, but that is NOT what is going on.  I think it effects Hubby too!  I know they get talked about a lot when they are absent. Probably more so than when they are hoovering around us. 

Truth be told, I do feel that my role as a Mom is a gift.  It is a blessing to have perfect kids and to be able to live my days with them in my life.  It aint always easy, but it has its own rewards! 

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