Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Channeling a Writer- Day 22

Writing Challenge Word of the Day:


I had awoken to the same stark white, bright room that I had been in before. Just a few days before in fact.  I saw Mac sitting by my side.  My hand felt warm, sensations coming to as I felt his hand move within my own, the warmth leaving before I felt the entire heat.

"You have got to stop doing that." Mac said with a smile lighting up his sleep deprived face. 

"What happened." I said through my groggy voice. "I don't remember." I said as I started to shift into a different position. I felt as if I had been lying in the same position for a month, bedsores starting to form on my backside.

"Sh." he spoke. His eyes were serious. "Kat, stay put please.  You were shot. You lost a lot of blood and it put you back into a coma."

Alarm shot through me.  Isn't one coma bad enough, let alone another one within an ear shot of the first, I wondered to myself. 

"You were out for three weeks. Three damn weeks." he said as he started to cry. His emotions were running full force and it was all my fault. I had never seen this man cry and we had been through hell and back since partnering up. 

I did a natural motion and reached for his hand, which was still lying on the bed.  I held tight, the guilt of this moment taking over me. 

"Where?" was all I could get out. 

He looked at me quizzically. "Right there." he said reach to touch my rib-cage on the right side.  It was heavy with bandages. "It was so close to your heart. The doctors were worried and with the blood loss, it was touch and go for you." 

"Who did it?  Who shot me? Danny?" 

He just nodded. My whole world had been flipped upside down in the month since everything had happened. My Sister could not have known any of this would happen, but it was her fault. My anger towards her was growing, desecrating my memory of a person who was an equal, my sibling. A person who I had grown up with, worried about, cared for and looked after. 

Before I could speak out loud, a Shaman came into my room. He had been called in by my Mother to heal my lingering soul. Obviously, with me awake, his services were not needed, nor did I think that Mac was going to let this fly whether I has come to or not. His face was twisted and distorted in all sorts of confusion by the sight of such a thing. 

"It is of my Mothers belief that when you are pained or hurt you have the Shaman come to your side and heal you from this pain. It is something that my Sister had done a lot growing up, as she just could not seem to get her sol aligned. Or so thought my Parents." 

I wanted nothing more than to leave this hospital room. A circus if I may.  I wanted to get my clothes and sneak out, stopping by McDonald's for something off the new Healthier menu and to pig out. I knew that I would never do this, I would wait it out for discharge, but I was ready, so ready.


Well hello.  

It is yet, another crazy week in our household!  Drum roll please... 

I am sick again. YES, again. I said it.  Back to sore throat and losing my voice- round 3.  Guess who is grumpy as hell...RAISING MY HAND HERE!
It is getting ridiculous. (right!) 

Then, Hubby threw out his back late Sunday evening (unbeknownst to me) and just as it was feeling better yesterday (before he had to go to work) he put more wood into the Wood Boiler (scene of the crime the first time too) and threw it out AGAIN

Needless to say, he could NOT go to work, had to call his Doc who directed him to the ER- where he sat for four hours and got some muscle relaxers and a slip for 2 days off from work- problem is, where he works, he is now considered off on Medical and NEEDS a 5 day slip!   Oh the fun

So, he is off work. 

That is my DRAMA filled life. I hate drama- have I mentioned that before. BRING IT, I guess....

I hope you all are doing well! 

How is our word of the day challenging you?

So not going to lie, this one was tough.  I had to work it in, not sure if I am to confident with the how I did that, but I looked up the proper definition to make sure I used in within context. 

Keep in mind- we are in day 22 already! 

Keep Writing!


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