Thursday, January 8, 2015

Channeling a Writer- Day 3 (Yes, I am LATE!)

It has been a busy day! It is a wonderfully warm -1 degrees outside today with a windchill of -28!  Oh YES! Makes me want to go find the SUN that is teasing us so, and lay out....RIGHT!

Right now the TV is blarring Parenthood and my kiddos are tucked in tight and I am finally....sitting down to BLOG my little heart out!

Let's get to it!




She put on her coat. Hat. Mittens.  She bundled herself up trying to find the warmth within, knowing that just beyond those entry doors lies a winter wonderland.  One that she was pretty sure Elsa herself had put into motion. North Mountain is what this vibrant five year old has discovered.  

The first step outside proves her theory. The wind caught her coat first, whipping her little body in the immediate direction of the dreaded bus stop to wait for the four minutes that it took for the bus, that was now in view, to come to the restless stop at the end of the drive. 

She walked quietly, one foot in front of the other.  Her only stop was at the stone pillars that introduced Gray Gables to the outside world, greeting them tall and proud. Her teeth started to chatter as the yellow school bus pulled to a stop.  The visible cold showing on her pale face as she walked to the bus to take her seat in the warmth that greeted her, kindly.


Yes, my Kindergartener is my inspiration this evening, as she is fresh on my mind with her sweet heart and the impeding details on whether or not there will be school tomorrow!  Right now, we are on a 2 hour delay.  I say - Sissies!  They let them have a SNOW DAY today- why not tomorrow too?  FRIDAY!!

Short and sweet tonight!  You all have a great evening and I will put this on my agenda for tomorrow!  (consistency!)


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