Sunday, December 15, 2013

Weekend Update

Well our weekend went by fast! 

Friday night it was just me and Ms. 2yo. Ms. 4 yo stayed over with my Parents to help decorate the Xmas tree.  Ms. 2yo fell asleep by my side at 7:45 p.m. While watching Dora.  So it was a QUIET night!  I got all my wrapping done. I also found out I was severally uneven in my efforts and had to make some last minute online orders.  We also have a mouse problem so traps were going off all night. Eek!

Saturday was a white one!  We got LOTS of snow and it just wouldn't stop.  We had to go pick up Ms. 4 yo across town. We got stuck in the dang driveway and my anxiety was on overdrive!  The 4wd was not working in my SUVY.  what a way to start winter.   But we got her and made it home safe and sound. Hubby had to venture back out for work and I had to rally my rowdy troops.  I got them all to bed, after playdoh fun, before 9. Then something crazy happened.  I crashed!  I woke up around midnight thanks to mouse traps again. 

Today was the best day yet. We got up, had breakfast  and stayed reasonably quiet until 2pm. Hubby got up, watched the Bears And We Headed Out into winter wonderland.  Errands.  Got back before 6 and went out to play in the snow. Well Kait hated it and was ready to come in before 7!  She said she was freezing !  Kam stayed out till 730. Hot cocoa warmed their bellies and to bed they went.
Another great but fast weekend!!

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